Top Items:

Details on Hillary-Barack Meeting — ABC News' Martha Raddatz reports: President-elect Barack Obama met with Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., Thursday in Chicago to discuss the possibility of the senator becoming secretary of state. — A source with knowledge of the transition process describes the meeting as not a hard offer.

Clinton, Richardson on Short List for Secretary of State — President-elect Barack Obama met Friday with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson in Chicago, Democratic sources said, and is under consideration to be Secretary of State in the Obama administration. — News of the meeting comes …

Clinton Met With Obama About Role In New Administration
Marc Ambinder, ATTACKERMAN,, Firedoglake, Spin Cycle, MyDD, Emptywheel, Open Left, D-Day, The Talent Show, Wonkette, The Politico, CNN, The Jed Report, Weekly Standard, Corrente and Salon

Bernie Sanders Joins Leahy In Demanding Ouster Of Lieberman From Chairmanship — Okay, we now have a second Senator who's stepped up and joined Senator Patrick Leahy in calling on Democrats to boot Joe Lieberman from his plum slot atop the Homeland Security committee.

Begich lead increases in race for Senate — Mark Begich has extended his lead over Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens to 1,022 votes with the latest count of absentee and questioned ballots. The Elections Division counted 14,508 ballots today. The count of absentee and questioned ballots will pick up Tuesday.

Alaska Senate: Begich Widens Lead Slightly — Democrat Mark Begich now leads Sen. Ted Stevens (R) by just over 1,000 votes with more than 90 percent of the total ballots now counted in the high-profile Alaska Senate race. — The Alaska Division of Elections counted another 14,500 votes …

Obama Hires Jarrett for Senior Role — Nearly two decades ago, Valerie Jarrett hired a young lawyer named Michelle Obama for a job at Chicago's City Hall. Now President-elect Barack Obama has hired Ms. Jarrett for a senior role in the White House. — Ms. Jarrett's role will be threefold …

Party Loyalist — Do you see the election results as a repudiation of your politics? — Our new president-elect won one and a half points more than George W. Bush won in 2004, and he did so, in great respect, by adopting the methods of the Bush campaign and conducting a vast army of persuasion to identify and get out the vote.

Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage — SACRAMENTO — Less than two weeks before Election Day, the chief strategist behind a ballot measure outlawing same-sex marriage in California called an emergency meeting here. — “We're going to lose this campaign if we don't get more money …
American Power, Time, Don Surber, Riehl World View, JammieWearingFool and DownWithTyranny!

“THE WAR IS OVER AND WE WON:” Michael Yon just phoned from Baghdad, and reports that things are much better than he had expected, and he had expected things to be good. “There's nothing going on. I'm with the 10th Mountain Division, and about half of the guys I'm with haven't fired their weapons …

Post-Guantánamo: A New Detention Law? — As a presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama sketched the broad outlines of a plan to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: try detainees in American courts and reject the Bush administration's military commission system.

A Ticket to The Hague for Dick Cheney?
DownWithTyranny!, War in Context, Liberty Street, Dyre Portents, Big Brass Blog, The Impolitic, Booman Tribune and The Heretik

BOBBY JINDAL STEPS UP. — The Republican ticket this year was notable for refusing to run on any policy innovations or substantive accomplishments whatsoever. In retrospect, most people think that a mistake. And so you're going to see a real effort in the GOP over the next few years …
Wonk Room

The Libertarian Temptation — A reader who, if not disgruntled, is certainly very far from being gruntled: … Hmm. As the parent of two teenagers, I come out in hives when someone tells me something is “cool.” As for “sexually repressed bigoted” etc.; I thought Sarah Palin kicked …
Balloon Juice

Israel infuriated by U.K. plan to label West Bank produce — Relations between Israel and Britain remained strained on Thursday over Downing Street's intention to label products manufactured in West Bank settlements, a week before the expected arrival of British Secretary of State for Foreign …
Israel Matzav

Israeli Candidate Borrows a (Web) Page From Obama — JERUSALEM — Click on the Russian-language version of the campaign Web site of Benjamin Netanyahu, the conservative Likud leader running for prime minister of Israel, and up pops a picture of him with Barack Obama. On the Hebrew version, Mr. Obama is not pictured.

Failure: For Our Future — Megan McArdle has been righteous on the Detroit bailout. The argument from justice is most hard-hitting in this post. Lots of companies fail. Lots of cities, built around those companies, decline. If employees of the Big Three deserve to have taxpayers pay part …

RISING TO THE MOMENT — We've been fielding emails all day in response to this morning's post on ‘drift’. And the ones that have particularly stuck out to me are the ones about bailing out the auto industry. Quite a few readers are of the opinion either that the Big Three are ground central …
Matthew Yglesias

Suspect in 14-year-old S.F. boy's slaying had avoided deportation — (11-13) 18:44 PST SAN FRANCISCO — A teenager accused of stabbing a 14-year-old boy to death in a gang-motivated attack had been given sanctuary from deportation under San Francisco's previous practice of shielding young …

Justices Agree to Hear Case on Anti-Clinton Film — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday added to its docket two cases arising from hard-fought elections, including one concerning whether a film critical of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and advertisements for it are subject to regulation under campaign finance law.
The Caucus

Michael Steele: ‘Obama campaign played the race card beautifully’ — Says McCain Should Have Hit Obama on Rev. Wright ... Promising this would be “the first of a series of conversations” with bloggers, former Maryland LG Michael Steele held a blogger conference call today to discuss his bid for RNC Chairman.