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OBAMA AL-ARABIYA INTERVIEW: FULL TEXT — Here is the full text of President Obama's interview with Al-Arabiya Arab TV Network: — INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT BY HISHAM MELHEM, AL ARABIYA — Map Room — Q Mr. President, thank you for this opportunity, we really appreciate it.
Weekly Standard, Commentary, Salon, Guardian, Marc Lynch, The Campaign Spot, Jihad Watch, Ablogistan and ONTD: Politics

Al-Hopiyah, Al Changiyah! — In the rubble of the United Nations compound, Gaza City, partially blown-up Mortar Pit No. 6: — Farouk: Look, Achmed! Ali, come quick. The new Emir of Amerikiyah, Sheikh Hussein Obama, is being interviewed by al-Arabiyah! Even before he speaks to his own people upon the TV, he speaks to us!

Obama's Interview On Arab Television — President Obama reached out to the Muslim world Monday in an exclusive interview on Arab television channel Al Arabiya. — “In all my travels throughout the Muslim world, what I've come to understand is that regardless of your faith …

Obama chooses Arab network for first TV interview — CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose an Arabic satellite TV network for his first formal television interview as president, delivering a message to the Muslim world that “Americans are not your enemy.”

The Al-Arabiya Move — It popped up on television last night and I had two reactions.
Discussion: Blog

Obama Interview Signals New Tone in Relations With Islam
New York Times, Washington Monthly, Runnin' Scared, Althouse, Washington Post and The Caucus

Boehner to GOP: Vote against stimulus — President Barack Obama is coming to the Capitol later today in a bid to curry favor with congressional Republicans. But it appears GOP leaders have already made up their minds to oppose his $825 billion stimulus plan.

Show Me the Votes — Unlike some, I'm not per se outraged by the idea of dropping a family planning provision from the stimulus bill in response to conservative objections. I'm all for the provision, but it's genuinely tangential to the point of the bill, so if this is really what's standing between us …

Obama Begs Waxman to Yank Birth Control from Stimulus

AN ACTUAL CBO REPORT ON STIMULUS.... The report from the …
Think Progress, Matthew Yglesias, Washington Post, Progress Illinois, Director's Blog and Taylor Marsh

The “unmasking” of White House Counsel Gregory B. Craig. — Last Thursday, Jan. 22, the New York Times and the Dallas Morning News capitalized on a flub by White House press secretary Robert Gibbs to “out” the identity of a background briefer. — As the Morning News' Todd J. Gillman wrote …

Democrats Subpoena Rove — WASHINGTON — House Democrats renewed their effort to force former White House aide Karl Rove to testify in a probe into Justice Department controversies, presenting a challenge to President Barack Obama, who will have to decide whether to defend his predecessor's legal arguments.

High-Flying Citigroup Grounds Plans for $50M Jet — Obama Aide Called Citigroup to Complain About Jet — The high-flying execs at Citigroup caved under pressure from President Obama and decided today to abandon plans for a luxurious new $50 million corporate jet from France.

Another Lobbyist Headed into Obama Administration — Leaves Critics Questioning the President's Commitment to Changing Washington — Despite President Barack Obama's pledge to limit the influence of lobbyists in his administration, a recent lobbyist for investment banking giant Goldman Sachs …

Kristol Severs Ties With the N.Y. Times — Bill Kristol and the New York Times parted company yesterday, one year after he began writing a weekly opinion column that became a high-profile target for his detractors on the left. — But the conservative commentator, who edits the Weekly Standard …

STATING THE OBVIOUS — I hear a lot of talk about whether Obama's governing approach can be ‘bipartisan’ if a good number of Republicans don't vote for his Stimulus Bill. But that dubious point seems to be obscuring a more obvious and telling reality: the Republican leadership in both houses …

The Great Unifier Attacks Rush — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: This is Liz Sidoti, AP-Obama. On Friday afternoon, as you know, the president of the United States — actually it was Friday morning, but we didn't learn about it 'til Friday afternoon. Friday morning in a meeting with House …

Ten Things You Can Do To Save The Planet — A Go-Green Guide for the Hollywood Community — More than ten years after the Kyoto accords, our planet continues to careen helplessly toward certain environmental destruction. The skies are choked with pollutants. Adorable helpless polar bears plunge through thinning ice caps.

The Same Old Song — What's up with the Republicans? Have they no sense that their policies have sent the country hurtling down the road to ruin? Are they so divorced from reality that in their delusionary state they honestly believe we need more of their tax cuts for the rich …

PATERSON LYIN' KING OF STATE — KNOWS KENNEDY LEAKER — ALBANY - Gov. Paterson yesterday insisted he had no idea who did the slime job on Caroline Kennedy - although the source of the information is about as close to him during the day as his wife is at night. — He's a liar.

Animal Spirits Depend on Trust — The proposed stimulus isn't big enough to restore confidence. — President Obama is urging Congress to pass an $825 billion stimulus package as soon as possible. But even that may not be enough to stabilize the economy, since it fails to take into account …

Let's Have Flexible Armed Forces — Don't assume the next war will look like the last one. — During the 1990s, the U.S. defense debate was dominated by those who argued that advances in technology, particularly information technology, had revolutionized military affairs and changed the nature of warfare.

Power, politics, gossip on daily call — The conversations don't begin with hello. They don't end with goodbye. Most often they pick up with a low, drawling voice uttering something between a sentence and a grunt. — “Wahzgoanawn?” — For those not accustomed to hearing James Carville …

THE GORE EFFECT... ...strikes again! Al Gore is scheduled to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations committee on global warming tomorrow. John Kerry says that Gore “has been sounding the alarm on climate change for over three decades, and he understands the urgent need for American engagement and leadership on this issue.”
Washington Times

A Dark Age of macroeconomics (wonkish) — Brad DeLong is upset about the stuff coming out of Chicago these days — and understandably so. First Eugene Fama, now John Cochrane, have made the claim that debt-financed government spending necessarily crowds out an equal amount of private spending …