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Obama's unplanned Iran news — Late Thursday night, two hours after it sent out President Barack Obama's Friday schedule, the White House told reporters it was adding another event - a statement that he would give in the morning. Amid all the hoopla of the G-20 economic summit in Pittsburgh …

Cryptic Iranian Note Ignited an Urgent Nuclear Strategy Debate — PITTSBURGH — On Tuesday evening in New York, top officials of the world nuclear watchdog agency approached two of President Obama's senior advisers to deliver the news: Iran had just sent a cryptic letter describing a small …
Mediaite, Washington Post, The Lede, Political Byline, Associated Press, JustOneMinute and Guardian

With Iran, ‘The Cuban Missile Crisis in Slow Motion’ — Graham Allison, a Harvard professor who is one of America's leading security strategists, likes to speak of the U.S.-Iranian nuclear confrontation as “the Cuban missile crisis in slow motion.” Well, on Friday morning …

Hanged Census Worker Found Naked, Bound — BIG CREEK, Ky. (AP) — A part-time census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Think Progress, American Power, Macsmind, At-Largely, Federal Eye, American Glob, Althouse and Prairie Weather

Right-Wing Census Paranoia [VIDEO] — There are many unanswered questions about the tragic hanging death of Bill Sparkman, a US Census Bureau employee, in rural Kentucky. But one thing is clear. Right-Wing leaders like Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and media outlets like Fox News …

Sparkman: Casualty of Methland, USA? Or Victim of Anti-Government Bile?

NBC News prez blasts ALG: ‘reckless’ and ‘defamatory’ UPDATE — NBC News president Steve Capus fired back at Americans for Limited Government Friday, after the conservative group published an email allegedly from NBC producer Jane Stone to its director of media outreach Alex Rosenwald, with one line: “Bite me Jew Boy.”
New York Times, YID With LID, Megan McArdle,, Riehl World View and protein wisdom

NBC Producer to Anti-ACORN Group: ‘Bite Me, Jew Boy!’ — **UPDATE** Politico: NBC Vehemently Denies Allegations Over Anti-Semitic Email — **UPDATE 2** ALG Statement in Response to Alleged NBC Email — **UPDATE 3** NBC News Statement — Apparently NBC “Dateline” …

Sarkozy Mocks Obama at UN Security Council: Hello, Big Media? — One of my favorite features of the Newseum in Washington, DC is the daily display of newspaper front pages from around the world. Today, Canada's National Post was a standout with Alex Spillius' coverage of a clash between Presidents Obama and Sarkozy.

Neil Barofsky, TARP Inspector: Financial System May Now Be In A “Far More Dangerous Place” (VIDEO) — The Huffington Post Investigative Fund — Neil Barofsky is the man who tracks the historic bailout known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. The 39-year-old special inspector …

tiredofit — So what if it would take 2 weeks to put it on the net, what is the big rush? Obama promised that EVERY bill would be posted on the net 3-5 days before it was voted on so people would have time to read it. What happened to that promise? Put the bill on the net so people …

Ensign receives handwritten confirmation — This doesn't happen often enough. — Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note Thursday from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.

Mandatory Flu Shots Hit Resistance — Many Health-Care Workers Required to Get Vaccines — With the H1N1 pandemic spreading rapidly, hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, orderlies and other U.S. health-care workers for the first time are being required to get flu shots …
Prairie Weather

Kyl: 'I Don't Need Maternity Care.' Stabenow: ‘Your Mom Probably Did’ — Just before the Senate Finance Committee wrapped up for the long weekend, members debated one of Sen. Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) amendments, which would strike language defining which benefits employers are required to cover.

Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo smile this amazingly consistent. — On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood …

Embattled pollster defends methods — The American Assocation for Public Opinion Research, the blogger Nate Silver, and others have raised a serious of questions about Strategic Vision, a polling firm that occasional draws attention for early polls in lightly-polled, competitive state races.

Congressional Performance — Only 16% Like The Job Congress Is Doing — Just 16% of U.S. voters give Congress good or excellent ratings now that it's back in action after a rough-and-tumble August recess, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.