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Man's Finger Bitten Off in Scuffle at Health Care Rally — THOUSAND OAKS — A 65-year-old man had his finger bitten off Wednesday evening at a health care rally in Thousand Oaks, according to the Ventura County Sheriff's Department. — Sheriff's investigators were called to Hillcrest and Lynn Road at 7:26 p.m.
LiveWire, Capitol Briefing, Michelle Malkin, JustOneMinute, Gateway Pundit, Glenn Thrush's Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Christian Science Monitor, Freedom's Lighthouse, No More Mister Nice Blog, skippy the bush kangaroo, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Atlantic Politics Channel, theblogprof, The Jawa Report,, Fausta's Blog, Salon,, Don Surber, Wonkette, Another Black Conservative, Riehl World View, Sweetness & Light and Little Green Footballs

MoveOn: California fracas, finger-biting ‘regrettable’ — A spokeswoman for MoveOn responded to an incident this morning in which a supporter allegedly bit the finger off a conservative demonstrator amid a health care-related fracas in Ventura County, calling the violence “regrettable.”
Patterico's Pontifications, Weekly Standard,, Peoples Press Collective and Swampland

Healthcare activist bites off finger of counter-demonstrator, authorities say [updated] — Authorities are searching for a healthcare reform activist today who they said bit off the finger of a 65-year-old counter-demonstrator during a fight at a rally in Thousand Oaks.

Obama Critic Gives MoveOn the Finger — Doesn't Get It Back — Well, William Rice didn't actually give MoveOn the finger — his pinky was forcibly removed by an Obamacare supporter's teeth. — Rice, a 65-year-old real-estate appraiser from Newbury Park, Calif., expected some heated arguments …

Protester Bites off Finger of Obama Supporter at Health Care Rally
The Mahablog

A Truther Czar?... Obama's Green Czar Van Jones Believes Bush Administration Was Behind 9-11 — It figures. — Barack Obama's communist Green Czar Van Jones is a Truther. — He believes the Bush Administration was behind 9-11 and signed the official 9-11 Truth Document demanding a further investigation.

Green jobs ‘czar’ signed ‘truther’ statement in 2004 — President Obama's “green jobs czar” Van Jones has been targeted again and again by conservatives for his controversial views and now they'll have another item to use as fodder. — Mr. Jones signed a statement for …
The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Hill, Ben Smith's Blog, Right Wing News and The Foundry

How Did Economists Get it So Wrong? — I. MISTAKING BEAUTY FOR TRUTH — It's hard to believe now, but not long ago economists were congratulating themselves over the success of their field. Those successes — or so they believed — were both theoretical and practical, leading to a golden era for the profession.

House Liberals Write Directly To Obama: No Public Option, No Support — In a letter delivered to the White House moments ago, the two leaders of the bloc of House progressives bluntly told President Obama that they will not support any health care plan without a public option in it — and demanded a meeting to inform him face to face.
The Note, TalkLeft, Open Left, George's Bottom Line, ABCNEWS, The Political Carnival, AMERICAblog News, Notepad and Emptywheel

Rep. Charles Rangel Must Step Aside as Chairman of Ways and Means — FOR POLITICIANS with major bad news to release or to make public, there's no time like the dead of August to do it. The thinking goes that the public won't remember a thing come September. We hope Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) will have no such luck.

Extremism in Media's Glare — Health-care reform is said to be in trouble partly because of those raucous August town-hall meetings in which Democratic members of Congress were besieged by shouters opposed to change. — But what if our media-created impression of the meetings is wrong?

Obama Aides Aim to Simplify and Scale Back Health Bills — WASHINGTON — President Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress next week in an effort to rally support for health care legislation as White House officials look for ways to simplify and scale back the major Democratic bills …
CNN, Wonk Room, TPMDC, The Caucus, AMERICAblog News, Bloomberg, The Plum Line, Taylor Marsh, Left in the West, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Firedoglake, Fausta's Blog, Daily Kos, Kausfiles, Washington Monthly, Obsidian Wings, Associated Press, Connecting.the.Dots, Progress Illinois, Commentary, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic Politics Channel and Crooks and Liars

The Controversy Won't Stop... SOURCE: — I read the front page of the NY Post this week and was happy to see that Mr. Spitzer is moving on with his life and considering getting back into politics. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance. Me too, right? Well, apparently not.
New York Post, Gawker, Liberal Values, Gothamist, Clusterstock, Salon and Ben Smith's Blog

Video: Rep. Pete Stark tells interviewer, “Get the f**k out of here or I'll throw you out the window” — Longtime readers of this blog are well aware of California Democrat Rep. Pete Stark (Raving Mad)'s unhingedness. — He has called a Republican opponent a “c**ksucker” …

Schilling ineligible to run as Republican — Former Red Sox pitching ace Curt Schilling may be making noises about running for the Senate to succeed the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) but, according to Massachusetts election law, he's ineligible to run as a Republican.
Boston Globe, MyDD, Swing State Project, MoJo Blog Posts, Top of the Ticket, Salon, The Atlantic Politics Channel and

GOP chairwoman eyes Reid challenge — Nevada Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden announced Wednesday she would step down from her post in order to explore a challenge to Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.). — During a conference call with state party leaders, Lowden said she will leave her post Sept. 30.

Senator: Sanford behind rumors that Bauer is gay — KNOTTS CALLS FOR LEGISLATURE TO ‘MOVE SWIFTLY TO RID OUR STATE OF THIS GOVERNOR’ — In a letter to South Carolina legislators, a prominent state senator Thursday said Gov. Mark Sanford's supporters were behind recent Internet rumors that Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer is gay.

The Inexorable Logic of Iraq — Since U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq's cities, two months have passed, and so has the illusion that Iraq is smoothly transitioning to a normality free of sectarian violence. Recently, Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. troops there, “blanched” when asked if the war is “functionally over.”

MSNBC promoting Buchanan's Hitler column on its own website — From MSNBC's website: — UPDATE: It appears that the column has been removed from the MSNBC website. MSNBC, however, has yet to offer any explanation on why it was posted in the first place. — Previously:

Why Senator Chuck Grassley Turned on Health-Care Reform — If there had ever been any hope for a truly bipartisan health-care bill this year, it came in the person of one cantankerous and quirky Iowan. For months, much to the consternation of many of his fellow Republicans, Charles Grassley …

Kennedy Memoir Doesn't Ignore Lows — In a memoir being published this month, Senator Edward M. Kennedy called his behavior after the 1969 car accident that killed Mary Jo Kopechne “inexcusable” and said the events might have shortened the life of his ailing father, Joseph P. Kennedy.
Discussion:, The Caucus, Politics Daily, Top of the Ticket, Hot Air, Reason, Connecting.the.Dots, The Hill, FishBowlNY, Achenblog, Cato @ Liberty, Gothamist, WCBS-TV and JustOneMinute

MSNBC's Schultz: ‘I Believe Jesus Would Vote Yes for a Public Option’ — What would Jesus do? Well, Ed Schultz thinks he knows - that is on health care reform at least. — Schultz, on his Sept. 2 MSNBC program, “The ED Show” told viewers he believed Jesus would vote for a government public option.

EXCLUSIVE: Gonzales backtracks on support of probe — Former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said Thursday that his previous assertion that it was “legitimate to question and examine” charges of CIA abuses of suspected terrorists did not mean he endorsed such an investigation.
Main Justice, Washington Monthly, TPMMuckraker, Front Row Washington, Think Progress and Commentary

Operation “Hall Pass on That” — From the National Tea Party Coalition, there's a counter-program to President Obama's Sept. 8 pretextual education speech. — “Hall Pass on That:”