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Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize — OSLO — In a stunning surprise, the Nobel Committee announced Friday that it had awarded its annual peace prize to President Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
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Comment: absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize — The award of this year's Nobel peace prize to President Obama will be met with widespread incredulity, consternation in many capitals and probably deep embarrassment by the President himself.

What Obama Should Do With His Nobel Peace Prize — Turn it down! Say he hasn't had the time yet to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. Result: He gets at least the same amount of glory—and helps solve his narcissism problem and his Fred Armisen ('What's he done?') problem …
Slate, Washington Monthly, THE WEEK News & Opinion, The Washington Independent, Instapundit and JustOneMinute

Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize — US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. — The Nobel Committee said he won it for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples”. — The committee highlighted …

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 — The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance …

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize — OSLO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for giving the world “hope for a better future” with his work for peace and calls to reduce the global stockpile of nuclear weapons. — The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for …

President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize — President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Friday for his work to improve international diplomacy and rid the world of nuclear weapons — a stunning decision to celebrate a figure virtually unknown in the world before he launched his presidential campaign nearly three years ago.

BBC Call: NO FREAKIN' WAY!: Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize — Update 2: Just came in email after a lively phone chat with the BBC producer: … Sometimes these things don't come off for whatever reason. But if it does, I'll be on the BBC TV network discussing the award with some folks from around the globe.

Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Laureate: Whatever Happened to Awarding for Deeds Actually Done? — I am generally a supporter of Barack Obama. I voted for him and campaigned in print for his election. However, as I turned on CNN early this morning and saw the news that he'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize …

Surprise! President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize — Obama Becomes Third Sitting U.S. President to Win the Prestigious Award, After Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson — In a major surprise, even to the White House, President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today …

But Should He Turn It Down? — At Slate, John Dickerson writes that the Nobel committee shouldn't have awarded the prize to Obama, and Mickey Kaus urges Obama to turn it down. Kaus's reasoning is politics: Obama's narcissism problem — Kaus's bolds — will be exacerbated.
Obsidian Wings

In a surprise, Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize — OSLO — President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

A peace prize for hope — President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after only nine months on the job. It seems a tad premature, but is undoubtedly a token of the committee's high expectations for what is to come. Obama's five disciples on the prize committee are helping …
The Corner on National …

Palin, Vaughn, Rabinowitz Win Awards — In a stunning announcement, Millard Fillmore Senior High School chose Shawn Rabinowitz, an incoming junior, as next year's valedictorian. The award was made, the valedictorian committee announced from Norway of all places, on the basis of …

Unexpected Developments — It's not the accustomed stance of a writer or blogger.
Washington Monthly

Reaction: Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
The Atlantic Politics Channel, Environmental Capital, Swampland, The Washington Independent and TPMDC

Conservatives, Critics Blast Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
Think Progress, The Corner on National …, Weekly Standard, Talking Points Memo and TPMDC

Afghanistan Commander McChrystal's Washington Trip Delayed — The White House has told the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan to delay a planned trip here Friday to brief President Obama and his senior advisers on his recommendation for a major troop increase.
The Jawa Report

Emerging Strategy Calls for Weakening, Not Routing, Taliban
Laura Rozen's Blog

Fair and Decent? — Scott Rasmussen periodically polls Americans on whether their country is “generally fair and decent,” as opposed to “basically unfair and discriminatory.” The former view, of course, tends to predominant, but the latest results are rather sad: … Note where the change has come:

The lost Senate — Thirty years ago this fall, Ted Kennedy was running for president, Robert Byrd ruled the Senate floor as majority leader and a boyish Max Baucus had already jumped ahead of his freshman class by securing a seat on the powerful Finance Committee.
Prairie Weather

BREAKING: 30 Senate Democrats Stand Up for a Public Option

Do the Watusi: Art, imitation, and the Obamas — Yesterday, we chuckled over the indecision-themed “word art” that the Obamas chose to hang in the White House. — Today, a Free Republic poster notices another of the Obamas' curious art choices: “Watusi (Hard Edge),” by Alma Thomas …

Barack Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood — President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, has provoked controversy by appearing on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist group to talk about Sharia Law.
Hot Air, Jihad Watch, Don Surber, Stop The ACLU, The Jawa Report, Atlas Shrugs, Track-A-'Crat, Dr. Sanity, Weasel Zippers and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

DNC Launches New Attack on GOP ‘Faces’ — ABC News' Rick Klein reports: The Democratic National Committee today is launching a new initiative aimed at highlighting controversial comments and votes by leading Republicans, with Web videos identifying “The Faces of the GOP.”
Washington Monthly