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Harkin says he has the votes to pass public option bill in the Senate — The Senate has the votes to pass a healthcare reform bill including a public option, a key Senate chairman said Tuesday. — Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa.), the chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) …

Abortion Fight Complicates Debate on Health Care — WASHINGTON — As if it were not complicated enough, the debate over health care in Congress is becoming a battlefield in the fight over abortion. — Abortion opponents in both the House and the Senate are seeking to block the millions …
Megan McArdle, The New Republic, Telegraph, AmSpecBlog, Prescriptions, The Caucus, RedState, The BLT, Taylor Marsh,, Feministing, Michelle Malkin, The Foundry and The Page

Public option may have new life — The public option limped out of August, battered and left to die in the Senate. — But its supporters are working hard this week to bring it back, against the odds, with a series of high-profile votes in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday.
The Hill, The Swamp, New York Times, ABCNEWS, Politics Daily, Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, The Note, GayPatriot, TalkLeft, The Foundry, Think Progress, Washington Post, TPMDC and Political Byline

Key Senate panel rejects public health plan — Outcome of vote on government-sponsored insurance was expected — WASHINGTON - A key Senate panel on Tuesday voted against creating a new government health insurance plan to compete with the private market. — The 15-to-8 vote …
The Reaction, TPMDC, The Moderate Voice, Pam's House Blend, Michelle Malkin and Riehl World View

Senate Committee Rejects Public Option for Health Overhaul — WASHINGTON—The Senate Finance Committee rejected amendments Tuesday that would add a government-run health-insurance plan to the committee's health-care legislation, but debate over whether to adopt a public plan isn't expected to end at the committee.

Senate Democrats plan to force vote on public option — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Two members of the Senate Finance Committee plan to put their Democratic colleagues on the spot on Tuesday by offering amendments on whether to give uninsured Americans the opportunity to join a government insurance program.
The Hill, TPM LiveWire, Hot Air, CANNONFIRE, Wonk Room, Taylor Marsh and The Media Consortium

More Americans Believe In UFOs Than Oppose A Public Option … THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE — As health insurance reform makes its way through congress, it's easy to observe the partisan fighting in Washington and believe the country is deeply divided over a “public option.” — Luckily, that is not the case.

Live Blogging: Senate Finance Committee Debate on Public Option — A Democrat steps in... | 11:47 a.m. Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, is allowed to speak out of turn because he has a pressing engagement elsewhere. He strongly backs Mr. Rockefeller's proposal and says if that fails, he's for Mr. Schumer's.
TPMDC, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, The Nation, Prairie Weather, Blogometer, Open Left, Left in the West, Daily Kos and Politics Nation

DEPRESSING DEBATE.... As advertised, the Senate Finance Committee …

GOP Rep. Trent Franks Calls Obama “An Enemy Of Humanity” — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — A Republican member of the House of Representatives accused President Barack Obama of being “an enemy of humanity” during a conservative values forum this past weekend. — In a speech Saturday …
Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, Talking Points Memo, The Washington Independent and TPMDC

Time for Obama to Act Like a President — Sooner or later it is going to occur to Barack Obama that he is the president of the United States. As of yet, though, he does not act that way, appearing promiscuously on television and granting interviews like the presidential candidate he no longer is.
Don Surber, Commentary, The Mahablog, Washington Monthly, Wake up America and

First lady says ‘gloves are off’ in bid for Olympics — WASHINGTON (CNN) — First lady Michelle Obama vowed Monday to “take no prisoners” as she and her husband launch an unprecedented bid for Chicago's 2016 Olympic bid. — “It's a battle — we're going to win — take no prisoners,” …

Obama to Afghanistan? — A prediction: President Obama will add a …

NEWLY DISCOVERED: COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS APPEAR TO ‘PRAY’ TO PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA — The Gamaliel National Clergy Caucus held “a New Orleans style funeral procession as they deliver a casket symbolizing the death of old ways of providing health care and pray for a new day for health care in America.”
Hot Air, theblogprof, Atlas Shrugs, Nice Deb, Stop The ACLU, Moe Lane, Gateway Pundit, HotAirPundit, RedState and Whiskey Fire

Europe's Socialists Suffering Even in Downturn — PARIS — A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Socialism's slow collapse. — Even in the midst of one of the greatest challenges to capitalism in 75 years, involving a breakdown of the financial system due to “irrational exuberance …

Start making your case. — Use the entry form to send us a short opinion essay (400 words or less) pegged to a topic in the news and an additional paragraph (100 words or less) on yourself and why you should win. Entries will be judged on the basis of style, intelligence and freshness of argument …
Accuracy in Media, Michelle Malkin, Wonkette, Michael Calderone's Blog, Matthew Yglesias, Gawker, Reason and PostPartisan

Did ACORN Elect Al Franken? — Robert Samuelson scorns the egomaniacal “quest for glory” of Congressional Democrats who are trying to pass health care reform. But of course the quest for glory may be the only reason a worthwhile reform could still pass. It ain't going to pass it because it's popular!

Polanski Seeks Release From Swiss Jail — PARIS — Roman Polanski, the Oscar-winning movie director arrested in Switzerland as a fugitive from American justice, filed an application Tuesday with a Swiss court seeking his release, news reports said. — The United States has been seeking …
The Smoking Gun, TalkLeft, Mediaite, NY Daily News, Gothamist, ArtsBeat, Los Angeles Times and Guardian

Fund-Raiser Hsu Sentenced to 24 Years — NEW YORK — A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced former Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu to more than 24 years in prison for illegally funneling tens of thousands of dollars to U.S. political candidates and for his role in a Ponzi scheme.

S.D. ghostwriter mum on Sarah Palin memoir — One San Diegan knows all the details of Sarah Palin's soon-to-be released memoir, but don't ask her about it. She can't tell. — Lynn Vincent, Palin's ghostwriter, has signed a non-disclosure agreement. She has been hard at work on the book …

EXCLUSIVE: Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation — Number of cases overwhelms watchdog, costs taxpayers — Employee misconduct investigations, often involving workers accessing pornography from their government computers, grew sixfold last year inside the taxpayer-funded foundation …

U.S. to Israel: Probe alleged Gaza war crimes to advance peace — The United States called on its close ally Israel on Tuesday to conduct credible investigations into allegations of war crimes committed by its forces in Gaza, saying it would help the Middle East peace process.

400 Pages In Four Months — That's Sarah Palin's achievement for Jonathan Burnham, who runs the marketing company, Harper Collins. Several questions naturally arise. Did she actually write those 400 pages? Please. Her peregrinations in the couple of months since she quit her “day-job” …

Morning Fix: Attack Dog Needed? — AP Photo/St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dawn Majors — The national debate over President Obama's health care plan has exposed a weakness in the Democratic Party apparatus: it lacks a high profile surrogate to push back — hard — against the rhetorical arguments put forward by Republicans.
Ben Smith's Blog, Commentary,, and Club for Growth

Public Support For Health Reform Increases in September, Reversing Summer Declines as Congress Takes Up Legislation — Survey Finds Support For New Proposals For Fees And Taxes on Insurance Companies to Help Pay For Overhaul — MENLO PARK, CA — Public support for health reform ended its summer slide …

Berkeley may sign onto U.N. treaties — Berkeley would become the first city in the United States to independently try to comply with U.N. treaties on torture, civil rights and racial discrimination, if the City Council passes a measure on the issue tonight.