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Cheney Uncloaks His Frustration With Bush — ‘Statute of Limitations Has Expired’ on Many Secrets, Former Vice President Says — In his first few months after leaving office, former vice president Richard B. Cheney threw himself into public combat against the “far left” agenda of the new commander in chief.
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Election 2010: Pennsylvania Senate Election — Pennsylvania 2010 Senate Match-ups: Specter, Sestak Top Toomey — Uncomfortable town hall meetings are just the tip of the iceberg for Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. He now trails Republican Pat Toomey by double digits in his bid …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Scorecard's Blog, Power Line, MyDD, The Fix, Don Surber, Right Pundits, Open Left, Outside The Beltway, Hot Air, Senate Guru, Lone Star Times,, Say Anything, Real Clear Politics, National Review Online, Weekly Standard, TPMDC, The Washington Independent, Below The Beltway, Swing State Project and Weasel Zippers

Trust on Issues — Voters Give GOP First-Time Lead on Health Care — For the first time in over two years of polling, voters trust Republicans slightly more than Democrats on the handling of the issue of health care. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that voters favor the GOP on the issue 44% to 41%.

Rasmussen: GOP now more trusted on health care than Democrats

Roxana Mayer: I'm Not a Doctor But I Play One at Town Hall Meetings — [This post follows up on a previous post in which I questioned the credentials of a woman at a Texas town hall meeting who claimed to be a doctor, but turned out to be anything but. She is a graduate student in social work — oh, and an Obama delegate.
Fox News, National Review Online, Lone Star Times, Moonbattery, Macsmind, Michelle Malkin, theblogprof, Weekly Standard, Wake up America, The Foundry, Gateway Pundit, Moe Lane, The Politico, JammieWearingFool, Say Anything, Redhot, Right Wing News, American Power, The Swamp, Atlas Shrugs and Jeff_Emanuel's blog

Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum — I was reading the Chron's piece about Sheila Jackson Lee's town hall, when something caught my eye: … In this video, Mayer claims to be a general practitioner, eliciting applause and even a hug from Queen Sheila:

Reid: Protesters are ‘evil-mongers’ — Town hall protesters are “evil-mongers,” says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) — Reid coined the term in a speech to an energy conference in Las Vegas this week and repeated it in an interview with Politics Daily.

Nineteen Minutes In a Car With Harry Reid — LAS VEGAS - Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, was having second thoughts - or was he? - about the way he had characterized people who are disrupting town halls with “lies, innuendo and rumor,” and not letting others speak. They are, he said, “evil-mongers.”

Heller acknowledges the John Ensign effect
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Swing State Project, Scorecard's Blog, TPMMuckraker and TPMDC

End-of-Life Provision Loses Favor — The cost of caring for patients who are near death accounts for a big piece of the government's medical spending. But a furor over a provision for government-paid counseling to plan for end-of-life care is steering lawmakers away from the issue.

Finance Committee to drop end-of-life provision — The Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top Republican member said Thursday. — The committee, which has worked on putting together …

Palin Is Not Wrong — As virtually everybody in America now knows, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin posted the following on her FaceBook page: … Naturally, she was roundly reviled for these comments. One person quoted by the New York Times replied, “One problem …

Wanted: Obama healthcare reform volunteers willing to be paid $15 an hour — It seems that, despite all the media attention lavished on e-mail appeals to his supporters, not everyone pushing for President Obama's embattled healthcare reform plan these warm August days is an idealistic volunteer …

Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma — A memo obtained by the Huffington Post confirms that the White House and the pharmaceutical lobby secretly agreed to precisely the sort of wide-ranging deal that both parties have been denying over the past week.

Massive campaign for Obama hits air — A new coalition on Thursday launched $12 million in television ads to support President Barack Obama's health reform plan, in the opening wave of a planned tens of millions of dollars this fall. — The new group, funded largely by the pharmaceutical industry …
Washington Monthly, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Firedoglake, The Page and The Atlantic Politics Channel

Strange bedfellows coalition begins massive ad campaign
Matthew Yglesias

JOHN EDWARDS SECRET DNA TEST PROVES HE'S THE DADDY! — BOMBSHELL WORLD EXCLUSIVE! John Edwards has secretly undergone a DNA test - and it proves he's the father of his mistress' love child, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively. — Multiple sources confirm the bombshell development …
Politics Daily, Fox News, Gawker, Swampland, MomLogic, Scared Monkeys, Liberal Values and Stop The ACLU

The Return of the Viral Email — Read an email out this morning from Senior Advisor David Axelrod and watch a new “Reality Check” video from Health Reform Director Nancy-Ann DeParle below. Both respond to the malicious chain emails that have been circulating on health insurance reform:
The Huffington Post, The Swamp, Boston Globe, erica's Blog, USA Today, Big Brass Blog, Gawker and

Paul Krugman Gets a New Place to Hang His Hat and Nobel — The Times columnist, Princeton professor, recent Nobel winner, and all-around ceaselessly smart economist Paul Krugman has a nice new co-op. According to a deed filed in city records today, Mr. Krugman and his wife …

Obama and the Permanent Campaign — Turning critics into enemies isn't presidential. — Printer — Friendly — Team Obama is suffering from Extended Campaign Syndrome. In an election, campaign staffers are often just trying to survive until the next week or the next primary.
Think Progress, Time,, Washington Monthly, Commentary and And So it Goes in Shreveport

It's Hip to Be Round — THIS summer the unvarying male uniform in the precincts of Brooklyn cool has been a pair of shorts cut at knickers length, a V-neck Hanes T-shirt, a pair of generic slip-on sneakers and a straw fedora. Add a leather cuff bracelet if the coolster is gay.

‘LOST CONTROL OF THE MESSAGE’.... There was an interesting exchange yesterday in the White House briefing room. A reporter asked Press Secretary Robert Gibbs about the administration's message strategy when it comes to health care reform. … Gibbs responded by noting that there's …

The reckless Right courts violence — Hysterical talk from TV and radio hosts may be a cynical marketing exercise. But it's getting too dangerous to ignore. — A man bearing a sidearm appears outside President Obama's Aug. 11 town hall meeting in Portsmouth, N.H., under a sign proclaiming …

Hillary Fights a Tide of Trivialization — This was supposed to be the trip that would show exactly how Hillary Rodham Clinton would make good on her pledge, at her confirmation hearing for secretary of state, to make women's issues “central” to U.S. foreign policy, not “adjunct or auxiliary or in any way lesser.”
The New Republic, Outside The Beltway, TalkLeft, New York Times, and ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES

Will You/Won't You Be on My “Death Panel”? — My friend Bob Wright posts a persuasive “partial list” of the “false and misleading things” he argues a recent New Republic book review said about The Evolution of God. … The disputes are grouped into six substantive issues.

Food Firms Warn of Sugar Shortage — Some of America's biggest food companies say the U.S. could “virtually run out of sugar” if the Obama administration doesn't ease import restrictions amid soaring prices for the key commodity. — In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack …

First on the Ticker: GOP support for Sanford impeachment grows — (CNN) - A South Carolina Democrat told CNN on Thursday that Republican legislators have assured him there are enough votes to start a bipartisan push for impeachment against Gov. Mark Sanford when the legislative session begins in January.
The Political Carnival

Limbaugh, Rove to guest on ‘Family Guy’ — Talk show host Rush Limbaugh, former Bush strategist Karl Rove and other famous Republicans will play themselves on Fox's left-leaning “Family Guy” next season. — In an episode being produced for next season, the Griffins' liberal dog, Brian …

Says he flubbed stats — Before presenting tennis legend Billie Jean King with the Medal of Freedom Wednesday, President Obama ticked off some ... ... of her accomplishments: 12 Grand Slam titles, 101 doubles titles, 67 singles titles. — “Pretty good, Billie Jean,” he quipped.

The Limited Powers of the Presidency — I think Ezra Klein nails this: … That's right. I know a lot of people on the left who seem to have voted for Barack Obama because they liked his progressive agenda, then gotten excited when Obama won the election because they liked his progressive agenda …

Banks Turn Up Noses At Lending to Small Businesses Under Stimulus Program — The 1980s supermodel Linda Evangelista once said. “We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day.” That seems to be the motto of American bankers, (save Citigroup's Andrew Hall, who needs 40 times that much per business day).