Top Items:

Gore cancels climate conference event — Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday abruptly canceled a Dec. 16 personal appearance that was to be staged during the United Nations' Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, which begins next week. — As described in The Washington Times' Inside …

Americans Skeptical of Science Behind Global Warming — Most Americans (52%) believe that there continues to be significant disagreement within the scientific community over global warming. — While many advocates of aggressive policy responses to global warming say a consensus exists …

Have the greens failed? — On May 3, 2007, League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski realized that the plan was working. — That morning, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), then a presidential contender, attached his name to a model piece of climate legislation that sought …

Palin: Obama birth certificate ‘a fair question’ — Speaking to the conservative talker Rusty Humphries today, Sarah Palin left the door open to speculation about President Obama's birth certificate. — “Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?” she was asked (around 9 minutes into the video above).

Palin: Obama's birth certificate is fair game; Update: Transcript added; Update: Palin responds — At 7:45, your quote of the day. Something for (almost) everyone here: For the left, smoking-gun proof that she's a fringe character, and for Birthers, smoking-gun proof that their concerns are mainstream.
JustOneMinute, The Strata-Sphere, No More Mister Nice Blog, DaTechguy's Blog, The Jawa Report and Hit & Run

Bernanke Channels Willie Sutton In Assault On Social Security: 'That's Where The Money Is' — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Ben Bernanke has overseen the greatest expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet in its history, pouring trillions of dollars into Wall Street firms at roughly zero interest rates.
Open Left, Blue Jersey, The Confluence, Hullabaloo, The Huffington Post, Calculated Risk and The Agonist

Bernanke: Yes to Social Security Cuts, No to New Jobs Bill; UPDATE: DeMint Will Hold — Ben Bernanke let his slip show at multiple points during his confirmation hearing today. First, as Ryan Grim reports, he echoed bank robber Willie Sutton in targeting nothing less than Social Security:

DeMint to place hold on Bernanke
MyDD, THE CUNNING REALIST, Wonk Room, The Hill, Raw Story, and Firedoglake

Vitter wants vote on Fed audit before Bernanke vote
The Agonist

Reform or Else — Health care reform hangs in the balance. Its fate rests with a handful of “centrist” senators — senators who claim to be mainly worried about whether the proposed legislation is fiscally responsible. — But if they're really concerned with fiscal responsibility …

C.I.A. Authorized to Expand Use of Drones in Pakistan — WASHINGTON — Two weeks ago in Pakistan, Central Intelligence Agency sharpshooters killed eight people suspected of being militants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and wounded two others in a compound that was said to be used for terrorist training.

Obama takes the wrong path in Afghanistan

New W.H. pool rotation sparks debate — The media industry, as we all know, is changing. — And in this transition, there will inevitably be some friction as online news organizations, which may or may not be bound by the same professed standards of objectivity, begin taking on the responsibilities …
Mother Jones, Wonkette,, The Faster Times, Gawker, Matthew Yglesias, Ben Smith's Blog, The Huffington Post and Emptywheel

House votes to make current estate tax permanent — The House approved Thursday a measure making the current estate tax rate permanent, overcoming the objections of an unusual coalition of liberal and conservative critics. — The bill passed, 225 to 200, with 26 Democrats joining …

The ‘science’ of global warming — These leaked documents reveal the greatest scientific scandal of our times—and a tragedy — “The gravest challenge that we face is climate change . . . Every one of our compatriots must feel concerned”—Nicolas Sarkozy, president of the French Republic;

Sen. Reid has recipe for getting health-care deal done — Senate's point man for bill has been slow to tip his hand as he faces challenges — Of the Democratic senators who have set out to transform the nation's health-care system, one of the least likely is Majority Leader Harry M. Reid …

Nelson: I'll Filibuster Without Stupak-Like Amendment
Anchorage Daily News, First Draft, Wonkette, Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly, Open Left and AMERICAblog News

ABC offers morning show to Stephanopoulos, sources say — ABC has offered George Stephanopoulos the coveted job of co-hosting “Good Morning America,” and intensive negotiations are under way, sources familiar with the situation said Thursday. — While the network's chief Washington correspondent …

Coburn, Vitter want to force Congress into public health plan — Two of the Senate's most ardent opponents of a public health program, Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and David Vitter (R-La.), are preparing an amendment to force members of Congress into any plan that is passed.
Betsy's Page

Somebody at Fort Hood Should Be Walking the Plank — By: Andy McCarthy — Prepare to be infuriated. — It's been brought to my attention by several reliable sources that the Defense Department has brought Louay Safi to Fort Hood as an instructor, and that he has been lecturing on Islam …

NATO Pledges 7,000 More Troops for Afghanistan — BRUSSELS — Responding to American entreaties for more soldiers in Afghanistan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary general, announced Friday that the alliance had agreed to contribute a further 7,000 “new forces” to the coalition …
The Page

On Being a Bad Mother — Unlike Sanford, though, I wasn't clinging to my governor's mansion. Unlike some Republican heads of the Christian right, I wasn't aiming to both confess my affair and appeal to Jesus' mercy in order to somehow remain, weirdly, a head of the Christian right.

Why the plutocrats will return — Is the US government powerless to prevent the return of the plutocrats? Or does it actually, secretly, need the plutocrats to return? Here's Tim Geithner, today: … Translation: we need to return to our bubble-era levels of income.

N.J. gay marriage proposal will be considered by Senate next week — TRENTON — The New Jersey gay marriage proposal will be considered Monday by a Senate committee and could be posted for a full senate vote later in the week, state Sen. Ray Lesniak said today.