Top Items:

Jack Kemp, former quarterback and VP nominee, dies — WASHINGTON - Jack Kemp, the ex-quarterback, congressman, one-time vice-presidential nominee and self-described “bleeding-heart conservative,” died Saturday. He was 73. — Kemp died after a lengthy illness, according to spokeswoman Bona Park …

AP Top News at 10:42 p.m. EDT — WASHINGTON (AP) — Jack Kemp, the ex-quarterback, congressman, one-time vice-presidential nominee and self-described “bleeding-heart conservative” died Saturday. His spokeswoman Bona Park and longtime friend and former campaign adviser Edwin J. Feulner confirmed that Kemp died after a lengthy illness.
Little Green Footballs

As Leftists Mock and Belittle Carrie PrejeanShe Becomes More Popular Than They Can Possibly Imagine — Welcome Instapundit Readers!! — To see just how far discourse on controversial social issues has declined in our culture, all you need do is watch a few liberals take on Carrie Prejean …

White House Denies Charge By Attorney that Administration Threatened to Destroy Investment Firm's Reputation — Jake Tapper is ABC News' Senior White House Correspondent based in the network's Washington bureau. He writes about politics and popular culture and covers a range of national stories.

Ben Nelson Plans To Oppose Public Health Plan — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) said Friday that he will oppose legislation that would give people the option of a public health insurance plan. The move puts him on the opposite side of two-thirds of Americans. — A poll released this week …

Ben Nelson bows to the insurance industry — Ben Nelson came out today against a public health insurance option: (via CQ, no link) … The company Nelson finds himself in is laid out clearly: business, the insurance industry, and Republicans. Of course, this isn't surprising, considering his campaign donation history.

David Shuster destroys NOM's Brian S. Brown over their misleading ad against gay marriage — You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! — David Shuster exposed the distortions being used by NOM's Brian S. Brown over the issue of gay marriage.

Latest Copyright Thug: Perez Hilton — Perez Hilton is the latest thug to use a bogus copyright claim to get an embarrassing video removed from YouTube. — The video in question was produced by the National Organization for Marriage, a group that opposes gay marriage.

Ed Schultz: This is No Time for Bipartisanship — We Need a Liberal on the Supreme Court — You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! — From the Ed Show May 1, 2009. Ed Schultz's “Op-Ed” on President Obama's choice for David Souter's replacement on the Supreme Court.

Bob Barr: GOP in ‘very deep trouble’ — (CNN) — Former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr said Saturday it's hard to “overestimate the damage” that's been inflicted on the Republican Party — not only with this week's defection of Sen. Arlen Specter, but also the “lack of any coherent philosophy, vision or leadership.”

President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Others Owe 1.2 Million Tea Party Patriots Apology — The following statement was issued this afternoon by Jenny Beth Martin and theTea Party Patriots, a national organizing effort created following the April 15 Tea Party protests:

Profiles in Courage — I continue to feel that the House GOP's impressive level of partisan unity hasn't been explored to the extent that it should. You often hear it explained with reference to the fact that most members have uncompetitive, very conservative districts. Which is true enough.

Swine flu spread ‘not sustained’ — There is no evidence of the swine flu virus spreading in a sustained way outside North America, a top World Health Organization official says. — Dr Michael Ryan, WHO Director of Global Alert and Response, praised European nations' handling of cases and said events did not seem out of control.
Don Surber