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To Our Readers — This is only the second time in its nearly ten-year history that the Dish has gone silent. The reason now is the same as the reason then. When dealing with a delusional fantasist like Sarah Palin, it takes time to absorb and make sense of the various competing narratives that she tells about her life.

McCain defends campaign team against Sarah Palin — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain on Wednesday strongly defended the top advisers from his 2008 presidential campaign in the face of sharp criticism from his vice presidential running mate, Sarah Palin.

DNC circulates Palin memo; ‘God Bless’ — The Democratic National Committee has been, for days emailing reporters gleefully about Sarah Palin's media blitz, feeding the flames of what officials there see as a distraction for and a threat to the Republican Party.
The Swamp, The Caucus, The Confluence, Riehl World View, Althouse, Mudville Gazette and D.C. Now

Nicolle Wallace Calls Sarah Palin's Description of Couric Interview ‘Fiction’ — As we reported last week, in her new memoir “Going Rogue” Sarah Palin writes about the campaign interviews she gave to Katie Couric. Palin contends McCain aide and former CBS News political contributor Nicolle Wallace …

Sarah Palin gives Oprah biggest audience in two years — Oprah Winfrey's interview with former vp candidate Sarah Palin scored the talk show host her highest rating in two years. — Monday's episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” drew a 8.7 household rating and 13 share …

Sarah Palin's publishing and political worlds in collision — Editor's note: Mary Matalin joined CNN as a Republican strategist and political contributor in April 2009 and now appears on a variety of network programs. Matalin has worked for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

A Conservative Read On Palin's ‘Going Rogue’
Ross Douthat,, beliefnet, MoJo Blog Posts, Althouse, Riehl World View and Eunomia

Obama: 'We've restored America's standing' — Beijing, China (CNN) — A little more than a year after his election, President Obama said his administration has laid the groundwork for success on global and domestic matters. — “I think that we've restored America's standing in the world …
Washington Post, Laura Rozen's Blog, The Moderate Voice, Wonk Room, Macsmind and Riehl World View

Budget office: Health care bill costs $849 billion — Washington (CNN) — The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the Senate health care bill would cost $849 billion over 10 years, according to a senior Democratic source and an administration official.

Reid modifies abortion provisions but eschews Stupak language — The Senate healthcare reform bill includes new language designed to prevent taxpayer money from financing abortions, an anti-abortion-rights Democrat said Wednesday. — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who was briefed on the healthcare bill …

3 Democrats Could Block Health Bill in Senate
Bloomberg, Sunlight Foundation, Wake up America, The Greenroom, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, Blog entry and TalkLeft

Palin photographer breached contract with sale to Newsweek — What on earth was Sarah Palin thinking when she posed in a pair of teeny-tiny gym shorts for a photograph that ended up on the cover of Newsweek — a cover she has called “sexist”? Perhaps she was thinking that her image …
Pajamas Media, The Gaggle, Front Row Washington, Telegraph, God's Politics Blog,, Texas for Sarah Palin and Mediaite

What Was Newsweek Thinking? — This has got to be the worst case …
The Politico, Megan McArdle, theblogprof, Taylor Marsh, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Donklephant

Holder's Testimony — By: Andy McCarthy — They are in recess after opening statements and initial rounds of questions. Here are some of the Attorney General's whoppers so far: — 1. The “tragic shooting” at Ft. Hood. What happened at Ft. Hood was a jihadist massacre — a terrorist act, not a tragedy.

Breast Imaging Guidelines Trigger Political Fight — Some Republicans are seizing on new mammogram guidelines issued by a government advisory panel to underline their assertion that the Democrats' health care overhaul would lead to rationing of medical services.

Fox News displays old campaign footage to claim Palin is getting ‘huge crowds’ at her book signings. — This afternoon, Fox News host Gregg Jarrett proudly announced that Sarah Palin is “continuing to draw huge crowds while she's promoting her brand new book. Take a look at — these are some of the pictures just coming into us.”

Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages — AUSTIN — Texans: Are you really married? — Maybe not. — Barbara Ann Radnofsky, a Houston lawyer and Democratic candidate for attorney general, says that a 22-word clause in a 2005 constitutional amendment designed …

5:30 p.m. | Palin comes out of the bus, clad in a red and black jacket and black skirt and carrying her son Trig. She tells the people gathered outside that she was thrilled to be back in Michigan. — “Alaska and Michigan have so much in common with the huntin' and the fishin' and the hockey moms …
theblogprof, Hot Air,, Gateway Pundit, The Other McCain and Texas for Sarah Palin

Obama Approval Dips Below 50% For First Time, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Support For U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Drops Below 50% — President Barack Obama's job approval rating is 48 - 42 percent, the first time he has slipped below the 50 percent threshold nationally …

Study: Stupak Amendment Will Eliminate Abortion Coverage ‘Over Time For All Women’ — A new study by the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services adds some expert imprimatur to what many progressives have been saying all along: The Stupak amendment …
The Moderate Voice,, Washington Monthly, Liberal Values, Matthew Yglesias and TPM LiveWire

Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man' — The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats' signature healthcare bill. — “We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night.

Health-care reform will not be remembered for its price tag — The numbers came first. The Senate bill, we now know, costs a smidge under $850 billion during its first 10 years, cuts the deficit by $127 billion, and covers 31 million people. In the second decade, it cuts the deficit by an improbably large $650 billion.

$500 Million and Apology From Goldman — How much good will can an apology — and half a billion dollars — buy? A lot, Goldman Sachs is hoping. — After first staunchly defending its outsize profits and pay, and then bristling at calls for restraint in these tough economic times …

Judge orders compensation for gay couple denied benefits — A federal judge today ordered compensation for a Los Angeles couple denied spousal benefits by the federal government because they are gay men. — U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt deemed the denial …
The Moderate Voice