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To Our Readers — This is only the second time in its nearly ten-year history that the Dish has gone silent. The reason now is the same as the reason then. When dealing with a delusional fantasist like Sarah Palin, it takes time to absorb and make sense of the various competing narratives that she tells about her life.
The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith's Blog, Wonkette, Althouse, Riehl World View and Michael Calderone's Blog

DNC circulates Palin memo; ‘God Bless’ — The Democratic National Committee has been, for days emailing reporters gleefully about Sarah Palin's media blitz, feeding the flames of what officials there see as a distraction for and a threat to the Republican Party.

Sarah Palin's publishing and political worlds in collision — Editor's note: Mary Matalin joined CNN as a Republican strategist and political contributor in April 2009 and now appears on a variety of network programs. Matalin has worked for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

What Was Newsweek Thinking? — This has got to be the worst case of pictorial sexism aimed at political character assassination ever done by a traditional media outlet. After being on the primary front lines of what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2008, that's saying something.

The Persecution of Sarah Palin — Her memoir is full of vindictiveness and score-settling. — Printer — Friendly — Maybe in their business lives, conservatives are the stern, unforgiving masters of capitalist lore. But when it comes to politics, oh, do they love a whiner!
Discussion: Blog

Palin-Beck Ticket? Sarah Doesn't Rule it Out — It's no secret that former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Fox News host Glenn Beck share great respect and admiration — so their fans can be forgiven for wondering: Is a “dream ticket” of Palin-Beck ticket is completely out of the question?

A Conservative Read On Palin's ‘Going Rogue’ … text sizeAAA — Sarah Palin is back to tell us that she loves Alaska. And America. And Todd, the First Dude. She loves God, Ronald Reagan, cutting taxes and serving those she calls “ordinary hardworking people.” Who's on Sarah's enemies list?
Ross Douthat, beliefnet,, Althouse, MoJo Blog Posts, Riehl World View and Eunomia

Palin on the Democratic Party: “Filled with More Sheep-Like Individuals”

Hundreds Wait All Night In 30F Weather In MI To Meet Sarah Palin At Book Signing
Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, The Other McCain,, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, AmSpecBlog and Riehl World View

Palin: Obama Wrong on Israeli, Afghan Policy
The Swamp, Jeffrey Goldberg, The Politico, The Note, Weekly Standard,, Matthew Yglesias, The Washington Independent, Ben Smith's Blog, Israel Matzav, The Reaction, Mudville Gazette, Sweetness & Light, FP Passport,, The New Republic, Gateway Pundit and ATTACKERMAN

Obama: 'We've restored America's standing' — Beijing, China (CNN) — A little more than a year after his election, President Obama said his administration has laid the groundwork for success on global and domestic matters. — “I think that we've restored America's standing in the world …

Obama on terror trials: KSM will die — Americans who are troubled by the decision to send alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York for trial will feel better about it when he's put to death, President Barack Obama said Tuesday. — During a round of network television …

As Many As 75 Detainees Could Remain In Limbo
American Prospect, The Washington Independent, ACS Blog, Outside The Beltway and MoJo Blog Posts

Obama admits Guantanamo won't close by Jan. deadline
Discussion:, Don Surber, Think Progress, The Page, Althouse, The Corner on National … and The Washington Independent

Holder's Testimony — By: Andy McCarthy — They are in recess after opening statements and initial rounds of questions. Here are some of the Attorney General's whoppers so far: — 1. The “tragic shooting” at Ft. Hood. What happened at Ft. Hood was a jihadist massacre — a terrorist act, not a tragedy.

Conservative cowards — American liberals are tough on terrorists and secure in their knowledge that the Sept. 11 conspirators are guilty of mass murder. American conservatives are timid cowards who fear that the U.S. government can't actually prove that the Sept. 11 killers committed their heinous crimes.

3 Democrats Could Block Health Bill in Senate — WASHINGTON — Senator Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, says he is not sure he is ready to help a Democratic health care proposal clear even the most preliminary hurdle: gaining the 60 votes his party's leaders need to open debate on the measure later this week.

Reid To Unveil Health Care Bill To Caucus At Evening Meeting
The Politico, Washington Post, The Conservatives, The New Republic, MoJo Blog Posts, AmSpecBlog, Washington Monthly, Open Left and Daily Kos

Obama Approval Dips Below 50% For First Time, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Support For U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Drops Below 50% — President Barack Obama's job approval rating is 48 - 42 percent, the first time he has slipped below the 50 percent threshold nationally …
The Fix, Hot Air, Bloomberg, Politics Daily, The Conservatives, RedState, Commentary, Washington Wire, Stop The ACLU, Dean's World and Washington Post

$500 Million and Apology From Goldman — How much good will can an apology — and half a billion dollars — buy? A lot, Goldman Sachs is hoping. — After first staunchly defending its outsize profits and pay, and then bristling at calls for restraint in these tough economic times …

Obama's China trip stands in stark contrast to those of past presidents — The U.S. tone toward Beijing is now much more conciliatory — BEIJING — President Obama has emerged from his first trip to China with no big breakthroughs on important issues, such as Iran's nuclear program or China's currency.

Health ‘Reform’ Gets a Failing Grade — The changes proposed by Congress will require more draconian measures down the road. Just look at Massachusetts. — Printer — Friendly — As the dean of Harvard Medical School I am frequently asked to comment on the health-reform debate.
The Foundry, JustOneMinute, QandO, Left Coast Rebel, AmSpecBlog, Illinois Review, Pajamas Media, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Betsy's Page, Commentary, Neptunus Lex and EconLog

Washington Sketch: Republican senators do an about-face on judicial filibusters — In their quest to thwart President Obama, Republicans do not fear the hobgoblin of consistency. — For much of this decade, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, now the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee …

Union blocks teacher bonuses — Grinchlike union bosses are blocking at least 200 of Boston's best teachers from pocketing bonuses for their classroom heroics in a puzzling move that gets a failing grade from education experts. — The Boston Teachers Union staunchly opposes a performance bonus plan …

Somali woman stoned for adultery — A 20-year-old woman accused of committing adultery in Somalia has been stoned to death by Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people. — A judge working for the militant group al-Shabab said she had had an affair with an unmarried 29-year-old man.

GOP Rep. Defends Obama On Afghanistan, Blasts Bush Administration … To hear most Republicans tell it, President Obama is “dithering” on what should be an easy decision to order a surge of U.S. combat troops in Afghanistan. However, one of the most conservative members of Congress yesterday voiced support …

Dems alarmed as independents bolt — Mounting evidence that independent voters have soured on the Democrats is prompting a debate among party officials about what rhetorical and substantive changes are needed to halt the damage. — Following serious setbacks with independents …
Hot Air, The Plum Line, The Strata-Sphere, Wake up America, Chronicle of the Conspiracy and Weasel Zippers