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Limbaugh to Steele: Do your job — On the same night he was offering the keynote address to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush Limbaugh drew criticism from an unlikely source: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. — In a little-noticed interview Saturday night …
Power Line, Firedoglake, The Note, Daily Kos, The Plum Line, The Raw Story, Associated Press, The New Republic, The Reaction, Balloon Juice, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, HorsesAss.Org, Spin Cycle, Talking Points Memo, The Moderate Voice and Cafe Talk Aggregator

Sympathy for the Limbaugh — Rush Limbaugh is drawing some ridicule for saying, “One thing we can all do is stop assuming that the way to beat [the Democrats] is with better policy ideas.” But I think he's basically right. Good ideas are meritorious. But being meritorious isn't what wins elections.
Patterico's Pontifications, Brian Beutler, MoJo Blog Posts, Eunomia and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Rush Limbaugh Launches Brutal Hit On Michael Steele — Whoa. Rush Limbaugh's bid to cement his own role as head of the Republican Party just took a wild new turn, with Limbaugh launching a brutal hit on RNC chair Michael Steele, mocking the GOP for being in a “sad sack” …

Limbaugh misquotes Constitution while arguing Obama policies are ‘bastardization’ of Constitution. — During his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday, Rush Limbaugh got some of his loudest applause when he declared that President Obama's policies represent a “bastardization of the Constitution.”
Political Machine

Rush Fires Back at Steele (Updates With Audio) — Responding to RNC Chairman Michael Steele's recent comments, Rush Limbaugh fired back on his radio show today. — “The Republican National Committee and Michael Steele need a little leadership ... we're going to have to drag them kicking …
Discussion:, RedState, Washington Post, The Washington Independent, Right Wing News, Hot Air and Flopping Aces

RNC Chair Michael Steele on Limbaugh: 'Yes, it's incendiary. Yes, it's ugly.' — Last night, RNC Chairman Michael Steele appeared on D.L. Hughley's show on CNN and disputed Hughley's statement that Rush Limbaugh “is the de facto leader of the Republican Party.” “I'm the de facto leader of the Republican Party!”
Pam's House Blend, Riehl World View, AMERICAblog News, George's Bottom Line, Salon, Wonkette and CBS News

Where Rush Limbaugh Went Astray At CPAC — Rush delivered a magnificent speech. However, there is one important arena in which, put plainly, I think he was wrong. — The Democrats have been working overtime lately on a mission to publicly demonize Rush Limbaugh.

Emanuel says Limbaugh GOP leader, Cantor rejects ‘fail’ remark
The Moderate Voice, Nashville Scene, Below The Beltway, Blog and

I smell a right-wing feud in the offing: Limbaugh vs. Steele
The Raw Story

Pelosi's list: Who's on her bad side? — Nancy Pelosi likes to keep lists. — As a young political protégé of her father, Baltimore Mayor Tommy D'Alesandro, the preteen speaker-to-be would spend hours leafing through the list of voters her father had helped in some way …
DownWithTyranny!, Firedoglake, Political Machine, Weekly Standard, JammieWearingFool and Pajamas Media

Moderate Dems confront Pelosi — In a private meeting last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi laid down a challenge to her moderate members who were complaining about a provision in the housing bill. Stand up and air your grievances, she said. — A handful of those moderate members did just that …

ACTION: Tell Speaker Pelosi To Stand Up to Ellen Tauscher …
The Huffington Post, AMERICAblog News, Hullabaloo, D-Day, Brendan Calling, Eschaton, and DownWithTyranny!

Panel Says Ron Kirk Underpaid Taxes — (Credit: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images) — Leaders of the Senate Finance Committee this afternoon revealed that another of President Obama's nominees — U.S. Trade Representative-designate Ron Kirk — has tax problems.

AP Newsbreak: CIA destroyed 92 interrogation tapes — WASHINGTON (AP) — New documents show the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations, far more than has previously been acknowledged. — The revelation Monday comes as a criminal prosecutor is wrapping up his investigation in the matter.
The Washington Independent, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Think Progress, Daily Kos and The Daily Dish

TOOMEY: SENATE RUN ‘BACK ON THE TABLE’ — GrassrootsPA has learned that former Congressman Pat Toomey, the current Club for Growth President, just announced this morning on Bobby Gunther Walsh's 1-On-1 Show, WAEB, 790AM, that a Primary challenge to Senator Arlen Specter is ‘now back on the table’...

Dow Drops Below 7,000 for the First Time Since '97 — Investor worries about the economy in general, and financial companies in particular, continued to erode the markets on Monday as the Dow Jones industrial average fell below 7,000 for first time since October 1997.
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Gothamist, Below The Beltway, Gawker, Clips & Comment and Balloon Juice

Dow drops below 7,000 for first time since 1997

No Afghanistan strategy? No help — I don't know if you caught it, but Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper rained all over Barack Obama's Afghanistan parade this weekend. In a taped appearance which aired on CNN this Sunday, Harper said, “frankly, we are not going to ever defeat the insurgency …

Upper-Income Taxpayers Look for Ways to Sidestep Obama Tax-Hike Plan — President Would Slap More Taxes on Those Who Make Over $250K to Fund Health Care — President Barack Obama's tax proposal - which promises to increase taxes for those families with incomes of $250,000 or more …

Is Obama embracing the lawless, omnipotent executive? — (updated below) — As I detailed over the weekend, the Obama administration — in the case brought by two American lawyers and their charity-client claiming that their conversations were illegally intercepted by the Bush administration …

Rush and Oprah — Hugh Hewitt writes that Limbaugh's speech at CPAC “will be talked about for years and even decades.” I hope he's wrong about that, but he's definitely right about this: … Not only do I think this is true, I've actually said it myself! (Though Reihan said it first.)

Pelosi Snowed-Out of Global Warming Rally — ( - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had to cancel an appearance Monday at a global warming rally in Washington, D.C., that was hit by a snowstorm because her flight was delayed, her office told

Repudiating Bush — From his inauguration address forward, President Obama hasn't pulled any punches in criticizing the record of his predecessor, George W. Bush. In that process—which reached a new peak with the release of the administration's budget plan last Thursday …

Iran Clenches Its Fist — The danger is that direct talks may facilitate, not reduce, threats to U.S. interests. — As Iran prepares to fire up its Bushehr nuclear reactor — and as the International Atomic Energy Agency governing board meets this week, again confronted with further progress …
UN Dispatch, Atlas Shrugs, YID With LID, Israel Matzav, Jihad Watch and Real Clear Politics