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Controversial Obama Administration Official Denies Being Part of 9/11 “Truther” Movement, Apologizes for Past Comments — A top environmental official of the Obama administration issued a statement Thursday apologizing for past incendiary statement and denying that he ever agreed …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Corner on National …, The Foundry, Gateway Pundit, Don Surber, Air America Media blogs, Grist, QandO, Blue Crab Boulevard, Mediaite, The Washington Independent, Commentary, Another Black Conservative, Jules Crittenden, RBO, Scared Monkeys, Wizbang, Swampland, The Sundries Shack, YID With LID, 24Ahead, Nice Deb, Dennis the Peasant, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Hot Air, Wonk Room, Stop The ACLU, The Hill and The Atlantic Politics Channel

It Gets Worse — I was at a Blanche Lincoln town hall meeting in Russellville, Arkansas, yesterday—and the number of people who believe that the President has larded the government with communists (!) was astonishing. One woman said there were four known communists in the government and that she'd researched it on the internet.

Unbelievable: Van Jones says 9/11 petition didn't reflect his views; Update: Jones didn't “carefully review” petition — Note well: He doesn't deny that he signed it. He denies that he agrees with it. Which means, I guess, that he's asking us to create a new standard for public officials …

Busted. Van Jones Linked to 9-11 Truther Movement Back in **January 2002**
The Jawa Report, National Review Online, Green Sheet, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, NewsReal Blog and Flopping Aces

‘Green Jobs’ Adviser's Past Could Stir Trouble for White House at Critical Time
Hot Air, The New Republic, Jack & Jill Politics, Green Sheet, Dennis the Peasant, Macsmind and

A Truther Czar?... Obama's Green Czar Van Jones Believes Bush …
Michelle Malkin, TBogg, NewsReal Blog, Hot Air, Political Punch, Flopping Aces, Power Line, Scared Monkeys, The Foundry, Moonbattery, The Raw Story, The TrogloPundit, Pat Dollard, The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, And So it Goes in Shreveport, theblogprof, Nice Deb, Freedom's Lighthouse, RBO, The Sundries Shack, Ben Smith's Blog, Stop The ACLU, National Review Online and Conservative Dallas

US unemployment rate jumps to 26-year high of 9.7% — WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to a 26-year high of 9.7% in August as nonfarm payrolls fell by 216,000, the 20th consecutive monthly decline, the Labor Department estimated Friday.

Job Losses Moderate, but Unemployment Rate Hits 9.7% — WASHINGTON — U.S. job losses softened last month but the unemployment rate soared to its highest level since June 1983, proving that it will take some time for the ailing labor market to recover from the worst financial crisis in decades.

Unemployment Hits 9.7%, but Job Loss Slows in August
Calculated Risk, Washington Monthly, Financial Times, The Caucus, TalkLeft, Daily Kos, AFL-CIO NOW BLOG, Economix and The Curious Capitalist

U.S. Payroll Losses Slow, Unemployment Rises to 9.7% (Correct)

White House to reveal visitor names — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration plans to change White House policy by releasing the names of thousands of visitors whose comings and goings traditionally are kept secret by presidents. — President Obama's announcement scheduled for today follows a lengthy legal review.
Think Progress, CREW, Washington Monthly, Wonkette, LiveWire, Political Punch, The Page and Donklephant

School speech backlash builds — School districts from Maryland to Texas are fielding angry complaints from parents opposed to President Barack Obama's back-to-school address Tuesday - forcing districts to find ways to shield students from the speech as conservative opposition to Obama spills into the nation's classrooms.

Some Parents Oppose Obama Speech to Students — HOUSTON — President Obama's plan to deliver a speech to public school students on Tuesday has set off a revolt among conservative parents, who have accused the president of trying to indoctrinate their children with socialist ideas …
Washington Monthly, Front Row Washington, Blog, And So it Goes in Shreveport, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, PoliBlog, Columns, US Liberal Politics, Pat Dollard, The Agonist, The Foundry, Think Progress, Founding Bloggers, Christian Science Monitor, theblogprof and RedState

Obama speech to students draws conservative ire — DALLAS — President Barack Obama's back-to-school address next week was supposed to be a feel-good story for an administration battered over its health care agenda. Now Republican critics are calling it an effort to foist a political agenda on children …

School Districts in Six States to Refrain from Showing Presidential Address Next Week — Jake Tapper and Karen Travers report: — White House officials seemed to be caught flat-footed by the response to what they say was a simple back to school address by President Obama to students across the nation …

GOP gov. candidate Chris Christie not issued traffic ticket after accident that injured motorcyclist in 2002 — Adding to Chris Christie's campaign trail headaches over his driving record, officials in Elizabeth confirmed tonight the Republican gubernatorial candidate was in a traffic accident …

A Bit of a Menace? — Looks like more evidence that New Jersey …
Balloon Juice

Let's Get Fundamental — If I were magically given an hour to help Barack Obama prepare for his health care speech next week, the first thing I'd do is ask him to read David Goldhill's essay, “How American Health Care Killed My Father,” in the current issue of The Atlantic.

Despite Best Efforts, Rep. Baron Hill Ends Up on YouTube In a Compromising Position — Rep. Baron Hill (D., Ind.) cannot possibly be this big a jerk all the time. At a recent town hall, a young woman raised her hand and identified herself as a journalism student working on a school project …

Interview With Man Who Had Finger Bitten Off At Town Hall (Bill Rice) — (Nicole) KTLA: … The finger-biter fled the scene and is still at large. I don't know if I buy the whole “he punched me, so it's okay that I bit the guy's finger off” alibi, but isn't it nice to know that the guy …

Gates Signals He's Open to More Troops in Afghanistan — WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates signaled on Thursday that he was open to an increase in American troops in Afghanistan and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said there was now a “sense of urgency” …

House Liberals Write Directly To Obama: No Public Option, No Support — In a letter delivered to the White House moments ago, the two leaders of the bloc of House progressives bluntly told President Obama that they will not support any health care plan without a public option in it — and demanded a meeting to inform him face to face.

Bleeding Independents — OBAMA'S AGENDA HAS FANNED FEARS THAT GOVERNMENT IS EXPANDING TOO FAR, TOO FAST. — Listening to two briefings — one by a Democratic pollster who had just conducted a survey for a group favoring health care reform, the other by a Republican pollster more skeptical …

Obama's Magic Evaporates in the Heat of the Health-Reform Debate — What happened to President Obama? His wax wings having melted, he is the man who fell to earth. What happened to bring his popularity down further than that of any new president in polling history save Gerald Ford (post-Nixon pardon)?