Top Items:

Reid Says Deal Resolves the Impasse on the Public Option — WASHINGTON — The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, said Tuesday night that he and a group of 10 Democratic senators had reached “a broad agreement” to resolve a dispute over a proposed government-run health insurance plan …
The Politico, Los Angeles Times, Weekly Standard, The Hill, Wall Street Journal, RedState, Prescriptions, USA Today, Boston Globe, Wake up America,, QandO, Indecision Forever, The Faster Times, Washington Monthly, Swampland, Think Progress, The Note, Prairie Weather and Christian Science Monitor

Democrats Agree To Tentatively Trade Opt-Out For Trigger, Medicare Buy In, And More — An aide briefed on the negotiations among the gang of 10 offers up the rundown of the most important aspects of the public option compromise being sent to CBO. — If this trade-off carries the day, the opt out public option is gone.

Howard Dean: Senate Health Care Deal Contains “Real Reform” — In a boost for the Senate health care deal reached yesterday, Howard Dean said in an interview with me moments ago that the current compromise contains “real reform,” and said that as it stands now, progressives could support it.

Kristol: Reid Doesn't Have 60 — The much hyped (if utterly incoherent) deal that Harry Reid is touting doesn't look as if it's doing the trick — the trick being to cobble together anything (and I mean anything) that can get 60 votes in the Senate, introduce it as a manager's amendment later this week, and jam it through.

The team of 10 reaches a deal on the public option — But, err, they won't tell anyone what it is. At least not until they hear back from the Congressional Budget Office. The most telling tidbit so far has come from Sen. Jay Rockefeller, who said, “I've got a smile on my face. I don't smile naturally.”
Daily Kos, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Politics Daily, Open Left, TPMDC, Angry Bear, Democratic Strategist, American Spectator, The Daily Dish, Blog entry, The Washington Independent, The Huffington Post, Suburban Guerrilla, The Politico, Reuters, TalkLeft, Rumproast, The Atlantic Politics Channel and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

FEHBP Plan Is No ‘Moderate Compromise’
Megan McArdle, Hit & Run, Marginal Revolution, Weekly Standard, QandO, Hot Air and Prescriptions

News Analysis: Senate Health Deal Leaves Many Issues Unresolved

Copenhagen's political science — With the publication of damaging e-mails from a climate research center in Britain, the radical environmental movement appears to face a tipping point. The revelation of appalling actions by so-called climate change experts allows the American public …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Huffington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Think Progress, Weekly Standard, Climate Progress,, Confederate Yankee, Guardian, FP Passport, Gateway Pundit, Deltoid,, Taylor Marsh, Swampland, At-Largely, Gawker, Achenblog,,, The Politico,, Commentary, Environmental Capital, The Reaction, Cato @ Liberty, Green Energy Reporter, The Intersection, Hullabaloo, Mother Jones, No Left Turns, Washington Monthly, Get Energy Smart! and No More Mister Nice Blog

Wash. Post publishes falsehood-laden Palin op-ed that is contradicted by scientists, temperature data, and ... the Post itself — The Washington Post's has published an op-ed by Sarah Palin in which she claims that the apparently stolen Climate Research Unite emails “reveal that leading climate ‘experts’ …

Palin's “Boycott Copenhagen” Op-Ed: Annotated
Discussion:, Connecting.the.Dots, The Awl, The Washington Independent and Top of the Ticket

Sotomayor Draws Retort From a Fellow Justice — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court released its first four decisions in argued cases this term on Tuesday. They were all minor, but one was notable for being Justice Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court debut and for prompting a testy concurrence from Justice Clarence Thomas.
ImmigrationProf Blog, ScotusWiki, culturekitchen, Emptywheel, TigerHawk, Wonk Room, SCOTUSblog, Election Law, Immigration Chronicles and USA Today

Sotomayor's opinion marks the Supreme Court's first use of the …
The Washington Independent

Bush closes the gap — Public Policy Polling: — Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings …
Indecision Forever

Obama's December Standing — For the second month in a row we find Barack Obama's national approval rating at 49%, with 47% of voters disapproving of him. He has the support of 83% of Democrats, 46% of independents, and 11% of Republicans. None of those numbers have really changed from our November poll.

Mark Penn's two firms got $6 million from stimulus for PR campaign — Nearly $6 million in stimulus money was paid to two firms run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's pollster in 2008. — Federal records show that $5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus helped preserve three jobs at Burson-Marsteller …

Obama to GOP: ‘Stop trying to frighten the American people’ — President Barack Obama told House Republican leaders to “stop trying to frighten the American people” even as he and Democrats said they see a possibility for bipartisan cooperation on job creation legislation.

Did Obama Snub the King? — Home - Cheat sheet - Buzz board - Big Fat Story - Blogs & stories - Videos - Galleries - Crossword — Blogs and Stories — Finally some Europeans are angry with Obama—the very ones who are awarding him his peace prize. Katarina Andersson on the president's rebuff …

Wigley denies: “I did not choke on the deceit” — Sheesh, I try to do Climategate scientist Tom Wigley a favor by suggesting he was principled enough to have choked on the deceit he was witnessing, and this is how he repays me: … In fact, he refuses to accept the accolade of being the kind …

EPA chief: Hey, timing of new CO2 regulations just a coincidence! — Did any of us think that the timing of the EPA's announcement to regulate carbon dioxide had anything to do with the conference on CO2 emissions in Copenhagen — which the President plans to attend?

Coincidence? I Think Not... On Monday, an environmental reporter …

Election 2010: Ohio Governor — In 2010 Ohio Governor Match-up, Strickland Trails Kasich — Unemployment in Ohio has jumped to 10.5%, the state is wrestling with an $851 million budget shortfall, and Governor Ted Strickland has proposed delaying a tax cut approved in 2005.

Industry gears up to oppose Medicare buy-in — Politico reports that hospitals are readying to fight Medicare buy-in tooth-and-nail: … This scares hospitals a lot more than the House's public option. Medicare pays less for services than private insurers do, or than the public plan would.

Did Christianity Cause the Crash? — LIKE THE AMBITIONS of many immigrants who attend services there, Casa del Padre's success can be measured by upgrades in real estate. The mostly Latino church, in Charlottesville, Virginia, has moved from the pastor's basement, where it was founded in 2001 …

Steele gets heated over ‘you people’ — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele got into a heated exchange Wednesday morning with the cast of MSNBC's “Morning Joe.” — It started with CNBC commentator Donny Deutsch, who pointedly asked Steele about the GOP's criticism …

Jon Stewart Calls Out Gretchen Carlson For “Dumbing Herself Down” (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Jon Stewart went after “Fox & Friends” host Gretchen Carlson last night. Saying she plays the “troubled mom, just trying to make sense of this modern country,” Stewart explained Carlson seems …

Alberto Gonzales: What I've Learned — The former attorney general opens up on the value of torture, his Senate hearings, Karl Rove's role in the U.S. attorney firings, and more wrong guesses from the Bush administration — I guess I would use my son's word: cool. It was cool to work in the White House.

QUITE RIGHT BY MICHAEL J. BONAFIELD — My conversation with Michele Bachmann: 'I'm a lovable little fuzz ball!' — Michele Bachmann: “I don't fear the left, and maybe that's part of the loathing that they feel toward me.” — I had never met Michele Bachmann, and when I mentioned …

Exclusive: George gets ‘GMA’ — ABC News will announce George Stephanopoulos as an anchor of “Good Morning America,” to start as soon as Monday, industry sources tell POLITICO. The announcement is planned for Thursday. — Stephanopoulos, 48, joins Robin Roberts at the anchor desk of the lucrative morning show.

Going Cheney on Climate — In 2006, Ron Suskind published “The One Percent Doctrine,” a book about the U.S. war on terrorists after 9/11. The title was drawn from an assessment by then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who, in the face of concerns that a Pakistani scientist was offering nuclear-weapons expertise …