Top Items:

Obama to address Congress on reform — President Barack Obama will address a joint session of Congress on health care reform in prime time on Wednesday, Sept. 9, a senior official tells POLITICO. — Obama plans to give lawmakers a more specific prescription for health care legislation than he has in the past, aides said.

The Divisions in the White House Over Health-Care Reform — This is health-care reform's endgame, or close to it. Next Wednesday, Barack Obama will give a prime-time address before both houses of Congress. But that's not all he's giving Congress. The administration is going to put a plan down on paper.

White House Floating “Snowe” Trigger — Senior White House officials, in conversations with reporters today, are floating the idea that President Obama is secretly negotiating with Sen. Olympia Snowe over a health care compromise that would phase in a government-funded health care alternative …

Obama adviser: Republicans are “a**holes” — A video in which White House green jobs adviser Van Jones calls Congressional Republicans (and himself) “a**holes” is quickly making the rounds on the Internet this morning. — Jones made the off-the-cuff remark in February …
Gateway Pundit, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Argghhh!, Whiskey Fire, theblogprof and The Political Carnival

WH withdraws call for students to ‘help’ Obama — The Obama administration late Wednesday withdrew a recommendation that school children who watch a video featuring President Obama next week write about how they might “help the president” as part of a classroom assignment.

The 5 key Strategy Questions the White House is Considering on Health Care
The Politico, MoJo Blog Posts, CNN, The Confluence, The Note, The Huffington Post, Think Progress, Hullabaloo, Reason, The Swamp, Pat Dollard, The Takeaway, Open Left, Wonk Room and Truthdig

VAN JONES' OPINION OF THE GOP.... For a seven-month-old quote …

If Public Option Isn't Dead, Why Is Axelrod Referring to Its “Spirit”?
The Politico, Crooks and Liars, The Opinionator, Think Progress, Hot Air, Open Left and TalkLeft

“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama” — As if I needed any more evidence to bolster today's column about the Obama junior lobbyist campaign in America's schools, here's another item fresh from the headlines in Utah:
Rosita the Prole, American Power, Flopping Aces, Bookworm Room, Freedom's Lighthouse and Blue Crab Boulevard

Parents upset over ‘leftist propaganda’ video — Education » Principal apologizes for showing ‘I Pledge’ to students. — A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling “radical, leftist propaganda.”
Babalú Blog

Levi Johnston: “Me and Mrs. Palin” — Left, photograph by Nigel Parry/CPi Syndication. Right, photograph by Mark Seliger. — Three days after Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, the McCain campaign released a statement saying that her 17-year-old unwed daughter, Bristol, was pregnant.

Department of Education Deletes Line About How Schoolkids Can Help Obama — By: Jim Geraghty — It appears there are two versions of the preparatory materials for the president's address to schoolchildren floating around, one with language urging teachers to have students write letters …

Florida GOP: Keep Obama Out of Our Schools!
ATTACKERMAN,, Matthew Yglesias, The Washington Independent, The Swamp, TRAIL BLAZERS,, Power Line and Cato @ Liberty

Sentenced to death on the NHS — Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors warn today. — In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.
Power Line, theblogprof, Blue Crab Boulevard, Bookworm Room, YID With LID and Confederate Yankee

Buchanan's Apologia for Hitler — As if some neocon were setting out to parody dovish thinking on contemporary issues, paleocon Pat Buchanan has gone and written a “blame Britian first” account of the origins of World War II. Apparently, according to Buchanan, Hitler was just seeking …

Senate hopeful of the day: Curt Schilling — Add another name to the growing list of pols and would-be pols eyeing a run for Edward M. Kennedy's Senate seat: Former Red Sox ace Curt Schilling. — That's right, Mr. Bloody Sock himself apparently told NECN's Brad Puffer in an interview today …

Rankings — Below are the Washington Monthly's 2009 national university college rankings. We rate schools based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: Social Mobility (recruiting and graduating low-income students), Research (producing cutting-edge scholarship and PhDs) …

Kennedy Memoir Talks of Chappaquiddick, J.F.K. and Other Presidents — In a memoir being published posthumously, Senator Edward M. Kennedy talks remorsefully about the car accident that claimed the life of Mary Jo Kopechne - a turn of events many consider a chief reason that he was never able …

Democratic Advantage in Party Affiliation Shrinks — Gap now 5 points, down from 17 in January — PRINCETON, NJ — In August, an average of 45% of Americans identified as Democrats or leaned to the Democratic Party, while 40% identified as Republicans or leaned to the Republican Party.

Conservative Democrats, Liberal Republicans Hard to Find

Sanford, invoking Palin, vows to fight on — Shaken by absence of GOP support — Embattled South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford acknowledged Tuesday that he has been shaken by the failure of a single fellow Republican to back him in his fight to save his job, but vowed to fight …

Congressional Favorability at 24-Year Low — Midterm Voting Intentions Evenly Divided — Americans are extremely displeased with Congress, and there are already some signs that this could take a toll on the Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. Currently, 37% express a favorable opinion …

The Obama Administration: MIA on Afghanistan? — So I was on the Newshour last night debating Afghanistan with a favorite of this blog and its readers, Andrew Bacevich. As readers of this blog know, I am uncomfortable when placed in the position of being expected to lustily defend the war.

First on the CNN Ticker: DNC takes aim at Cheney — (CNN) — The Democratic National Committee is taking aim at Dick Cheney over his string of high-profile media appearances during which the former vice president has been highly critical of President Obama's national security policies.

Another View: Lock the Law School Doors — Dan Slater, a former litigator, argues that there are too many places at too many law schools, especially with the current hiring slump at law firms. — This summer, in the staid world of legal education, where curriculum is uniform and scholars …
Law Blog

Lincoln: Public option too expensive — LITTLE ROCK — U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln said today she opposes a public health insurance option because it would be too expensive. — “For some in my caucus, when they talk about a public option they're talking about another entitlement program …