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Lieberman Rules Out Voting for Health Bill — WASHINGTON — In a surprise setback for Democratic leaders, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, said on Sunday that he would vote against the health care legislation in its current form. — The bill's supporters had said earlier …
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Joe Lieberman: Let's not make a deal! — The Huffington Post and Roll Call are both reporting that Joe Lieberman notified Harry Reid that he will filibuster health-care reform if the final bill includes an expansion of Medicare. Previously, Lieberman had been cool to the idea …

81% Of Dems Want Lieberman Punished For Health Care Filibuster — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — More than 80 percent of Democrats say they believe Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) should be stripped of his powerful chairmanship in the Senate if he ends up supporting a Republican filibuster of health care reform, according to a new poll.

Welcome to the Lieberman Administration — Looks like Joe Lieberman decided to try for the old double-cross and say he now opposes the Medicare expansion compromise he'd hinted he would support. Lieberman wants no public option, no trigger that might create a public option …

Lieberman At It Again — It's starting to seem like it may just be better for Dems to try to make a deal with Olympia Snowe, kick Joe Lieberman out of the party and be done with it. The leadership in the senate thought that Lieberman was on board with the latest compromise.

Lieberman Tells Reid To His Face, He'll Vote Against Current Health Care Bill — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) informed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in a face-to-face meeting on Sunday that he will vote against a health care bill that includes …

Poll: One Third Of Dems Less Likely To Vote In 2010 If Public Option Dies

Did Lieberman Double-Cross Reid?
Ezra Klein, CBS News, Daily Kos, The Plum Line, The Politico,,* and AMERICAblog News

This Is Huge: Rep. Bart Gordon Will Not Run For Re-Election — Boom goes the press release: … There really isn't anyway to spin as anything but bad for Democrats. Whatever their reasons, the retirement of both John Tanner and Bart Gordon mean that only two years before redistricting …
The Fix, Weekly Standard, The Washington Independent, Eye on 2010, Politics Nation, RedState, The Page, TPMDC and National Review Online

Top GOP recruit set to run for Gordon's seat — Tennessee state Sen. Jim Tracy (R) is set to announce his candidacy for Rep. Bart Gordon's (D-Tenn.) seat, according to a source with knowledge of his plans. — The source said Tracy plans to make his announcement Monday.

The ‘Cost Control’ Bill of Goods — How Peter Orszag and the White House sold a health-care illusion. — Printer — Friendly — ObamaCare's core promise—better quality care for everyone at lower costs—is being exposed as an illusion as it degenerates into the raw exercise of political power.

Secret document exposes Iran's nuclear trigger — Confidential intelligence documents obtained by The Times show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb. — The notes, from Iran's most sensitive military nuclear project, describe a four-year plan to test …

Obama Slams ‘Fat Cat’ Bankers — President Voices Frustration, Escalating Tensions With Wall Street on Eve of Meeting — WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama lashed out at Wall Street, calling bankers “fat cats” who don't get it, in an escalation of tensions with the industry.
CBS News, The Note, Political Punch, New York Times, Time, naked capitalism, Althouse and George's Bottom Line

Banks: We'll ‘step up now’ — Facing White House pressure …
CBS News, New York Times, USA Today, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Caucus and TPM LiveWire

Recession Is Over, Job Growth Coming, White House Advisers Say
The Swamp, Hit & Run, Fausta's Blog, Dennis the Peasant, Hullabaloo and George's Bottom Line

Climate talks row sees negotiations ‘suspended’ — Negotiations at the UN climate summit have been suspended after developing countries withdrew their co-operation. — Delegations were angry at what they saw as moves by the Danish host government to sideline talks on more emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol.

The 150,000-life health-care plan — By now, you're probably used to hearing about the $900 billion health-care bill. But what about the 150,000-life health-care bill? — Oddly, that label hasn't made its way into the conversation. But it is, if anything, a conservative estimate.

Disaster and Denial — When I first began writing for The Times, I was naïve about many things. But my biggest misconception was this: I actually believed that influential people could be moved by evidence, that they would change their views if events completely refuted their beliefs.
Washington Monthly

Morning Fix: Obama's tough love for bankers — 1. President Obama will sit down today with the chief executives of the nation's biggest banks — see full list below — to give them a bit of tough love. Asked what the president's message will be, one senior administration official pointed …

Did AmeriCorps official lie about possible First Lady link to IG firing? — Congressional investigators looking into the abrupt firing of AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin have discovered that the head of AmeriCorps met with a top aide to First Lady Michelle Obama the day before Walpin was removed.

Charles Lane on job-killers that should be killed — With unemployment stuck around 10 percent, President Obama has pledged “to take every responsible step to accelerate the pace of job growth.” Here's a thought: Instead of trying to “create” jobs by tweaking this tax break or increasing …

Man charged for hitting Berlusconi with cathedral — Rome, Italy (CNN) — Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will remain in the hospital at least “another 36 hours,” his doctor Alberto Zangrillo said Monday, following an attack that left Berlusconi with broken teeth and a fractured nose.
Politics Daily