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When Muslims Commit Violence — A consensus seems to have formed here at The Atlantic that the Ft. Hood massacre means not very much at all. Megan McArdle writes that “there is absolutely no political lesson to be learned from this.” James Fallows says: “The shootings never mean anything.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut — Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.
American Power, The Other McCain, YID With LID, Fox News, Israel Matzav, Islam in Action, Right Pundits and Weasel Zippers

House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill — Lawmakers in the House voted 220 to 215 on Saturday night to approve a sweeping overhaul of the nation's health care system. Only one Republican voted for the bill, and 39 Democrats opposed it, including 24 members of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition.
DownWithTyranny!, Ruby Slippers, Politics Daily, QandO, The Atlantic Politics Channel, Connecting.the.Dots, Firedoglake, The Plum Line, Swing State Project, PoliBlog, Matthew Yglesias, Ezra Klein, MyDD, TBogg, Shot in the Dark, The Hill, Taylor Marsh, Gothamist, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Political Carnival and The Huffington Post

Lieberman Pledges To Filibuster House Bill: The Public Option Is ‘Unnecessary’ — This morning on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) about the House's historic passage of health care legislation last night. Lieberman said that as a “matter of conscience …

Graham: House Bill “D.O.A.” in the Senate — Would Filibuster Health Care Reform with Public Option, Declaring “Liberal” House Bill Would Mean “Disaster” — (CBS) Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said the health care bill passed last night by the House of Representatives is “dead on arrival to the Senate.”

Lone GOP vote came after call from President Obama — Washington (CNN) - Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao was the only Republican to vote in favor of the Democratic health care bill that passed the House late Saturday, a vote that came after President Obama called to personally to ask for his support, Cao told CNN.

The (not-too) private life of Corporal Hodge — Hey, what's this half naked model doing here? — Why, that's Katrina Hodge, runner-up in this year's Miss England competition. — But the story doesn't start or end there... You see, she's also a Corporal in Her Majesty's Armed Forces...

East Germans lost much in 1989 — For many in the GDR, the fall of the Berlin Wall and unification meant the loss of jobs, homes, security and equality — On 9 November 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down I realised German unification would soon follow, which it did a year later.

Ensign moves out of home on C Street — Town house shared with Christian colleagues had gained notoriety because of Nevadan's affair — Sen. John Ensign would not discuss his move with the Sun. — 2 a.m. — WASHINGTON — Sen. John Ensign has moved out of the C Street house …

Putting the MERS Controversies in Perspective — CR Note: This is a guest post from albrt. — A great deal has been written in the last year or so about cases in which a court has denied a lender the right to foreclose on a mortgaged house. Lately many of the decisions have involved MERS …
Hit & Run

The Night They Drove the Tea Partiers Down — FOR all cable news's efforts to inflate Election 2009 into a cliffhanger as riveting as Balloon Boy, ratings at MSNBC and CNN were flat Tuesday night. But not at Fox News, where the audience nearly doubled its usual prime-time average.

Is this the high-water mark for ObamaCare? — The Democrats wheedled, cajoled, begged, and finally abandoned its defense of abortion — truly a watershed moment — in order to get their version of ObamaCare passed ... in the House of Representatives, where they enjoy a 75-seat majority.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush cancel appearances in L.A., N.Y. — The 42nd and 43rd presidents back out because promoters of the February panel discussion 'insisted on billing it as something it wasn't,' Clinton spokesman says — Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush …

The Fort Hood massacre was rhetorical flourish as Obama urged House Democrats to vote for health care. — His idea was: Soldiers make sacrifices for the good of the country, so congressional Democrats should put their concerns about the next election aside for the good of the country.
Riehl World View