Top Items:

GOP to Michael Steele: Quiet About Rush Limbaugh or You're Fired — Apology to Rush Limbaugh aside, new Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is coming under fire from his own GOP troops to shut up and focus on his job of organizing the party and raising money, not fighting with his own political kind.
Crooks and Liars, DownWithTyranny!, Hot Air, Jack & Jill Politics, Blog and Emptywheel

Why on Earth Are Democrats Legitimizing and Empowering Rush Limbaugh?
Midwest Voices,, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Field on the Narcosphere, The Impolitic, Liberal Values, Vanity Fair, Jules Crittenden, Top of the Ticket, Hold Fast, skippy the bush kangaroo, Open Left, Liberty Street, The Reaction,, Associated Press, Washington Post, Booman Tribune and CNN

Rush Refuses To Say Whether Successful Obama Fix Of Economy …
Think Progress

GOP Seeks Balance With Conservative Icon Limbaugh

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high — NBC/WSJ poll shows gap between popularity of president and his policies — WASHINGTON - After Barack Obama's first six weeks as president, the American public's attitudes about the two political parties couldn't be more different, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.
San Francisco Chronicle, Salon, Oliver Willis, MyDD, Macsmind, Riehl World View and The Reaction

Obama Gets Strong Support in Poll — Popularity Can Help President Pursue Big Initiatives; Warning Signs on Health Care — WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama enjoys widespread backing from a frightened American public for his ambitious, front-loaded agenda, a new poll indicates.
CNBC, American Power, Hot Air, Real Time Economics, Daily Kos, Washington Wire and News Hounds

White House Knocks Jim Cramer For Calling Obama Budget “Greatest Wealth Destruction By a President” — NBC's Tom Costello, on duty at the White House today, asked press secretary Robert Gibbs about some comments made by his CNBC colleague Jim Cramer. On the Today show this morning …
Gateway Pundit, Don Surber, CNBC, The Politico,, Clusterstock, Balloon Juice, American Power, JammieWearingFool, The Corner and Instapundit

How media sucks up to White House — In a profile last month, The Washington Post described deputy White House chief of staff Jim Messina as a “low-profile aide” who begins “fixing President Obama's problems” before 7 a.m., works 14 hours straight and then hits the gym.

Video: Cramer goes nuclear on Obama, White House rips Cramer — I think he's worked up here but I can't tell for sure: Much like Glenn Beck, because his default state is one of unnerving intensity, it's hard to tell when he feels passionately about something from when he's behaving normally.

Obama Officials Defend Budget — Republicans Criticize Tax Increases, Plan to Cap Pollution — Two of the administration's top economic officials defended President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget plan yesterday, arguing that the proposal would finance a historic investment in critical economic priorities …
The Sundries Shack

What Are the Odds of a Depression? — International evidence suggests there is a 20% chance our stock-market crash will lead to much worse. — Central questions these days are how severe will the U.S. economic downturn be and how long will it last? — The most serious concern …

Quigley claims Democratic nomination in race to replace Rahm Emanuel — Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley is poised for a promotion to Congress after claiming the Democratic nomination Tuesday in the race to replace Rahm Emanuel, overcoming disadvantages in campaign cash and union support.

Emblems to Stamp Projects Funded by the Stimulus Package — ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports: — Put a stamp on it — that's what the White House says. — President Obama announced today that his administration will begin stamping an emblem on projects funded by the economic stimulus package …

Democratic Revolt May Slow Obama Agenda — Democratic Reps. Jim Matheson of Utah and Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona have joined a quiet revolt in the House that could slow some of President Obama's fast-moving priorities. — The two are among 49 Democrats from congressional districts …

Obama: A course correction needed? — CNN Senior Political Analyst — Barack Obama last week set forth the most ambitious reform agenda of any president since Lyndon Johnson, and a large majority of Americans have rallied behind him. Yet, as the economy continues its downward plunge …

Palin foe gets administration job — (CNN) - Alaska State Sen. Kim Elton, one of the leading officials to pursue an investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin during the heat of the presidential campaign, has taken a high-level job in the Interior Department. — Palin reacted in a short statement Monday …

Bullish Obama Suggests Nation Should Buy! Buy! — President Obama told Americans to take a look at investing in the stock market this afternoon, a remarkable utterance for an American president, especially as the Dow Jones Industrial Average proceeds on its course Southward.

Ex-Leaders at Countrywide Start Firm to Buy Bad Loans — CALABASAS, Calif. — Fairly or not, Countrywide Financial and its top executives would be on most lists of those who share blame for the nation's economic crisis. After all, the banking behemoth made risky loans to tens of thousands of Americans …

Team Obama on the Unit Root Hypothesis — All academics, to some degree, suffer from the infliction of seeing the world through the lens of their own research. I admit, I do it too. So when I read the CEA's forecast analysis, this sentence jumped out at me:

Wall Street on the Tundra — Iceland's de facto bankruptcy—its currency (the krona) is kaput, its debt is 850 percent of G.D.P., its people are hoarding food and cash and blowing up their new Range Rovers for the insurance—resulted from a stunning collective madness.

Please Help One Of Our Own — I've been writing here for about four years now, and over the course of those four years, we've asked you guys to open your wallets on several occasions. We've asked you to give some of your hard earned cash to politicians who have taken hard stands …

Limbaugh declares Ed Henry a “butt boy,” but “Jake Tapper is the one guy that's outside of the butt boy bubble in the White House press room” — You are right, I dont hear you saying any of those things. But what I do hear you saying is things are better than they are. — You are wrong Rush.

Former HP leader diagnosed with cancer — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Former Hewlett-Packard Co. Chief Executive Carly Fiorina has been diagnosed with breast cancer, a top aide said Tuesday. — Fiorina was diagnosed with the disease Feb. 20 and underwent surgery Monday at Stanford Hospital …
Moe_Lane's blog

My Father Asks For Nothing — My father asks me for nothing, really. Every three months or so, I take him to his doctor, who pokes about him wondering what keeps him animated, and that's about it. He's grown frail, and has discovered the joys of “Not Going.”