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Why We Must Ration Health Care — You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much?
PoliGazette, Don Surber, Tammy Bruce, Say Anything, Political Punch and Sweetness & Light

House Democrats Want to Fund Health Care With an Ill-Advised Surtax on the Rich. — THERE IS a serious case to be made that the U.S. income tax system should become more progressive. The average rate paid by the top 1 percent of households shrank from 33 percent in 1986 to about 23 percent in 2006.

Does the House really want to raise taxes on eight million uninsured people? — The President has said he would not allow taxes to be raised on anyone with less than $250,000 of income. — Today for the first time we see the legislative language for and a summary of the health care reform bill …
Blue Crab Boulevard, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, Say Anything and Donald Marron

Obama Open to Partisan Vote on Health-Care Overhaul, Aides Say
Associated Press, Daily Kos, Think Progress, CNN, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Ezra Klein, Washington Monthly, Open Congress, Don Surber, NOW! Blog, Democracy in America, Blog, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Politico, AMERICAblog News, Commentary, Wall Street Journal, Gateway Pundit and The Note

Police kill suspected shooter — Police shot and killed a man near Upper Senate Park Wednesday after he attempted to flee from a traffic stop, officials said. — In a statement emailed to reporters, the Capitol Police said the shooting was “an isolated incident unrelated to the security …

Person Shot Near U.S. Capitol — WASHINGTON - A U.S. Capitol Police officer shot a 35-year-old man at New Jersey Avenue NW and C Street NW, blocks from the Capitol, according to law enforcement sources. — It happened just after 5:15 p.m. — Robert Drum, a tourist from Edmond, Oklahoma …

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez — Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace — A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required …

Soldier who says Obama isn't president doesn't have to deploy, Army says
News Hounds

Rube Goldberg Already Lives Here — House Republicans today released a chart depicting what health care in America would look like if the House Democrats get their way. It's confusing, if colorful—full of boxes, lines, and all sorts of hard-to-say acronyms. Which, of course, is the point.
Republican Leader John Boehner, Firedoglake, Ezra Klein, The Washington Independent, NOW! Blog, Hullabaloo and TPMDC

Coburn might have some “splaining to do” — A funny, slightly cringe-inducing exchange just now between Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn, who was pressing Sonia Sotomayor on the Second Amendment. — Sotomayor, jokingly produced a hypothetical in which she went back to her apartment …

Sotomayor Again Misstates Fundamental Rights Doctrine: — As she did yesterday, Sotomayor asserted that a right is “fundamental” if it is “incorporated” against the states via the 14th Amendment rather than that a right is incorporated against the states if it is fundamental.

Buchanan: GOP Needs More Race-Baiting, Not Less — A provocative article by Pat Buchanan argues that contrary to conventional wisdom, Republicans shouldn't worry about alienating Hispanic voters, they should just focus on getting white people to like them more: … And he sees race-baiting attacks as the way to do it:
Ta-Nehisi Coates, TalkLeft, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Blogs and Stories and Liberal Values

As Republicans gain control, face of Oklahoma Democrats changes — Democratic Congressman Dan Boren sits behind a desk with two bucks mounted on wooden plaques peering over each of his shoulders. The sleeves of his button-down shirt are rolled almost to his elbows, and like everyone milling about outside, he is sweaty.

Obama's science czar suggested compulsory abortion, sterilization — Internet reports are now circulating that Obama's Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, John Holdren, penned a 1977 book that approved of and recommended compulsory sterilization and even abortion in some cases …

‘COMINSKEY FIELD’? PRESIDENT OBAMA BOTCHES NAME OF HOME OF HIS BELOVED WHITE SOX — “I do think that there's a different quality to what used to be Cominskey Field vs. Wrigley,” President Obama told Bob Costas during an interview that aired during Tuesday night's MLB All-Star Game.

Calorie Labeling and the Dunch Problem — I wrote earlier today about the problem of large portion sizes in which many of us who might have one kind of desire to consume fewer calories nonetheless find ourselves drawn toward high-calorie orders in the moment.

Palin: All Tail, No Head — Sarah Palin's political action committee — SarahPAC — raised $733,000 in the first half of the year and is set to push past $1 million in the wake of the recent attention she's gotten herself. On the one hand, this isn't that impressive. Mitt Romney, for instance, has raised twice as much.

Fundraising Corruption at Human Rights Watch — An on-line Wall Street Journal op-ed posted two days ago alleged that Human Rights Watch officials went trolling for dollars in Saudi Arabia, and that the organization's senior Middle East official, Sarah Leah Whitson, attempted to extract money …

Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations — Washington, DC — Thank you very much, Richard, and I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it's good to have an outpost of the Council right …
The Plank, The Cable, Blog, The Washington Independent and Daniel W. Drezner

Poor, Persecuted Sarah Palin — The GOP embraces the culture of victimhood. — Printer — Friendly — When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced her resignation two weeks ago it was after a series of strange, petty bouts with her detractors. Many “frivolous ethics violations” had been alleged against her, she noted.
No More Mister Nice Blog

Universal Health Care Isn't Worth Our Freedom — What would Thoreau have made of the current debate? — Printer — Friendly — People who seek the services of auto mechanics want car repair, not “auto care.” Similarly, most people who seek the services of medical doctors want body repair, not “health care.”

Bush's Justice Dept. blacklisted LGBT groups — Affiliation with Immigration Equality, GMHC may have doomed intern candidates — Applicants for Justice Department internships and honors programs may have been rejected based on their membership in LGBT groups during the Bush administration, the Blade has learned.

Deficits saved the world — Jan Hatzius of Goldman Sachs has a new note (no link) responding to claims that government support for the economy is postponing the necessary adjustment. He doesn't think much of that argument; neither do I. But one passage in particular caught my eye:

Calpers: Rating Agencies to Blame for Huge Losses — Way back when, I mentioned there was a surprise coming S&P's way. Since it is now out there officially, I can discuss it publicly. — After the brouhaha with McGraw Hill began, I was contacted by numerous people — mostly readers emailing words of support.
New York Times, The Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, Balloon Juice and

Sources Say Rubio Reconsidering Senate Race — Florida. Two Republican sources said today that even as former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio campaigns for retiring GOP Sen. Mel Martinez's Senate seat, he has been calling around to top Republican donors and activists in the state to discuss …