Top Items:

The Climate Change Climate Change — The number of skeptics is swelling everywhere. — Printer — Friendly — Steve Fielding recently asked the Obama administration to reassure him on the science of man-made global warming. When the administration proved unhelpful …
The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, Jay Currie, theblogprof, Left in the West, Right Wing News, Vox Popoli, Pundit & Pundette and Cold Fury

Greenpeace Opposes Waxman-Markey — Climate Bill not Science-Based; Benefits Polluters — WASHINGTON, D.C., United States — In advance of tomorrow's vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act in the House of Representatives, Greenpeace USA Deputy Campaigns Director Carroll Muffett issued the following statement:

Cap and trade vote today, complete with AP spin; Update: 300-page, last-minute amendment; Update: Greenpeace opposes — In pre-Norman England, King Canute once had his bearers carry him to the sea, where he ordered the ocean to recede. Often this story is told to indict Canute for having delusions …
The Corner, Michelle Malkin, The Foundry, Matthew Yglesias, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Washington Monthly, The Sundries Shack, Pundit & Pundette, AmSpecBlog, American Solutions, Gateway Pundit, A Blog For All, The League of Ordinary …, And So it Goes in Shreveport, The Other McCain and Pajamas Media

Cap and tax liveblog: Democrats limit debate, stampede toward national energy tax — Scroll for continuous updates...there will be 3 hours of general debate and a grand total of 1 GOP amendment... 9:36am: GOP Rep. Pete Sessions is on the House floor right now blasting Dems, who just moved to limit debate.
Riehl World View

Some Quick Thoughts on Michael Jackson — Generally speaking, I'm a believer in the rule that we should not speak ill of the dead. Or at least we should wait a decent interval before doing so (if we never spoke ill of the dead, history would be meaningless).
Discussion:, The Daily Dish, Reason, theblogprof, The League of Ordinary …, and Neptunus Lex

A Star Idolized and Haunted, Michael Jackson Dies at 50
Lawyers, Guns and Money, PointOfLaw Forum, Weasel Zippers, The Huffington Post, ATTACKERMAN and Angry Bear

BAD ‘WEEK’ FOR MORNING JOE — MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was all set to appear this Sunday on ABC's “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos until yesterday, when Scarborough canceled because David Gregory, the host of NBC's “Meet the Press,” allegedly threw a fit.

White House Watched — Today's column is my last for The Washington Post. And the first thing I want to say is thank you. Thank you to all you readers, e-mailers, commenters, questioners, Facebook friends and Twitterers for spending your time with me and engaging with me over the years.

Most S.C. Voters See Sanford's Ethics As Norm for Politicians, But 46% Say He Should Resign — South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford cheated on his wife, lied to his family and staff, decided to get away from his children on Father's Day and disappeared from the country without making arrangements …

Not Enough Audacity — When it comes to domestic policy, there are two Barack Obamas. — On one side there's Barack the Policy Wonk, whose command of the issues — and ability to explain those issues in plain English — is a joy to behold. — But on the other side there's Barack the Post-Partisan …
Ezra Klein, Robert Reich's Blog, Economist's View,, Corrente, Vox Popoli, American Street and Connecting.the.Dots

Iranian cleric says “rioters” should be executed — TEHRAN (Reuters) - A hardline Iranian cleric called on Friday for the execution of leading “rioters” to teach a lesson to the tens of thousands who have protested against the result of the presidential election two weeks ago.

Rockefeller wants to cut private health insurance influence — CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., dates his concerns about health care back to 1964, when he first moved to West Virginia as a VISTA volunteer. — “The town of Emmons was a place where nobody had health care.

QUOTE OF THE DAY.... I don't usually think of Sen. Jay Rockefeller …
The Reaction

Monica Conyers pleads guilty to conspiracy — She faces up to 5 years in prison — Detroit City Council President Pro Tem Monica Conyers pleaded guilty this morning to conspiring to commit bribery and is free on personal bond. — U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn said, “The defendant now stands convicted.”
theblogprof, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Moonbattery, TPMMuckraker, Emptywheel and The Strata-Sphere

Palin Responds To Sen. Kerry Joke: “Why The Long Face?” — Speaking to a group of servicemen in Kosovo, Gov. Sarah Palin responded to a crack made by Sen. John Kerry earlier this week. Sen. Kerry joked he wished Palin went missing along with Sanford. “He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad,” she said.
Ben Smith's Blog, Politics Daily, Neptunus Lex, and American Power

Joe Biden Gaffe update: He fires N.J. gov, moves another guy in — For your Joe Biden Gaffe files: — Washington. Mandarin Oriental Hotel. LGBT fundraiser. Hauled in about $1 mill. 33% better than last year with Michelle Obama. — Maybe four dozen protesters outside …

AWESOME!... Iranian Protesters Produce Their Own “Beat It” Video — Revolution Wear: Purse, mask, veil, rocks— Awesome— Iranian Freedom Fighters adopt Michael Jackson's “Beat It” as new theme song: — “Beat It!” — Via YFrog — The protesters have courage. — Courage and preparation.

U. of I. jobs-for-entry scheme — E-mails reveal law school put a price on admission of unqualified candidate — What does it cost to get an unqualified student into the University of Illinois law school? — Five jobs for graduating law students, suggest internal e-mails released Thursday.

GOP Boss Sununu: Democrats sold out — Ex-governor blames state budget and gay marriage on Legislature serving special interests … — PORTSMOUTH — John H. Sununu, former Republican governor and current chairman of the state GOP, said Thursday the state budget passed …

Amazon Closes Associates Program in North Carolina Over Tax Concerns — Via email this morning, another classic case of tax-and-spend Democrats costing American jobs through short-sighted greed. … I don't personally know of anyone who used the Associates program as anything …

China ‘to block’ Hummer takeover — A Chinese firm's bid to buy the gas-guzzling Hummer car brand will be blocked on environmental grounds, according to Chinese state radio. — Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery emerged as the surprise buyer for the brand earlier this year.
FP Passport

‘Joe the Plumber’ shares conservative views — Conservatives in Wausau on Thursday decried President Barack Obama's economic policies at a gathering hosted by the conservative free-market group Americans for Prosperity. — The event, called “Pints and Politics,” brought to town Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher …

Judge Kent resigns amid impeachment proceedings — U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent resigned via an unusual no-frills letter that he hand-delivered in prison to two Senate officials who had come to serve a summons on him as part of ongoing impeachment proceedings in U.S. Congress.

Pastor Urges His Flock to Bring Guns to Church — LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Ken Pagano, the pastor of the New Bethel Church here, is passionate about gun rights. He shoots regularly at the local firing range, and his sermon two weeks ago was on “God, Guns, Gospel and Geometry.”
Big Brass Blog

NSC names Ross senior director — The White House sought for the first time Thursday to answer basic questions about a key player in President Barack Obama's approach to what the administration is calling the “Central Region” of foreign policy, a vast tract of the globe spanning from Pakistan to Israel.