Top Items:

Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face — Woman Robbed, Attacked With Knife At Bloomfield ATM — PITTSBURGH — A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said. — Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard …

McCain supporter maimed for her politics by robber; Update: Photo — A 20-year-old woman got robbed at an ATM in a Pittsburgh suburb, and normally that would not make national news. However, her robber wanted to make a political statement as well. After seeing a McCain bumper sticker on her car …
Ace of Spades HQ, Gateway Pundit, Spin Cycle,, The Campaign Spot and Ed

Palin In 2012: The Argument — There's a suspicion in some McCain loyalist precincts that Gov. Sarah Palin is beginning to play the Republican base against John McCain — McCain won't let her campaign in Michigan...McCain won't let her bring up Jeremiah Wright... McCain doesn't like her terrorist pal talks....

McCain: ‘She needed clothes’ — John McCain defended the Republican National Committee's decision Thursday to spend more than $150,000 dollars on clothing and accessories for running mate Sarah Palin. — “She needed clothes at the time,” McCain told a group of Florida reporters.
Spin Cycle

Hasselbeck to Campaign for Palin
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

MEDIA REFUSING TO REPORT, INSISTS CONTRIBUTIONS ARE REAL— DESPITE OCT. 9 NYT REPORT NOTING FICTITIOUS CONTRIBUTORS — Bumped; Sticky. Will remain top story for an hour. Updates linked at post's end. Fresh posts follow this one. — Mark Steyn cautions, though: Stop donating just to test it out.

Not a Bombshell: Barack Obama's Campaign Website Encourages Fraudulent Donations's Lax Security Opens Door to Online Donor Fraud
The Campaign Spot

EXCLUSIVE: McCain lambastes Bush years — ‘We just let things get completely out of hand’ — NEWSMAKER INTERVIEW: — ABOARD THE STRAIGHT TALK AIR — Sen. John McCain on Wednesday blasted President Bush for building a mountain of debt for future generations, failing to pay for expanding Medicare …

Greenspan Concedes to ‘Flaw’ in His Market Ideology — Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) — Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said a “once-in-a-century credit tsunami” has engulfed financial markets and conceded that his free-market ideology shunning regulation was flawed.

Greenspan Concedes Error on Regulation — Facing a firing line of questions from Washington lawmakers, Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman once considered the infallible maestro of the financial system, admitted on Thursday that he “made a mistake” in trusting that free markets …

Poll: Obama edges ahead of McCain in Montana — Eds: APNewsNow. Will be led. — By MATT GOURAS Asscoiated Press Writer HELENA, Mont. (AP) A new poll shows that Democrat Barack Obama could be edging ahead of Republican John McCain in Montana. — Obama is at 44 percent and John …
Riehl World View

Wardrobe Mysteries Linger — About that wardrobe ... There are still aspects of the Republican National Committee's shopping sprees on behalf of Gov. Sarah Palin and her family that are murky. — Some of the fashion experts consulted Wednesday, for instance, about the $150,000 in purchases …
Washington Monthly

The Full Obama Interview — Q] I want to ask you some questions about the way you make decisions and then some questions about issues. To me the signal decision of this election was the way you chose your vice-president and the way he chose his. You are known for deliberation and being a rational decision-maker.

Far-right Austrian leader sacked for revealing gay affair with Jörg Haider — The successor of the Austrian far-right leader Jörg Haider was dismissed yesterday after he revealed a “special” relationship “far beyond” friendship with his former mentor.

Council Votes, 29 to 22, to Extend Term Limits — (Photos: James Estrin/The New York Times) — After a spirited, emotional and at times raucous debate, the New York City Council voted, 29 to 22, on Thursday afternoon to extend term limits, allowing Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg …

Gallup Daily: Obama Has Modest Lead Among Likely Voters — Size of margin four or six points depending on turnout assumptions — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows Barack Obama running ahead of John McCain among likely voters — 50% to 46% using the “traditional” …

NYT'S UNFORGETTABLE HIRE: BONO — Like Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter before him, New York Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal sees something special in a certain teensy Gaelic man who refuses to remove his sunglasses. That's right, the Timesman announced last night …

Breaking: New poll shows Russell over Murtha, 48-35 — A Pennsylvania source has just leaked me brand spanking new poll data showing GOP upstart Bill Russell leading John Murtha among over 800 probable voters by 48-35. — This comes on top of the Susquehanna poll showing Murtha ahead …

Someone Put On His Thinking Cap — From a reader: … Update: Hey, enraged lefty blog minions emailing me with all this name-calling b.s.: A) Calm down, I was being sarcastic, not serious. B) What are you people so furious about? That your candidate will continue to get more fraudulent donations?

Prop 8 a Toss-Up — A ‘yes’ vote on California Proposition 8 would amend the state's constitution to prohibit gay marriage. A ‘no’ vote would maintain the constitution, which the California Supreme Court ruled in May provides equal protection for gay marriage.

Turning the Page from Campaign Finance Fraud . . . What is the deal with Obama's birth certificate and citizenship status? — Pamela Gellers at Atlas Shrugs raises some apparent shenanigans with the birth certificate the Obama campaign previously produced.
Sadly, No!

Too lib to fail? — In her report on Moody's possible downgrading of The New York Times to junk status, Michelle Malkin concludes with a throwaway line: — Anyone smelling a bailout plea coming on? — I hadn't thought about it like that but now you mention it, it sounds all too plausible.

McCain Shifting His Ad Spending From Kerry States To Bush States, A New Analysis Finds — In another sign that John McCain is on the defensive as time runs out, the McCain campaign is shifting its ad money out of blue tossup states and into red tossups and even traditionally red states, according to ad maven Evan Tracey.
Associated Press, Washington Monthly, Newsweek Blogs, Taegan Goddard's … and The Washington Independent

Money & Business — Home > Money & Business > Capital Commerce > Would Obama, Dems Kill 401(k) Plans? — Would Obama, Dems Kill 401(k) Plans? — I hate to use the “S” word, but the American government would never do something as, well, socialist as seize private pension funds, right?

DEFINING ‘ELITE’.... It's a little jarring to hear John McCain and Sarah Palin complain about “elites.” We are, after all, talking about two wealthy and powerful Republican politicians. And yet, complain they do. — In the second part of his interview with the members of the Republican ticket …

Quiet in the peanut gallery — Matt Taibbi shreds Byron York into little tiny pieces … I love Matt Taibbi's work. I just wish that when he has no idea what he is talking about, he would shut the hell up, rather than making an awkward public. Of course, in this exchange he looks …
Media Blog

AM Polls Show Surprisingly Large Leads for Obama — New polling this morning from the Big Ten polling consortium and Quinnipiac University present a view of what the world might look like if Barack Obama wins in a landslide. — The Big Ten polls have Obama ahead by double digits in ten Midwestern states …
Top of the Ticket, Salon, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather, Taegan Goddard's …, Liberal Values, Political Machine and The Moderate Voice

Sarah Palin: My Wedding Hope for Bristol — Now that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter has celebrated her 18th birthday, the GOP vice-presidential candidate says she's hoping Bristol and fiancé Levi Johnston - who are expecting a baby in December - will tie the knot well before the date next summer the young couple had been eyeing.