Top Items:

Palin Fears Media Threaten Her First Amendment Rights — ABC News' Steven Portnoy reports: In a conservative radio interview that aired in Washington, D.C. Friday morning, Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin said she fears her First Amendment rights may be threatened by …

Sarah Palin speaks on the First Amendment — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — Somehow, in Sarah Palin's brain, it's a threat to the First Amendment when newspapers criticize her negative attacks on Barack Obama. This is actually so dumb that it hurts:
Buck Naked Politics, The Heretik, DownWithTyranny!, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and A Tiny Revolution

Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’ — On the stump this week, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has pushed back against Sen. John McCain's description of his tax policies. — “The reason that we want to do this, change our tax code, is not because I have anything …

Former Reagan adviser endorses Obama — (CNN) — Former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein told CNN's Fareed Zakaria this week he intends to vote for Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday. — Duberstein said he was influenced by another prominent Reagan official - Colin Powell - in his decision.
Jonathan Martin's Blogs, American Prospect, The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith's Blogs, Top of the Ticket, Salon, Booman Tribune, Washington Monthly, The Jed Report, AMERICAblog News, Comments from Left Field, Matthew Yglesias, Hotline On Call, Raising Kaine, JammieWearingFool and Liberal Values

PURGE: SKEPTICAL REPORTERS TOSSED OFF OBAMA PLANE — NY POST, DALLAS MORNING NEWS, WASHINGTON TIMES TOLD TO GET OUT... ALL 3 ENDORSED MCCAIN — The Obama campaign has decided to heave out three newspapers from its plane for the final days of its blitz across battleground states …

Olbermann crashes SNL set — Ben Affleck, who's hosting “Saturday Night Live” this week, was rehearsing a skit this afternoon mocking Keith Olbermann when Olbermann himself got past security to watch, according to a source with knowledge of the incident. — A source described the skit as …
The Dish Rag,, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Associated Press and Liberal Values

Team McCain conference call: polling — With a mere four days left, the polls have begun to tighten in the presidential race. Pennsylvania appears within the margin of error, and a last-minute surprise could turn the race in McCain's favor — or so they would like to think.

Studs Terkel dies — The author-radio host-actor-activist and Chicago symbol has died. “My epitaph? My epitaph will be ‘Curiosity did not kill this cat,’” he once said. — Terkel is honored on his 95th birthday at the Chicago History Museum during a broadcast on WFMT.
Chicago Breaking News, Balkinization, The Mahatma X Files, Outside The Beltway and Gawker

The Big Empty — As the only reporter during this election who has actually visited upwards of 50 of John McCain's field offices around the country (13 battleground states and counting), this piece by Matthew Mosk at the Washington Post comes as no surprise:

Gallup Daily: Obama's Lead Widens Some on All Bases — Advances to 8-point lead among “traditional likely voters” — PRINCETON, NJ — The political landscape could be improving for Barack Obama in the waning days of the campaign. Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Oct. 28-30 shows …
Liberal Values, The Strata-Sphere, Comments from Left Field, Political Machine, The Swamp, Wizbang, TalkLeft, Below The Beltway and Donklephant

What if it's really close? — Rush Limbaugh highlighted this yesterday, and it's subsequently getting picked up on the blogosphere today. It is, putatively, the work of a repentant Hillary staffer who moved to the Obama campaign and is appalled by what she's learned of their deviousness and scheming …

El Rushbo's Gut Starts to Speak! — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: My gut is starting to talk to me, ladies and gentlemen. As you know and as I discussed over the course of the previous week, my gut was not giving me any indication whatsoever, and my gut started talking to me last night.
First Draft

Doonesbury declares a winner — The Doonesbury strip for Wednesday is set in Iraq with his military characters sitting around a television as Obama is declared the next President of the United States. — Risky? Reckless? — Not for a cartoonist, but there's some discussion …

Chuck Todd's state-by-state election guide — NBC's political director tells you what to expect in each state on Tuesday — WASHINGTON - There are a number of smart election previews out there. — Ready for one more? — Here are the things I'm watching for in every state, on every level.

Obama Is Up, and Fans Fear That Jinxes It — In the den of his home in New Hope, Pa., a liberal Democrat sits tap-tapping at his computer. — Jon Downs works the electoral vote maps on Yahoo like a spiritualist shaking his Ouija board. He calibrates and recalibrates: Give Senator John McCain Ohio, Missouri, even Florida.

Judge orders Coffman to stop continued voter purge — A federal judge today angrily ordered Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman to stop purging names on the state's voter registration rolls. — The judge's order came in a telephone hearing this afternoon that was the latest clash between Coffman …

re: “She's gone, oh I, oh I — I'd better learn how to face it ...” — Man I love a good bad Eighties song. But on Peggy, I think I understand and even admire what she's doing. I think she's looking beyond the election and saying, if President Obama happens, take a deep breath.

State employee says she was ordered to check out Joe the Plumber — Vanessa Niekamp said that when she was asked to run a child-support check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher on Oct. 16, she thought it routine. A supervisor told her the man had contacted the state agency about his case.
Michelle Malkin

AZ-Pres: Neck and neck, and check out 2010 — Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 10/28-30. Likely voters. MoE 4% (No trend lines) … I can't believe we may actually win Arizona. And I have a bonus treat for you guys: … Janet Napolitano is Arizona's governor, currently serving her second term.
The Moderate Voice, Liberal Values, Salon, Washington Wire, TalkLeft and AMERICAblog News

10 Reasons Why McCain Might Win — This is why it might happen. Not saying it will. — 1) One poll has undecided voters at 14 percent on the last weekend, which means most of them probably really aren't undecided, that they are either going to stay home or vote preponderantly for McCain and pull McCain across the finish line.

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild: Barack Obama's America — When Barack Obama announced that he was running for president he was very clear that, if elected, he planned “not just to hold an office, but to gather with you to transform a nation.” Twenty months after that statement in Springfield Illinois …

Documents show how Ohio voting was routed to firm that handled Bush email accounts — Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio's Secretary of State's office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company.

Democrats gaining ground in crucial Senate race — (CNN) — If the Democrats reach their goal of capturing 60 seats in the Senate, North Carolina may be a major reason why. — Freshman Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole is trailing her Democratic opponent, Kay Hagan, by nine points …

Boehner stumps for McCain in Oxford — Following a three-week tour around the country campaigning for House Republicans, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) stumped for presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at Brick Street Bar and Grill.

McCain-Palin Focus on Ohio and Pennsylvania — As the campaign enters its final days, we can develop a good sense of where the campaigns think they stand. That's because campaigns have two scarce resources. The first is money. We can't track money directly, but we can track what it is buying - namely, television advertisements.

Docs detail alleged payment to Coleman's wife — A Texas businessman who claims he was forced to make $75,000 in secret payments to the wife of Minnesota Sen. Norman Coleman has produced documents showing cash transfers to an insurance firm that employs the senator's wife Laurie.