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Polling in Iran Shows Real Support for Ahmadinejad — The election results in Iran may reflect the will of the Iranian people. Many experts are claiming that the margin of victory of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the result of fraud or manipulation, but our nationwide public opinion survey …
Wall Street Journal, Weekly Standard, The Politico, Behind the Numbers, The Moderate Voice, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Daily Dish, Open Left, New York Times, Outside The Beltway, Abu Muqawama, The Huffington Post, Jules Crittenden,, BBC, FiveThirtyEight, Agence France Presse, Danger Room, The Independent, Daniel W. Drezner, Sister Toldjah, Right Wing Nut House, Commentary, The Mahablog, Gawker, lgf 2.0, Obsidian Wings, RealClearWorld and Washington Monthly

Iran protest cancelled as leaked election results show Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came third — Iran's reformist presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi has called off a major rally to protest last Friday's election results, amid claims police had been cleared to open fire on protesters.

Shots fired at huge Iran protest — Huge crowds cheered Mir Hossein Mousavi when he appeared at the rally — Shots have been fired at a rally in Iran where hundreds of thousands of people were demonstrating against last week's presidential election results.
CNN, Reuters, PERRspectives, ShortWoman, On Deadline, The Duck of Minerva, Think Progress and Xinhua News Agency

Tide Turning? — For much of the weekend it seemed that the Iranian reformists were set for one of those righteous defeats, in which a united phalanx of state power stands down rioting protesters who must be content that their defiance will lay the groundwork for change not today but at some unknown point in the future.

Iran Supreme Leader Orders Probe of Election Fraud — Mousavi Asks That Vote Be Nullified; President Calls Demonstrators ‘Weeds’ — Iran's supreme leader on Monday ordered a probe of Friday's presidential election, as protests over alleged voter fraud continued for a third straight day.

Top Cleric Calls for Inquiry as Protesters Defy Ban in Iran
Aljazeera, Washington Post, The Daily Dish, Wall Street Journal, The Lede, Danger Room, Reuters, The New Republic, QandO, Gawker and

Shots fired as 100,000 march through Tehran
New York Times, Democracy in America, niacINsight, Time, Hot Air, Outside The Beltway, A Blog For All and ATTACKERMAN

Gunfire Erupts at Iranian Pro-Reform Protests, At Least 1 Killed
Weekly Standard

Why is Dennis Ross being ousted as Obama envoy to Iran? — Dennis Ross, who most recently served as a special State Department envoy to Iran, will abruptly be relieved of his duties, sources in Washington told Haaretz. An official announcement is expected in the coming days.

Dennis Ross, Out As Special Envoy To Iran; Was He Ousted Because He's A Jew Or A Bit Hawkish On Nukes? — The news that Dennis Ross, long time State Department strategist and peace processor, is being bounced as special envoy to Iran comes from an article by Barak Ravid in the reliable (at least on these matters) Ha'aretz.

“Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group — Percentage of “liberals” higher this decade than in early '90s — PRINCETON, NJ — Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.
Hot Air,, Commentary, Democratic Strategist and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Details Set for Remake of Financial Regulations — WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to propose the most sweeping reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a revamp that would touch almost every corner of banking from how mortgages are underwritten …

The Case for Financial Regulatory Reform — Over the past two years, we have faced the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression. The financial system failed to perform its function as a reducer and distributor of risk. Instead, it magnified risks, precipitating …

Obama Open to Reining in Medical Suits — WASHINGTON — The American Medical Association has long battled Democrats who oppose protecting doctors from malpractice lawsuits. But during a private meeting at the White House last month, association officials said, they found one Democrat willing to entertain the idea: President Obama.

Obama rejects single payer — An effective rhetorical tack on Obama's campaign was casting his health care plan as a middle ground between private sector greed and a government takeover, and in an address to the American Medical Association today, he took a version of that tack in selling his public plan to that tough crowd:

‘You Mean I Could Actually Get Some Health Care?’
And So it Goes in Shreveport

Pol: Gorilla is ‘related’ to First Lady … A prominent South Carolina Republican killed his Facebook page Sunday after being caught likening the First Lady to an escaped gorilla. — Commenting on a report posted to Facebook about a gorilla escape at a zoo in Columbia, S.C., Friday …
Politics Daily, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice, TPMDC, WyBlog, Feministe and FITSNews

The hunks of Washington — Washington is a magical place, a place where the onetime victims of boyhood gym-locker entombment can grow up to become the objects of affection, admiration, compulsive fandom, BlogSpot pages and Cafe Press T-shirts. — It is, safe to say, the only place where Ari Fleischer could have a stalker.

Kristol: Memo to Conservatives — There have been very good grounds to criticize President Obama's foreign policy so far. There will be much more to criticize over the next three and a half years. — But he is our president. We could be at an historical inflection point in Iran.

Seeking Answers on IG Firing, Sen. Grassley Asks About Possible Role of First Lady's Office — In an email and fax sent late Friday, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, demanded that Alan D. Solomont, the chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service, provide “any and all records …

Exclusive: House Dems Planning Major Changes To Secret CIA Briefings Of Congress — In a move that could spark another fight with the GOP over CIA intelligence and secrecy, House Dems are quietly preparing to make major changes to the ways the CIA briefs Congress on covert actions …
Matthew Yglesias, Congress Matters, ATTACKERMAN, The Washington Independent and Raw Story

Stay the Course — The debate over economic policy has taken a predictable yet ominous turn: the crisis seems to be easing, and a chorus of critics is already demanding that the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration abandon their rescue efforts. For those who know their history …
Matthew Yglesias, White House Watch, Democracy in America, Clusterstock and Washington Monthly

Is Sonia Sotomayor Mean? — · The White House is fond of pointing out that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has more years on the bench, as a trial court and appellate judge, than any previous Supreme Court nominee. — With that record comes not just hundreds of written opinions, but thousands of oral arguments.