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Glenn Greenwald — Twice in the past month, my private communications have been splashed about the internet. That such a thing would happen is unfortunate, and dishonorable, but sadly inevitable, I suppose. I ignored the first case, in which a rather pathetic woman acolyte of Greenwald's published …

Beltway culture, checks on journalists and secrecy obligations — I'm ambivalent about whether even to acknowledge this obviously disturbed, Cheneyite rant from Joe Klein. On the one hand, I don't want to be dragged down into what is, for him, quite clearly a deeply emotional and personal matter …

Time for the U.S. to Get Out of Afghanistan — “Yesterday,” reads the e-mail from Allen, a Marine in Afghanistan, “I gave blood because a Marine, while out on patrol, stepped on a [mine's] pressure plate and lost both legs.” Then “another Marine with a bullet wound to the head was brought in.
The Note, Washington Wire, CBS News, The Jawa Report, The Corner on National …, JustOneMinute, ThreatsWatch, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Jules Crittenden, Front Row Washington, The Atlanticist, Top of the Ticket, MoJo Blog Posts, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Shadow Government, Associated Press, The Other McCain, Mudville Gazette, National Review Online,, Secrecy News, The Foundry, Flopping Aces, Politics Daily, Think Progress, Reason, Donklephant, Counterterrorism Blog, Below The Beltway, The Politico, Connecting.the.Dots, TPMMuckraker,, The New Republic, The World Newser, George's Bottom Line, TPMCafe and

W.H. fears liberal war pressure — White House officials are increasingly worried liberal, anti-war Democrats will demand a premature end to the Afghanistan war before President Barack Obama can show signs of progress in the eight-year conflict, according to senior administration sources.
BLACKFIVE, Exurban League, AMERICAblog News, The Swamp, The Caucus, ABCNEWS, Wake up America, American Power, Washington Post, Macsmind and Dennis the Peasant

No Will, No Way — George Will is dismayed by American casualties in Afghanistan, unhappy about the length of our effort there, dismissive of the contributions of our NATO allies, contemptuous of the Afghan central government, and struck by the country's backwardness. — I share many of these sentiments.

The Obama Slide — Two tides swept over American politics last winter. The first was the Obama tide. Barack Obama came into office with an impressive 70 percent approval rating. The second was the independent tide. Over the first months of this year, the number of people …
The Huffington Post, Weekly Standard, JustOneMinute, Ben Smith's Blog, The Strata-Sphere, MoJo Blog Posts, Hot Air, The New Republic,, The Corner on National …, Reason, Dan_Perrin's blog, Wall Street Journal,, Commentary, marbury, The Agonist, Stop The ACLU, AmSpecBlog and Macsmind

Justice Dept. to Recharge Enforcement of Civil Rights — WASHINGTON — Seven months after taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is reshaping the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division by pushing it back into some of the most important areas of American political life …
Associated Press, Main Justice, Heritage Foundation, The Corner on National …, Commentary, Sweetness & Light and The Page

EXCLUSIVE: Gonzales defends Holder's decision on CIA — Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales on Tuesday defended the decision of his current successor, Eric H. Holder Jr., to investigate alleged prisoner abuse by CIA interrogators over President Obama's desire to look forward.

Ex-Attorney General Gonzales backs CIA prison abuse probe
Main Justice

GOP readies wave of objections to stall healthcare bill in Senate — Sen. Judd Gregg has hundreds of procedural objections ready for a healthcare plan Democrats want to speed through the Senate. — Gregg (N.H.), the senior Republican on the Budget Committee, told the Hill in a recent interview …

51 Vote Rules May Force a Public Option Too Liberal for Some Dems — As Senate leaders begin work on a Democrat-only health care bill, they're finding themselves confronted with an unexpected irony: Though the caucus has reached an uneasy consensus around a public option that's modeled …
Matthew Yglesias, Talking Points Memo, Open Congress, Congress Matters and Left in the West

Thesis Thrusts Va. Gubernatorial Candidate's Past Views Into Spotlight — The Virginia governor's race ignited Monday over Republican Robert F. McDonnell's 20-year-old graduate thesis: Democrats assailed him in e-mail blasts and interviews for what he wrote about working women, homosexuals and …
Power Line, Politics Daily, Atlantic Correspondents, The Note, The Huffington Post, The New Republic, The League of Ordinary …, Below The Beltway,, Virginia Politics, AMERICAblog News, Outside The Beltway, Right Wing Watch, Gateway Pundit, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Jezebel and Crooks and Liars

YOU CAN'T KEEP A BAD MAN DOWN — SPITZER IS EYEING A COMEBACK — Disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been privately talking with friends about a possible comeback, and is considering a run for statewide office next year, several sources told The Post.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obama HCAN Organizer Instructs Supporters How to Shout Down Opponents & Take Over Meetings — More Hope and Change— A Health Care for America Now (HCAN) organizer is caught on tape outside the meeting instructing supporters on how to shout down opponents who get up to ask …

ASTROTURF: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obama HCAN Organizer Instructs Supporters …
Wake up America

Obama Takes Realistic Approach on Health Care — His Flexible Tactics Match Reform to Political Reality — The conventional wisdom is that President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders are on the run, that we seem to be heading for a replay of 1994, when the Clinton health-care plan went down in flames.
Ezra Klein, Slate, Climate Progress, The Glittering Eye, AMERICAblog News, New York Times and Washington Examiner

Bachmann: ‘Slit our wrists, be blood brothers’ to beat health care reform — U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann, a Minnesota Republican, chats with a supporter at an Independence Institute fundraiser in Denver on Aug. 31. (Photo/Ernest Luning) — DENVER — In a fiery speech …

Torture's Ugly Dialogue — Call him Ishmael. — Call him a terrorist or a suicide bomber or anything else you want, but understand that he is willing — no, anxious — to give his life for his cause. Call him also a captive, and know that he works with others as part of a team …
JustOneMinute, Political Punch, TalkLeft, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Betsy's Page, Commentary and Unqualified Offerings

Coakley makes the first move in race for Kennedy seat — Attorney General Martha Coakley this morning picked up nomination papers to run for the Senate seat of Edward M. Kennedy, becoming the first candidate to throw a hat in the ring for what promises to be a fierce five-month-long race.

Something New On Health Care: Deal-Breakers From The President — This time, the President is going to be specific. Next week, President Obama is going to give Democrats a health care plan they can begin to sell. — He plans to list specific goals that any health insurance reform plan …

Simply Extraordinary — Three Duke University students were the victims of the highest-profile fraudulent rape claim in modern American history. That fact alone should make the University particularly sensitive to the dangers of false rape allegations, and the need for a firm commitment …

BREAKING: FL Rifqa investigators were led around by CAIR's Islamist Homeland Security mole **Bumped** — Two weeks ago Florida Judge Daniel Lawson directed the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement to investigate the Columbus, Ohio Islamic community to provide him sufficient information …

The Guns of August, and Why the Republican Right Was So Adept at Using Them on Health Care — What we learned in August is something we've long known but keep forgetting: The most important difference between America's Democratic left and Republican right is that the left has ideas and the right has discipline.