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Sweeping Health Care Plan Passes House — WASHINGTON — Handing President Obama a hard-fought victory, the House narrowly approved a sweeping overhaul of the nation's health care system on Saturday night, advancing legislation that Democrats said could stand as their defining social policy achievement.

Democratic no votes — House Democratic leadership saw 39 of their members vote against the bill and, with one Republican yes vote, Democrats passed sweeping health reform legislation 220-215. While the reasons these Democrats have offered for opposing the $1.2 trillion bill vary …

House passes key hurdle on health-care legislation — Debate expected to last at least four hours, vote on landmark reform scheduled this evening — After receiving a pep talk from President Obama, House Democrats cleared a key procedural hurdle Saturday in the debate over expanding …

House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill — Lawmakers in the House voted 220 to 215 on Saturday night to approve a sweeping overhaul of the nation's health care system. Only one Republican voted for the bill, and 39 Democrats opposed it, including 24 members of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition.

Re: What We Know About the Health-Care Bill — John, what we also know is that this bill is so flawed and so potentially toxic with all but committed liberals that now at least 34 moderate and conservative Democrats have jumped ship. Republican leaders can claim with some credibility …

Health care takeover roll call vote — and what GOP Rep. Joseph Cao got from Obama; Plus: Organizing for America hustles more money — The final 220-215 roll call vote on passage of the House Dems' government health care takeover bill is here. — And here is the 240-194 roll call vote …

Cao Votes for “Life”; Achieves Legislation to Protect the Health of All Americans — Tonight, Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao (LA-2) voted in favor of the comprehensive health reform bill, H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. — Of his vote, Cao said: “Tonight …

Cao May Be Sole GOP Vote In Favor of Health Bill — At least one Republican may vote for the Democratic health care bill, several House sources confirmed on Saturday night. — Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao (R-La.), a former Jesuit seminarian, is rumored to be on the fence if the House approves …

Republican votes for House Dems' health bill — Both sides lobbied hard to win over Louisiana Rep. Joseph Cao, but he ultimately crossed the aisle — House Republicans have been remarkably unified this year, sticking together on all of the big votes and ensuring that Democrats don't have any bipartisan cover whatsoever.

Stupak Amendment Passes; 64 Dems Ask for Primary Opponents — [Ed. note: At 11:01 p.m. ET we are now watching the final vote for H.R. 3962, the health care bill itself. Stay tuned here for more coverage.] — Do you like that headline? Because that's what I'm feeling right …

President Obama Acknowledged Today That He and Bill Owens Pulled a Health Care Fast One on the Voters in NY-23 — The New York Times is reporting that in his pep talk to the Democrats in Congress this morning, President Obama acknowledged that he and newly elected NY-23 Democratic Congressman Bill Owens …

Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists — Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a “spiritual adviser” to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. — Hasan, the sole suspect in the massacre …

George W. Bush Visits Fort Hood, Wounded Soldiers
baldilocks, Row 2, Seat 4, Christian Science Monitor, Riehl World View and The Other McCain

Report: Hasan attended same radical mosque as 9/11 hijackers …
The Daily Beast, Telegraph, Michelle Malkin, The Jawa Report, Atlas Shrugs, American Power, Moe_Lane's blog and Classical Values

BBC: Ft Hood mosque member defends shootings: “they were troops …
Washington Examiner, Stars & Stripes, Pajamas Media, Biased BBC, Don Surber and Weasel Zippers

GOP Shadegg to buck pro-lifers, party — Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) said he plans to buck right-to-life groups and his own party and vote “present” on a Democratic amendment that would prevent federal funding for abortions as part of health-care overhaul legislation.

Call today to defeat the Stupak anti-abortion amendment
the albany project, Open Left, Firedoglake, Crooks and Liars, MyDD, Prescriptions, Daily Kos and Hullabaloo

Obama leaning toward 34,000 more troops for Afghanistan — WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is nearing a decision to send more than 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan next year, but he may not announce it until after he consults with key allies and completes a trip to Asia later this month …
At-Largely, ATTACKERMAN, DownWithTyranny!, The Political Carnival, Weasel Zippers and New York Times

Kucinich's Brave Health Vote Vs. Obama's Failed Promise — There were plenty of cowardly votes in the House last night but there was only one truly brave one. The unsung hero of the night was Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich. Despite enormous pressure to support H.R. 3962, Rep. Kucinich did the right thing and voted ‘no’.

Bloodless President Barack Obama makes Americans wistful for George W Bush — Barack Obama's reaction to bad news is to play it so cool that Americans yearn for a bit more drama - and some even for his predecessor, writes Toby Harnden in Washington. — Toby Harnden's American Way

Gregg: CBO cost estimate of Pelosi Plan $3 trillion; Update: Heritage says $2.4T — You know, Senator Gregg, talking like this won't get you an appointment to Barack Obama's Cabinet. Oh, wait ...: … I'm not sure where Gregg gets the $3 trillion number.