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Obama's Afghan policy speech at West Point — Following is the transcript of President Obama's speech Tuesday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. (The Post's report on the president's address is here.) — Thank you. Please be seated. — Good evening.
BLACKFIVE, The Moderate Voice, TalkLeft, The Huffington Post, New York Times, Top of the Ticket, Ben Smith's Blog, The Washington Independent, PostPartisan, Ross Douthat, The Daily Dish, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Sister Toldjah, Hot Air, PoliBlog, Salon, Associated Press, Right Wing Nut House, normblog, Connecting.the.Dots, Jeffrey Goldberg, Guardian, Hit & Run, Another Black Conservative, Outside The Beltway,, Time, Jules Crittenden, ChattahBox News Blog, The Atlanticist, American Thinker, EconLog, NewsReal Blog, Washington Times, Laura Rozen's Blog, GlobalPost, Shakesville, Taylor Marsh,, American Power,, The Reaction, The Democratic Daily and SWJ Blog

This I Believe — Let me start with the bottom line and then tell you how I got there: I can't agree with President Obama's decision to escalate in Afghanistan. I'd prefer a minimalist approach, working with tribal leaders the way we did to overthrow the Taliban regime in the first place.
Michael Calderone's Blog

A Disappointing Speech in Support of the Right Policy — President Obama's speech on Afghanistan was disappointing. Yes, the policy is right: more troops, a counter-insurgency strategy, a stronger alliance with Pakistan. But the personal commitment of the president to pursue the war …
Commentary, Hot Air, The Huffington Post, Scared Monkeys, CNN, American Power and Donklephant

Two Messages for Two Sides — WASHINGTON — President Obama went before the nation on Tuesday night to announce that he would escalate the war in Afghanistan. And Mr. Obama went before the nation to announce that he had a plan to end the war in Afghanistan.

What I heard tonight — Earlier today I wondered whether …
The Washington Independent, Wake up America, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report and The Moderate Voice

Obama's Afghanistan speech was confusing.
The Politico, Bloomberg, Lynn Sweet, New York Times, Commentary, Guardian and Politics Daily

Lunch With The President: The Politics Of Obama's War Plan
Michael Calderone's Blog, The Note, Open Left, The Daily Dish and The Lonely Conservative

Victory Science — Let us never forget just what's at stake …

Tiger comments on current events — I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family.
Mashable!, AmSpecBlog, ChattahBox News Blog, Mediaite, Sense of Events, Telegraph, NPR Blogs, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Gawker

Matthews Calls West Point, Site of Obama Speech ‘The Enemy Camp,’ ‘Strange Venue’ — Either MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews let one slip tonight, or it was an extremely poor choice of words. — Following President Barack Obama's Dec. 1 speech, which he announced his intentions …

Matthews on Obama's Speech at West Point: He ‘Went to Maybe the Enemy Camp Tonight’ — Chris Matthews with possibly the stupidest comment of the night after Obama's speech at West Point. A military installation is “the enemy camp” Chris? Unbelievable. … Matthews was already back tracking a bit later in the evening.

McCain challenges Obama in private meeting — Washington (CNN) - Hours before he was set to address the nation on his new Afghanistan strategy, President Obama and members of his war council spent about an hour briefing senior members of Congress at a White House meeting that multiple sources described as businesslike and sobering.

Google and paid content — As newspapers consider charging for access to their online content, some publishers have asked: Should we put up pay walls or keep our articles in Google News and Google Search? In fact, they can do both - the two aren't mutually exclusive.
The Atlantic Business Channel, Bits, Post Tech, Mediaite, TechCrunch, Mashable! and Riehl World View

THERE ARE 39 OTHER GOP SENATORS.... NBC News announced the line-up for this week's “Meet the Press.” Take a wild guess who'll be on. … I especially loved the “Exclusive!” with the exclamation point, as if this were a rare, special occurrence. — For those keeping score at home …

The Scientific Tragedy of Climategate — Can climate change science recover from the damage done by leaked emails? — Climategate. What a hot mess. Researchers at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia and their colleagues around the globe may have fiddled …

An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg — It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online. — To make this possible …

Reid set to unveil new public option, breaking Senate impasse on healthcare — A new measure on the public option will be unveiled next week, which Senate Democratic leaders hope will break the logjam on healthcare reform. — Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), who has been tapped by Majority Leader Harry Reid …
Michelle Malkin, USA Today, Washington Post, The Politico, Reuters, The Hill,* and Washington Monthly

Lou Dobbs Explodes: ‘Who The Hell Does This President Think He Is!?!’ — Birther Lou Dobbs and climate denier Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) are concerned that President Barack Obama is trying to turn America into a monarchy. Appearing on Dobbs' radio show on Tuesday, Inhofe argued President Obama …

McCain Unveils Time Travel Strategy for Financing Afghanistan War — Stan Collender observes that for a veteran legislator, John McCain continues to be staggeringly uninformed about basic elements of public policy: … In an ideal world, someone at The Hill would have noticed that.