Top Items:

Effort to replace Kennedy hits snag — The Massachusetts Legislature on Wednesday granted Gov. Deval Patrick the power to appoint a temporary replacement for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, but with one catch: when the appointment can be made. — Lawmakers declined to allow the law …

Kirk named interim senator — Governor Deval Patrick today named Paul G. Kirk Jr. to serve as interim US senator, making the announcement in the presence of the immediate family of the late Edward M. Kennedy. — “He is a distinguished lawyer, volunteer, and citizen, and he shares the sense …
The Hill, Firedoglake, Swing State Project, Washington Post, and AMERICAblog News

“Mmm mmm mmm:” New details about the Dear Leader song video; Update: School responds — Scroll for updates... Photoshop: Leo Alberti — In case you were wondering which school taught kids that “Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm” rap that I posted yesterday afternoon, here are some new details.
Weekly Standard, JustOneMinute, Hot Air, The Western Experience, Exurban League, Wizbang, RBO, Confederate Yankee, Riehl World View and BizzyBlog

Sick. School Children Taught to Sing Praises to Obama — The radical left is now teaching American youth to sing praises to Obama: — Hat Tip Steve Tum — From the video: This was filmed around June 19, 2009 at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ. — Barack Hussein Obama

Dem campaign anxiety: Vulnerables say they lack cover from Pelosi — Politically vulnerable Democrats say Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House leaders aren't offering them the protection from tough votes that they did in the last Congress. — Conservative Democrats fear that dozens …
TalkLeft, Open Left, Congress Matters, GayPatriot, Politics Daily, Commentary and Wake up America

Pelosi shoots down public option ‘trigger’ — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday shot down a healthcare compromise that has been viewed as the best chance for getting a bipartisan bill through the Senate. — Pelosi (D-Calif.) rejected the idea of a “trigger” for a public option.

Finance Fireworks - Cutting Benefits vs. a Govt. Takeover — ABC's Z. Byron Wolf reports: — Tempers flared this morning as the Senate Finance Committee continues to slog through its mark up of a sweeping health care reform bill. — Sen. Max Baucus, who chairs the Finance Committee …

Palin breaks with McCain on F-22 cuts — Sarah Palin, outlying her “common sense conservative” foreign policy views in Hong Kong yesterday, denounced her former running mate's push to cut new F-22 Raptor fighter jets, an efficiency move in which Senator John McCain allied himself …

HuffPo Cofounder Takes On ‘Democrat-Media Complex’ — On September 10, Andrew Breitbart launched his new site, BigGovernment, with hidden-video camera footage of two young conservative activists who'd gotten Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) employees to advise …
Michael Calderone's Blog, Taylor Marsh, Prairie Weather, Big Government and Associated Press

Doug Wilder whacks Deeds — Former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder announced Thursday that he will not be endorsing a candidate in the Virginia gubernatorial race, while mounting some sharp criticism at Democrat Creigh Deeds over his stance on taxes and guns.
Below The Beltway

Statement on the 2009 Governor's Race
Politics Nation

Prez comes across as a gullible sap — President Obama yesterday did his best impression of a high-school soph omore participating in his first Model UN meeting, retailing pious clichés he learned from his pony-tailed social studies teacher. — Even Woodrow Wilson might have blanched …

Obama to Use Current Law to Support Detentions — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has decided not to seek new legislation from Congress authorizing the indefinite detention of about 50 terrorism suspects being held without charges at at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, officials said Wednesday.
American Prospect, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, JustOneMinute, Washington Post, Who Is IOZ?, Think Progress, The BLT, The Raw Story, The Politico and USS Neverdock

They're torturing me, Honduras' Manuel Zelaya claims — Honduras' fallen leader told The Miami Herald he is being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation — and that ‘Israeli mercenaries’ are planning to assassinate him. — FROBLES@MIAMIHERALD.COM — TEGUCIGALPA — It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power.
Hot Air, La Gringa's Blogicito, Weekly Standard, JammieWearingFool, RedState, The Greenroom and PoliBlog

Environmentalists Seek to Wipe Out Plush Toilet Paper — Soft Toilet Paper's Hard on the Earth, But Will We Sit for the Alternative? — By David A. Fahrenthold, Page A01 — ELMWOOD PARK, N.J. — There is a battle for America's behinds.
Discussion:, Jules Crittenden, AmSpecBlog, YID With LID, Stop The ACLU, Achenblog and Pundit & Pundette

New York Police Official in Terror Unit Is Removed — The New York Police Department has removed a senior official from one of its two sometimes competing antiterrorism units, after it played a role in disrupting a sensitive federal terrorism investigation, current and former police officials said on Wednesday.

Terror Suspect Is Charged With Plot to Use Bombs
Tickle The Wire

Classified McChrystal Report: 500,000 Troops Will Be Required Over Five Years in Afghanistan — Congress Should Hold Hearings on Alternatives to Major Escalation — Embedded in General Stanley McChrystal's classified assessment of the war in Afghanistan is his conclusion …

Huge Anglo-Saxon gold hoard found … The UK's largest haul of Anglo-Saxon treasure has been discovered buried beneath a field in Staffordshire. — Experts say the collection of 1,500 gold and silver pieces, which may date to the 7th Century, is unparalleled in size and worth “a seven figure sum”.

Obama leads 2012 foes — If Barack Obama had to stand for reelection today he'd win by as much as he did last year, if not more. — He leads Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Sarah Palin by anywhere from 7-15 points in hypothetical 2012 contests. — Huckabee comes the closest, trailing Obama 48-41.

Treasury IG for Tax Administration Agrees to Request by Issa and Collins to Conduct a Review of ACORN — WASHINGTON D.C. -Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration, J. Russell George agreed to comply with a request submitted by House Committee on Oversight …

MSNBC Commentator: Republicans “Want to See You Dead...They Kinda Like It When That Woman Has Cancer” — Click to see Ed Schultz's unhinged meltdown. — On the Wednesday evening edition of “The Ed Show,” MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz stated that Republicans want Americans to die …

9/24: NY Voters to Obama, “Mind Your Business” — The White House is urging Governor David Paterson not to run for office next year, but what do New York State voters think? 62% say the Obama Administration is wrong to suggest the governor should not run while 27% think Washington is well within its rights to get involved.

Eye Opener: Census Worker Found Hanged — A part-time Census Bureau field worker was found hanged in Kentucky Sept. 12 with the word “fed” scrawled across his chest, according to a law enforcement source. Bill Sparkman, 51 was found in a remote patch of the Daniel Boone National Forest …
USA Today, Crooks and Liars, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Cogitamus, Salon, Washington Monthly and Hullabaloo

Is Obama Naïve? — By: Michael Ledeen — I don't think so. I think that he rather likes tyrants and dislikes America. I think he'd like to be more powerful, I think he is trying to get control over as much of our lives as he can, so that he can put an end to the annoying tumult of our public life.
The American Scene

Mondale: Racial ‘edge’ to Obama foes — Former Vice President Walter Mondale joined his old boss Jimmy Carter Wednesday, arguing that some of the opposition to President Obama's agenda is fueled by racial animus. — Asked at an event in Washington whether he agreed with former President Carter …

Barack Obama rebuffs Gordon Brown as ‘special relationship’ sinks to new low — Gordon Brown has been snubbed repeatedly by Barack Obama during his trip to the United States, as the fall-out from the release of the Lockerbie bomber appeared to have left “the special relationship” at its lowest ebb for nearly 20 years.
The Atlantic Politics Channel, BBC, The Greenroom, POWIP, The Atlanticist, PoliBlog, Sister Toldjah and Fausta's Blog