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Roman Polanski's Powerful Friends — If a rapist escapes justice for long enough, should the world hand him a get out of jail free card? If you're Roman Polanski, world-famous director, a lot of famous and gifted people think the answer is yes. Polanski, who drugged and anally raped …

In Roman Polanski case, is it Hollywood vs. Middle America? — Reactions to the extradition of the fugitive filmmaker show a sharp divide. — Roman Polanski (Getty Images) — From Michael Moore's politics to on-screen sex and violence, the movie business is constantly being assailed for not sharing the country's values.
Patterico's Pontifications, Feministe, The Corner on National …, Big Hollywood, Weekly Standard, Moonbattery, Hot Air, The Anchoress, L.A. NOW and QandO

Polanski's Many Detractors — If the impression you have from reaction to the Roman Polanski extradition case (see Nick Gillespie's great posts here and here) is that the media and the broad Left are overwhelmingly rallying around the weird little Polack, please do think again.

Grayson Breaks the Rules — Representative Alan Grayson's statement that the Republican plan for health care amounts to “don't get sick” and if you do “die quickly” probably doesn't meet a test of literal accuracy. Reality is I guess closer to “only get sick if you're stably employed in a good …
CNN, Left Coast Rebel, Michelle Malkin, Washington Monthly, American Power and MoJo Blog Posts

Grayson aide: Inaction is “murdering the uninsured” — In his floor speech the other day, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) more or less suggested that failing to enact health care reform was the moral equivalent of manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide — saying the GOP wanted sick people to “die quickly.”

Pelosi: No Grayson apology needed
Hot Air,, Moonbattery, Nice Deb, Flopping Aces, Gateway Pundit, Jules Crittenden and Wonkette

Pelosi: No Grayson apology necessary UPDATED
The Huffington Post, American Power, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Hullabaloo, JammieWearingFool and Think Progress

Carper quietly devises third option — Sen. Tom Carper bided his time on health care reform. — Rarely in the spotlight, and unfailingly restrained, the Delaware Democrat never staked out a public position on the government insurance option, solidifying his status as the model of an undecided moderate in need of persuading.
Hullabaloo, TPMDC, Wonk Room, Firedoglake,, Open Congress, Ezra Klein, neo-neocon, Donklephant, Salon and Think Progress

Harkin: No place for GOP at Senate health-bill table — Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin said today Republicans will not be at the table when the Senate merges the health-care bills from two committees before sending one to the floor. — Harkin, a Democrat and chairman of one of the committees …

McChrystal Rejects Scaling Down Afghan Military Aims — LONDON — The top military commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, rejected calls for scaling down military objectives there on Thursday and said Washington did not have unlimited time to settle on a new strategy to pursue the eight-year-old war.

NV-Senate: Lowden Announces Against Reid — Former Nevada state Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden will announce her bid to challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today, immediately becoming the highest-profile candidate in an increasingly crowded field hoping to unseat the Nevada Democrat.

Carter walks back racism charge — Former President Jimmy Carter insisted Thursday that he did not say protests against President Barack Obama were driven by racism. — Carter touched off a firestorm three weeks ago when he said Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-S.C.) “You Lie!” outburst was …

Pawlenty preps 2012 campaign team — Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been quietly assembling the blueprint of a presidential campaign and will announce Thursday the support of a group of high-level political strategists and donors, complemented by a handful of top new media consultants, POLITICO has learned.
The Fix, Boston Globe, The Note, National Review Online, The New Republic, Eunomia, Left Coast Rebel,, Newsweek Blogs, Washington Monthly, Another Black Conservative, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Tim Pawlenty's Freedom …, Hot Air, Des Moines Register, Ben Smith's Blog, AmSpecBlog, Power Line, Wonkette, The Swamp and Below The Beltway

Poll: 43% say Olympics trip ‘bad idea’ — A plurality of Americans thinks President Barack Obama's trip to Copenhagen to lobby International Olympic Committee officials was a “bad idea,” according to a poll released Thursday by Rasmussen Reports. — Forty-three percent of the 1,000 adults …

Support for Abortion Slips — Issue Ranks Lower on the Agenda — Overview — Polls conducted in 2009 have found fewer Americans expressing support for abortion than in previous years. In Pew Research Center polls in 2007 and 2008, supporters of legal abortion clearly outnumbered opponents …

Kristol Floats ‘Plausible Rumor’ That Hagel Will Replace Gates, Calls Him ‘An Advocate Of Retreat Everywhere’ — Yesterday, Foreign Policy Initiative co-founder Bill Kristol appeared on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, where he said that he now believes “for the first time that he will not accept …

Kerry blocks DeMint trip to Honduras — Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has blocked Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-S.C.) trip to Honduras slated to begin Friday, according to DeMint's office. — DeMint's office informed The Hill of Kerry's decision Thursday afternoon.
Riehl World View

Assessing the GOP brand — How weak is the Republican brand right now? This issue came up yesterday when a Media Matters criticized The Hill for failing to mention the GOP's poor polling numbers in a story on the 2010 elections. Similarly, I recently suggested that that the damaged …

Senator's Aid to Mistress's Husband Raises Ethics Flags — WASHINGTON — Early last year, Senator John Ensign contacted a small circle of political and corporate supporters back home in Nevada — a casino designer, an airline executive, the head of a utility and several political consultants …

AUSTAN GOOLSBEE TAKES THE PRIZE — White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee took home the top prize in the 16th annual “D.C.'s Funniest Celebrity” contest on Wednesday evening, and he did so in a very unconventional way. Instead of adopting a traditional comedic routine of joke buildup and punchline …

Chart of the Day — The Office of the Speaker of the House emails to nominate this for chart of the day. Sure. Why not. It's a good chart. Bottom line: the public really likes the idea of having a choice between either a private or a public health insurance plan.

Bachmann warns of abortions at school — Schools might start offering abortions if healthcare reform passes, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) warned last night. — Speaking on the House floor, Bachmann raise concerns about the “school based health clinics” discussed in H.R. 3200, which she labeled “sex clinics.”

Pennsylvania Senate Seesaw Tips To Toomey, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Obama's Approval Drops Below 50 Percent — The seesaw 2010 Senate race in Pennsylvania tips to Republican Pat Toomey, who has 43 percent to recently converted Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter's 42 percent, too close to call …
Glenn Thrush's Blog, The Fix, Salon, Politics Daily, Swing State Project, The Corner on National …,, The Hill, Commentary, Open Left and TPMDC

Obama's not-so-secret plan to raise taxes — Does President Obama have a secret plan to raise taxes on middle-class Americans — and,well, pretty much everybody else — with a European-style, value-added tax? Actually, it's not such a big secret. Connect the dots:
American Power, TaxProf Blog, Political Byline, The Corner on National …, Cato @ Liberty, theblogprof and Sister Toldjah

Stimulus Spending Doesn't Work — Our new research shows no evidence of a Keynesian ‘multiplier’ effect. There is evidence that tax cuts boost growth. — Printer — Friendly — The global recession and financial crisis have refocused attention on government stimulus packages.