Top Items:

The Divisions in the White House Over Health-Care Reform — This is health-care reform's endgame, or close to it. Next Wednesday, Barack Obama will give a prime-time address before both houses of Congress. But that's not all he's giving Congress. The administration is going to put a plan down on paper.

WH withdraws call for students to ‘help’ Obama — The Obama administration late Wednesday withdrew a recommendation that school children who watch a video featuring President Obama next week write about how they might “help the president” as part of a classroom assignment.

Obama to address Congress on reform — President Barack Obama will address a joint session of Congress on health care reform in prime time on Wednesday, Sept. 9, a senior official tells POLITICO. — Obama plans to give lawmakers a more specific prescription for health care legislation than he has in the past, aides said.
The Atlantic Politics Channel, PR Newswire, Democracy in America, All American Blogger, Riehl World View, The Huffington Post, Stop The ACLU, Politics Daily, FiveThirtyEight, CNN, The Plum Line, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, The Confluence, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Macsmind, Weekly Standard, RedState, MyDD and Air America Media blogs

Obama's speech: High risk, high reward — Whenever Barack Obama has faced political crisis, he's rescued himself with a big, sweeping, earth-shifter of a speech. — But if soaring oratory has often been Obama's saving grace, the health care reform address he's scheduled to deliver …
Kausfiles, Verum Serum, Crooks and Liars, Washington Post, The Page, Open Left, Pat Dollard and Commentary

Obama Aides Aim to Simplify and Scale Back Health Bills — WASHINGTON — President Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress next week in an effort to rally support for health care legislation as White House officials look for ways to simplify and scale back the major Democratic bills …

White House Floating “Snowe” Trigger
The Huffington Post, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Hot Air, The New Republic, MoJo Blog Posts and MyDD

Sentenced to death on the NHS — Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors warn today. — In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.

“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama” — As if I needed any more evidence to bolster today's column about the Obama junior lobbyist campaign in America's schools, here's another item fresh from the headlines in Utah:

Parents upset over ‘leftist propaganda’ video — Education » Principal apologizes for showing ‘I Pledge’ to students. — A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling “radical, leftist propaganda.”

9/11 Ad for WWF Causes Tsunami of a Crisis for DDB Brasil — Apology Doesn't Stave Off Global Compensation; Video Version Surfaces — An obscure ad that ran once in a small Sao Paulo newspaper months ago has come back to haunt DDB Brasil and its conservation client, the WWF in Brazil …

Kennedy Memoir Talks of Chappaquiddick, J.F.K. and Other Presidents — In a memoir being published posthumously, Senator Edward M. Kennedy talks remorsefully about the car accident that claimed the life of Mary Jo Kopechne - a turn of events many consider a chief reason that he was never able …

Buchanan's Apologia for Hitler — As if some neocon were setting out to parody dovish thinking on contemporary issues, paleocon Pat Buchanan has gone and written a “blame Britian first” account of the origins of World War II. Apparently, according to Buchanan, Hitler was just seeking …

Pat Buchanan: Sotomayor? Racist. Hitler? Misunderstood.
The Jawa Report, The Moderate Voice, Air America Media blogs, Raw Story, Reason and TPMMuckraker

Greer Condemns Obama's Attempt to Indoctrinate Students — Tallahassee- Â Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer today released the following statement condemning President Obama's use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda.

Florida GOP: Keep Obama Out of Our Schools!
The Enterprise Blog, Fox News, The Washington Independent, ATTACKERMAN, Matthew Yglesias, Gawker, Cato @ Liberty, TRAIL BLAZERS and The Swamp

Potential Senate candidacy — While my family is obviously the priority, and 38 Studios is a priority, I do have some interest in the possibility. That being said, to get to there from where I am today, many many things would have to align themselves for that to truly happen.

Obama and the Perfect Political Storm — It's hard to sell change voters don't think they need. — Printer — Friendly — August was the worst month of Barack Obama's presidency. And he seems to know it—he is now planning to deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress 232 days …

Department of Education Deletes Line About How Schoolkids Can Help Obama — By: Jim Geraghty — It appears there are two versions of the preparatory materials for the president's address to schoolchildren floating around, one with language urging teachers to have students write letters …
RedState, PoliGazette, Atlas Shrugs, Cato @ Liberty, Pajamas Media and Patterico's Pontifications

Accountability, but at What Cost? — My friend and fellow columnist Eugene Robinson has written a characteristically passionate and well-reasoned piece commending Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to name a special counsel to examine possible law-breaking by interrogators of terrorist subjects during the last administration.

I have been abducted by aliens, says Japan's first lady — Move over Michelle, watch your backs, Carla and Sarah. There's a new kid on the first lady block, and she looks like upstaging the lot of you. — Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan's Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama …

The Obama Administration: MIA on Afghanistan? — So I was on the Newshour last night debating Afghanistan with a favorite of this blog and its readers, Andrew Bacevich. As readers of this blog know, I am uncomfortable when placed in the position of being expected to lustily defend the war.

GREEN JOBS CZAR SAYS ‘WHITE POLLUTERS’ STEERED POISON INTO MINORITY COMMUNITIES — “Because they don't have a racial justice frame.” — Editor's note: This clip is taken from a YouTube post from January of 2008. Van Jones was then the Executive Director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.

CNN poll: 9 in 10 think U.S. still in recession — CNN Deputy Political Director — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Nearly 9 in 10 Americans say the country's still in a recession, according to a new national poll. — Eighty-seven percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation …

DNA to free another inmate — Winston-Salem man has served 14 years after being convicted of raping 2 girls — A 49-year-old man who has served more than 14 years of a life sentence for raping two teenage sisters will be released today after DNA tests determined that he wasn't the attacker.

Spanish paper: Irving ‘expert’ on WWII — Article's topics: Holocaust, Yad Vashem, Shoah, David Irving, Syria, Aftonbladet — First the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet cited freedom of the press as its justification for accusing IDF soldiers of harvesting Palestinian organs.

On Senator Kennedy's Funeral — Saturday was the 39th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, at St. Augustine's Church in Pittsburgh by Bishop John B. McDowell, who is still going strong today. In the Church's calendar, the feast day for August 29 is the Beheading of John the Baptist.

Rankings — Below are the Washington Monthly's 2009 national university college rankings. We rate schools based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: Social Mobility (recruiting and graduating low-income students), Research (producing cutting-edge scholarship and PhDs) …