Top Items:

Glenn Beck becomes damaged goods — Editor's note: This is Part 2 in a three-part series on Glenn Beck's roots. Read Part 1 here. — Glenn Beck, foreground. In the background, the scene in Tripoli, Libya, on April 15, 1986, after an American attack. — Sept. 22, 2009 |

Right-Wing Radio Host Mark Levin Lashes Out At Glenn Beck: He's 'Mindless, ‘Incoherent,’ ‘Pathetic’ — In an interview with Katie Couric for her new web-only show, Fox News pundit Glenn Beck said he thinks John McCain would have been a bad president because he's “this weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was.”

Can't all conservatives at least agree that Glenn Beck is not the enemy? — Lots of strong reaction to yesterday's dust-up. Yes, I know Dan Riehl is quoting Wehner, and yes, I know Mark Levin slammed Beck. That's OK with me. — Unlike a certain deranged blogger who sees enemies everywhere …

Glenn Beck and left-right confusion
News Hounds, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Confluence, PoliGazette, The Raw Story, The League of Ordinary … and D-Day

Whoops: Anti-ACORN Bill Ropes In Defense Contractors, Others Charged With Fraud — Going after ACORN may be like shooting fish in a barrel lately — but jumpy lawmakers used a bazooka to do it last week and may have blown up some of their longtime allies in the process.

If Congress Attacks the Mighty Oak of Contractor Misconduct …

Protect Insurance Companies PSA — Credits: Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Masi Oka, Jordana Spiro, Linda Cardellini, Donald Faison — Produced by Chris Bruss, Lauren Palmigiano &

Pelosi backs away from deal with Blue Dogs — Speaker Pelosi is backing away from a deal she cut with centrists to advance health reform, said a source familiar with talks. — Pelosi's decision to move away from the agreement that was made with a group of Blue Dogs to get the bill …

PM: Israel, PA agreed to begin talks without preconditions — Article's topics: Binyamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas — Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to relaunch peace negotiations without any preconditions, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared on Tuesday.
Reuters, Israel Matzav, Laura Rozen's Blog, The New Republic, Ben Smith's Blog, Taylor Marsh, Commentary and Blogs and Stories

Clinton ready to be deployed to Middle East if needed
Power Line

Obama Is Considering Strategy Shift in Afghan War — WASHINGTON — President Obama is exploring alternatives to a major troop increase in Afghanistan, including a plan advocated by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to scale back American forces and focus more on rooting out Al Qaeda there and in Pakistan, officials said Tuesday.

Democrats Never Meant What They Said About Afghanistan — By: Jim Geraghty — An astonishingly honest assessment — one that I fear is accurate — from the lefty blog Hullabaloo: … The average Democrat doesn't like fighting wars. They don't like using military force.
NO QUARTER, Riehl World View, Hot Air, American Glob, Moe Lane, JustOneMinute and Neptunus Lex

NBC/WSJ: OBAMA HEALTH #S INCH UP — From NBC's Mark Murray — Here's another tease of our new NBC/WSJ poll: According to the poll, the president's health-care numbers have slightly increased, although that increase remains within the margin of error. Thirty-nine percent believe Obama's …

Conservatives Turn Their Sights On Health Care Reform's Most Obvious Provision — Democrats are bracing themselves for a new line of conservative attack against a provision in the health care legislation once considered so non-controversial that it was endorsed by several major Republican officials.

Why Is Soda So Expensive in Europe? — I'm one of those “drinks a ton of Diet Coke” people, and thus every time I come to Europe I find myself dismayed at the cost of soda over here. Does anyone have a good explanation of why it's so much more expensive than in the US?

Cantor To Uninsured Woman With Growing Tumors: Get ‘An Existing Government Program’ Or Find Charity — At the Richmond Times-Dispatch “public square” forum yesterday, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) fielded open questions from his constituents on the health reform debate for the first time this summer.

Senate passes successor bill — The state Senate passed a bill this afternoon that would allow Governor Deval Patrick to name an interim successor to Edward M. Kennedy, potentially paving the way for appointment of a new US senator later this week. — The Senate approved the measure by a 24-16 vote …
Newsweek Blogs, City Room, The Fix, Ben Smith's Blog, TalkLeft, Real Clear Politics, Swing State Project and AMERICAblog News

After ‘Inappropriate’ NEA Conference Call, White House Pushes New Guidelines — An August 10, 2009 National Endowment for the Arts conference call in which artists were asked to help support President Obama's agenda — a call that at least one good government group called “inappropriate” …

Union Boss Campaigns for Obama, Runs Union... from his Federal Office — It seems that no matter where you turn, there are federal government workers pushing a partisan agenda with taxpayer dollars: from the NEA, to ACORN, to union bosses campaigning for Barack Obama while on the job:

Even Obama ‘vulnerable’ to Clinton's charms — President Obama, speaking now at former President Bill Clinton's Clinton Global Initiative, opened with a tribute to his Democratic predecessor's raw political talent. — “Now, I think everyone knows what it's like when Bill Clinton asks you to make a commitment,” he said.
Weasel Zippers

Delayed Foreclosures Stalk Market — Debra and Arthur Scriven were served notice in June 2008 that their mortgage lender, a unit of Citigroup Inc., was preparing to foreclose on their home. Fifteen months later, the Scrivens are still in their home near Columbia, S.C., and battling to stay there …
The Big Picture

Survey: One Quarter of Americans Could Claim ‘No Religion’ in 20 Years — If current trends continue, a quarter of Americans are likely to claim “no religion” in 20 years, according to a survey out today by Trinity College. Americans who identify with no religious tradition currently comprise 15 percent …

Obama to Set Higher Bar For Keeping State Secrets — New Policy May Affect Wiretap, Torture Suits — The Obama administration will announce a new policy Wednesday making it much more difficult for the government to claim that it is protecting state secrets when it hides details …
MoJo Blog Posts

U.S. closes Mexico border crossing after shootout — TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - U.S. authorities closed the world's busiest land border crossing on Tuesday after a shootout between suspected Mexican human traffickers and U.S. agents, U.S. officials said. — “The port is closed …

The growing ambitions of the food police. — A nonalcoholic sequel to the Whiskey Rebellion seems to be brewing. And Slate may be joining it. I'll call it the Fresca Rebellion, in honor of our editor, David Plotz, a hard-core addict of the citrus-flavored soft drink.

Administration Silences Medicare Advantage Critics—So AARP Can Collect More “Kickbacks” — “There's an inherent conflict of interest....They're ending up becoming very dependent on sources of income.” — Former AARP Executive Marilyn Moon, quoted in Bloomberg article

Romney: 2010 Good For GOP — HUMAN EVENTS editors Tom Winter and Jeb Babbin interviewed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on September 18. Here are excerpts from the interview. — You gave a really good speech June 1 at the U.S. Navy Memorial. I think that's been given a lot less coverage …

Democrats on path to repeat housing disaster — With all the attention paid to the health care battle, ACORN, and the president's “Full Ginsburg” appearances on five Sunday talk shows, few people noticed a hearing with an exceedingly boring title — “Proposals to Enhance the Community Reinvestment Act” …

Condi: The should-be face of the GOP — She's smart. She's experienced. She's worldly. Republican strategists worried about their party's future should take heed.
Talking Points Memo, The Note, The Huffington Post,, American Power, Flopping Aces and LiveWire

Irreconcilable Differences — In the past several weeks, two high-profile companies - Duke Energy and Alstom - publicly gave up their membership in the American Coalition for Clean Coal Energy in protest over its opposition to federal climate change legislation.
NRDC, Climate Progress, MoJo Blog Posts, The Huffington Post, DailyFinance and Green Inc.

Reid gives GOP direct warning on healthcare — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) gave Republicans his most direct warning to date that he is prepared to use a procedural maneuver to pass healthcare reform with a simple majority. — Reid told Republicans that he would prefer …