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Lieberman Gets Ex-Party to Shift on Health Plan — WASHINGTON — Just the thought of Joseph I. Lieberman makes some Democrats want to spit nails these days. But Mr. Lieberman, the Connecticut independent, is not the least troubled by his status as Capitol Hill's master infuriator …

Senate Democrats Likely to Drop Medicare Expansion — WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic leaders said Monday that they were prepared to drop a proposed expansion of Medicare and make other changes in sweeping health legislation as they tried to rally their caucus in hopes of passing the bill before Christmas.

Rahm To Reid: Give Lieberman What He Wants — Obama administration officials were not pleased when word leaked out earlier today that the White House was leaning on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to cut a deal with Joe Lieberman on a public option alternative—and they gave their counterparts …
Ezra Klein, Open Left, TBogg, Sadly, No!, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Huffington Post, Campaign Diaries and MyDD

Why Democrats push health care, even if it kills them — To some observers, the Democrats' race to pass national health care seems irrational — even suicidal. Don't party leaders understand how much the public opposes the bills currently on the table? Don't they know that voters are likely …

Sen. Reid bows to centrists, will drop Medicare buy-in provision to pass bill — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is prepared to give in to demands from centrists in order to pass the healthcare legislation before Christmas, senators say. — Reid indicated at a closed-door …

VIDEO: Watch Lieberman Endorse Medicare Buy-In Three Months Ago — Here's some video of Joe Lieberman only three months ago appearing to endorse the Medicare buy-in idea — in seeming contradiction of his decision to bail on the Senate deal. — Lieberman discussed the Medicare buy …
Washington Post, Crooks and Liars, Washington Monthly, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Beast,, Spiritual Politics, YID With LID, The Takeaway, Jack & Jill Politics, Ezra Klein, TPMDC, Politics Daily, PostPartisan,, Open Left, The Hill, The Political Carnival, Matthew Yglesias, Think Progress, Talking Points Memo, The Huffington Post and AMERICAblog News

Obama: ‘Last chance’ for health reform — In a provocative argument designed to rescue his foundering health-care plan, President Barack Obama will warn Senate Democrats in a White House meeting Tuesday that this is the “last chance” to pass comprehensive reform.
Discussion:, Think Progress, The Hill, Dow Jones Newswires, The Note, The Moderate Voice, Commentary, The Huffington Post, Opinion L.A., The New Republic and TPMDC

The death of the public option
Washington Monthly, Megan McArdle, The Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Strata-Sphere, The Politico and Daily Kos

W.H. to Reid: Cut deal with Lieberman
CNN, FiveThirtyEight, Wake up America, Washington Examiner, NPR Blogs, The Confluence, The Reaction, Sister Toldjah, The Lonely Conservative, The Greenroom, Lynn Sweet, Reclusive Leftist, Dow Jones Newswires, Hot Air, Cato @ Liberty, YID With LID, The New Republic, The Note, American Tory, Weekly Standard, Ben Smith's Blog, The Plum Line, Tom Watson, Moe_Lane's blog, TPMDC and Emptywheel

Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up — Hannah Devlin, Ben Webster, Philippe Naughton in Copenhagen — There are many kinds of truth. Al Gore was poleaxed by an inconvenient one yesterday. — The former US Vice-President, who became an unlikely figurehead …

Conservatives grab for tea party cash — “It's time for the tea party movement to start flexing its muscle in the electoral process,” Odom said in announcing the launch of Liberty First, which he said collected $11,500 in its first week of fundraising, and has accepted pledges for another $98,000.

DOE sends a “litigation hold notice” regarding CRU to employees - asking to “preserve documents” — It appears bigger things are brewing related to CRU's Climategate. — WUWT commenter J.C. writes in comments: — I work at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina.

Millions of White House e-mails recovered — Washington (CNN) - Computer technicians have recovered about 22 million Bush administration e-mails that the Bush White House had said were missing, two watchdog groups that sued over the documents announced Monday.

Putting Obama on Hold, in a Hint of Who's Boss — President Obama didn't exactly look thrilled as he stared at the Polycom speakerphone in front of him. “Well, I appreciate you guys calling in,” he began the meeting at the White House with Wall Street's top brass on Monday.

Hollywood Producer Urges Celebs to Target Joe Lieberman's Wife — What's the Difference Between the Mafia and a Hollywood Leftist? ...the Mafia doesn't go after your family. — It shouldn't surprise anyone to learn that Jane Hamsher, the founder and publisher of the website targeting Joe Lieberman's wife …

A Courage of Failure — ObamaCare backer: Defying public, wrecking health care would be “a significant political achievement.” — Printer — Friendly — There's trouble in paradise, or rather there would be if the U.S. Senate's Democratic Caucus were paradise.

Paterson Approval Up, But Dems Back Cuomo Almost 3-1, Quinnipiac University New York State Poll Finds; Thompson Tops Gillibrand In Dem Senate Primary — New York Gov. David Paterson continues his climb out of the basement, as voters disapprove 49 - 40 percent of the job he is doing …

Franken feuds with GOP's No. 4 — Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) sparred sharply on the Senate floor Monday evening, a departure from the usually dormant speeches in the august chamber. — Franken said he was struck by a speech in which he said Thune had refused …

Trusting Nature as the Climate Referee — Imagine there's no Copenhagen. — Imagine a planet in which global warming was averted without the periodic need for thousands of people to fly around the world to promise to stop burning fossil fuels. Imagine no international conferences wrangling over the details of climate policy.

Supreme Court Takes Texting Case — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether a police department violated the constitutional privacy rights of an employee when it inspected personal text messages sent and received on a government pager.

U.S. Said to Pick Illinois Prison to House Detainees — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is expected to announce on Tuesday that it has selected a prison in northwestern Illinois to house terrorism suspects now being held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in a major step toward shutting down that military detention facility.
Washington Monthly, Ben Smith's Blog, Washington Post, Political Punch, CNN, Lynn Sweet and ChattahBox News Blog

House Democrats lose fourth member to retirement — Caucus privately expresses concern about implications — House Democrats got a jolt Monday when a fourth lawmaker in a matter of weeks announced his retirement, leaving party officials and strategists fearful that they represent …