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Palin: Obama birth certificate ‘a fair question’ — Speaking to the conservative talker Rusty Humphries today, Sarah Palin left the door open to speculation about President Obama's birth certificate. — “Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?” she was asked (around 9 minutes into the video above).
The Moderate Voice, The Washington Independent, Liberal Values, Think Progress, Sister Toldjah, Hotline On Call, Rumproast, Confederate Yankee, DaTechguy's Blog, Little Green Footballs, The Reaction, Daily Kos, Political Punch, At-Largely, marbury, American Glob, Towleroad News #gay, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Althouse and AMERICAblog News

Stupid Conspiracies — Voters have every right to ask candidates for information if they so choose. I've pointed out that it was seemingly fair game during the 2008 election for many on the left to badger my doctor and lawyer for proof that Trig is in fact my child.

Palin: Obama's birth certificate is fair game; Update: Transcript added; Update: Palin responds — At 7:45, your quote of the day. Something for (almost) everyone here: For the left, smoking-gun proof that she's a fringe character, and for Birthers, smoking-gun proof that their concerns are mainstream.

U.S. Economy Lost Only 11,000 Jobs in November — The United States economy shed 11,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down from 10.2 percent in October, the Labor Department said Friday. — The government also revised the October number to show …

On the Employment Situation in November — Today's employment report was the most hopeful sign yet that the stabilization of financial markets and the recovery in economic growth may be leading to improvements in the labor market. — Payroll employment declined 11,000 in November.
The New Republic, The Hill, MyDD, CEPR, The Atlantic Politics Channel, The Hill, and Swampland

Unemployment Rate Falls to 10% — U.S. job losses slowed sharply in November and the unemployment rate unexpectedly declined, in a sign the labor market is finally starting to heal as the economy recovers. — Nonfarm payrolls fell by just 11,000 last month, slowing down from a downwardly …

Nelson amendment expected to fall short even with GOP support — An amendment restricting abortions does not appear to have enough support to be attached to the Senate healthcare bill. — Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl (Ariz.) said he expected that all but a few Republicans would support …

Sen. Reid has recipe for getting health-care deal done
The Politico, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Associated Press, Think Progress, The BLT, Shakesville, Gawker, The Page and Firedoglake

Reform or Else — Health care reform hangs in the balance. Its fate rests with a handful of “centrist” senators — senators who claim to be mainly worried about whether the proposed legislation is fiscally responsible. — But if they're really concerned with fiscal responsibility …

Coburn, Vitter want to force Congress into public health plan — Two of the Senate's most ardent opponents of a public health program, Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and David Vitter (R-La.), are preparing an amendment to force members of Congress into any plan that is passed.

CNN Poll: Majority Now Sees Afghan Conflict As Obama's War — Some interesting new polling from CNN just landed in the old inbox, and it makes it pretty clear that, from the public's perspective at least, Afghanistan is now Obama's War. — First, the topline: CNN finds that Obama's approval rating …
Weekly Standard

The Analytic Mode — Many Democrats are nostalgic for Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign — for the passion, the clarity, the bliss-to-be-alive fervor. They argue that these things are missing in a cautious and emotionless White House. — But, of course, the Obama campaign …
Politics Daily, JustOneMinute,, Top of the Ticket, The Huffington Post, Washington Post and Prairie Weather

POLITICO Q & A: Al Gore — Former Vice President Al Gore, who won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change, talked with POLITICO's John F. Harris and Mike Allen about climate issues and the upcoming United Nations conference in Copenhagen. Here are edited excerpts.
Pajamas Media, Don Surber, QandO, Pundit & Pundette, Sister Toldjah, Jules Crittenden, Hot Air, Washington Times and Riehl World View

Take back Al Gore's Oscar, two Academy members demand in light of Climategate
Congress Blog, Rasmussen Reports, No Sheeples Here, Scared Monkeys, The Foundry and

Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex — Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to city hotels warning summit guests not to patronize Danish sex workers during the upcoming conference. Now, the prostitutes have struck back, offering free sex to anyone who produces one of the warnings.

SENATE RACE: Reid in a battle, poll reveals — Nine Republicans running for seat — Nevadans aren't warming up to Sen. Harry Reid, despite plenty of early advertising designed to boost his image, a new poll shows. — Just 38 percent of respondents said they had a favorable opinion …

Obama's hollow speech on Afghanistan — We shall fight in the air, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields, we shall fight in the hills — for 18 months. Then we start packing for home. — We shall never surrender — unless the war gets too expensive …

Breaking: Obama's “Safe Schools Czar” Is Promoting Child Porn in the Classroom- Kevin Jennings and the GLSEN Reading List — Scott Baker from and Co-Host of ‘The B-Cast’ submitted this shocking report today on Obama's deviant Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.

C.I.A. to Expand Use of Drones in Pakistan — WASHINGTON — Two weeks ago in Pakistan, Central Intelligence Agency sharpshooters killed eight people suspected of being militants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and wounded two others in a compound that was said to be used for terrorist training.

Homeland Security panel faces ethics scrutiny after credit card hearing — At a hearing in late March, the nation's credit card companies faced the threat of expensive new rules from an unlikely regulator: the House Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

NATO Pledges 7,000 Troops, but Avoids Details — BRUSSELS — Responding to American entreaties for more soldiers in Afghanistan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary general, announced Friday that the alliance had agreed to contribute a further 7,000 “new forces” to the coalition …

Who's Afraid of a 4 Story Building? — Courtesy of Google StreetView, here's 1242 H Street NE in the District of Columbia: — The owners of this vacant lot in this economically depressed retail corridor currently undergoing a bit of a renaissance would like to build a building here.

Bernanke's Plan for Unemployment: Do Nothing — I've been holding out some kind of vague hope that Ben Bernanke's confirmation hearings might provide a way out of our political impasse on the jobs front. After all, Bernanke's job is to try to achieve as close to full employment …
Free exchange, The New Republic, New York Times, J. Bradford DeLong's …, The Hill, AmSpecBlog, Mother Jones, Firedoglake, The Agonist and Eschaton

Palin And The Wimmens Vote — I deeply suspect that one reason women don't respect Sarah Palin (among others) is because they think that men don't actually respect Sarah Palin. Here's an interesting clip of Glenn Beck mocking the idea of a Palin-Beck ticket. Feministing argues that Beck concludes it with a sexist remark.