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McCain on ‘Saturday Night Live’ — Live from New York, it was Senator John McCain, saying that he was thinking of some radically different strategies for the last three days of the presidential race. — “I thought I might try a strategy called the Reverse Maverick,” Mr. McCain told his interviewer.
The Heretik

Down to the wire, Va. still too close to call, poll shows — The earliest signs of who will be the next president might spring from Virginia and how undecided white voters such as John Morris and Sidney Blankenbeckler cast their ballots. — “I'm pretty disappointed in Republicans right now …
TalkLeft, Taegan Goddard's …, TPM Election Central, PNJ, The Strata-Sphere, Commentary and Washington Post

Poll: Early Voters Strongly Prefer Obama — CBS News Survey Shows Democratic Ticket With 19 Point Edge Among Early Voters, 13 Point Lead Among Likely Voters Overall — (CBS) With just three days left until Election Day, a new CBS News poll finds that the Democratic presidential ticket …

WaPo-ABC Tracking: Nine Divided by 56 is... In a mere 56 hours, voters in Dixville Notch, NH will cast the first Election Day ballots of the 2008 contest, and in that time, John McCain will need to close a big gap among likely voters if he is to defeat Barack Obama.
JTA Election Central

Obama may lead Democratic landslide — McPain. — Barack Obama is beating John McCain in Iowa by a whopping 17 percentage points, according to the Iowa Poll published in today's Register. — Obama gets 54 percent of the vote, while McCain captures 37 percent among likely voters, according to the survey.

New Iowa Poll: Obama widens lead over McCain
Washington Monthly

THE TOWN-HALL MYTH.... In an otherwise complimentary column, David Broder notes one of his biggest disappointments about Barack Obama's campaign. … This is, almost word for word, the argument that John McCain has made since August to explain why he felt it necessary to take his sleazy campaign tactics into the gutter.
Washington Post

EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO— Obama Promises San Francisco Audience He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry!! — OBAMA TOLD A SAN FRANCISCO AUDIENCE THAT HE WILL BANKRUPT THE COAL INDUSTRY!!! — ATTN: Coal states Virginia , Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Indiana, guess what Obama told San Francisco about you?
A Blog For All

Republicans try to use Oxford don to smear Barack Obama — The Republicans have made a last-minute attempt to prevent Barack Obama's ascent to the White House by trying to recruit an Oxford academic to “prove” that his autobiography was ghostwritten by a former terrorist.

Pentagon official: Iran will soon be able to attack Europe — The head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency said Friday that Iran was not far from attaining the means to use missiles against all of Europe and against the US in five to six years, Israel Radio reported.

Osawatomie: the Weather Underground newspaper — Zomblog has obtained an extremely rare copy of the first issue of Osawatomie, a newspaper published by the Weather Underground in 1975. Noteworthy passages are reproduced below, along with exact transcriptions.

The single worst expression in American politics — Joe Biden, speaking yesterday at a rally in Ohio (h/t Jonathan Schwarz): … As I wrote a couple of weeks ago (see the last few paragraphs): if I could be granted one small political wish, it would be the permanent elimination of this widespread …

Unasked questions for Obama — With just two days to go before the presidential election, an election the chattering class has flatly declared to be the most consequential of our lifetimes - or, some would have you believe, ever - Barack Obama is playing a sort-of prevent defense, waiting for the clock to run out.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner — AND so: just how far have we come? — As a rough gauge last week, I watched a movie I hadn't seen since it came out when I was a teenager in 1967. Back then “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” was Hollywood's idea of a stirring call for racial justice.
Matthew Yglesias

In the '08 Horse Race, the Cart Pulls Ahead — “IT'S OVER,” wrote Charles M. Blow on the Op-Ed page of The Times 15 days ago. “I've studied the polls and the electoral map for months, and I no longer believe that John McCain can win.” Blow allowed as how a serious mistake by Barack Obama …

'My Heart and My Values Didn't Change' — In Bush, Loyalists See a Good and Steadfast Man Who Has Gotten a Bad Rap — On a cold, gray morning a week before Election Day, President Bush briefly emerged from the White House for an unannounced visit to the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Southeast Washington.

Guests for the Sunday TV news shows — By The Associated Press - 1 day ago — Guest lineup for the Sunday TV news shows: — ___ — ABC's “This Week” — David Axelrod, campaign adviser for Barack Obama; Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain. — ___