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A Democrat's view from the House: Senate bill isn't health reform — Editor's note: Rep. Louise M. Slaughter, a Democrat, represents the 28th Congressional District of New York. Slaughter is the first woman to chair the House Rules Committee and the only microbiologist in Congress.
The Huffington Post, The Politico, The Hill, The Note, USA Today, The Gaggle, AmSpecBlog, Hot Air, The Confluence, National Review, TPMDC and IntoxiNation

Obama plans for health care delay, new jobs bill — The White House privately anticipates health care talks to slip into February — past President Barack Obama's first State of the Union address — and then plans to make a “very hard pivot” to a new jobs bill, according to senior administration officials.

Senior Dem: Kill the Senate health reform bill and start over — The Senate's healthcare bill is fatally flawed, a senior Democrat atop a powerful committee said on Wednesday. — Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), the chairwoman of the House Rules Committee and co-chairwoman …
Weekly Standard

WH putting health-care off until ... February? — Politico's Mike Allen and Alexander Trowbridge have some bad news for Democrats, especially in the Senate, where Harry Reid has kept the chamber locked in battle over ObamaCare for weeks in an attempt to hit the finish line by Christmas.

Why I Don't Write About Sarah Palin's Facebook Posts — Last week, announced its “Lie of the Year”: Sarah Palin's claim that the health care bill might create “death panels” that would kill elderly or disabled Americans. It was a lie, the editors pointed out …

MEDIA MANIPULATION AT ITS MOST INANE.... You've probably noticed the phenomenon. Former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin will say something ridiculous on Facebook or Twitter, which immediately becomes “news,” regardless of merit. There's a problem with this that goes beyond news outlets' comically poor judgment …

For Their Next Trick . . . The latest example of violating principles of transparency and accountability in the single-minded pursuit of legislative victory. — Printer — Friendly — Look for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to try to circumvent …

Yes, Obama did campaign on the public option — Oy. I'll defend the argument that the health-care bill that looks likely to pass is structurally similar to the health-care proposal released by the Obama campaign. But it's impossible to defend Obama's statement that “I didn't campaign on the public option.”

The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith's Blog, The Huffington Post, The Plum Line and Washington Post

Palin: I told you so! — It didn't take long for Jim DeMint's outrage over highly unusual language protecting a care-rationing board to generate a response from Sarah Palin. This came just days after Politifact called her statement about “death panels” the “lie of the year,” …

Colbert Dishes On Bush, Glenn Beck, and MSNBC — When Chicago's Second City comedy troupe held a weekend-long 50th anniversary bash, the obvious highlights were Friday and Saturday shows with Martin Short, Steve Carell, Bonnie Hunt, Jim Belushi, George Wendt, Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin …

Plan to Move Guantánamo Detainees Faces a New Delay — WASHINGTON — Rebuffed this month by skeptical lawmakers when it sought finances to buy a prison in rural Illinois, the Obama administration is struggling to come up with the money to replace the Guantánamo Bay prison.
The Note, TPM LiveWire, The Washington Independent, Law Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, ATTACKERMAN, ChattahBox News Blog, The Lonely Conservative, And So it Goes in Shreveport, JustOneMinute, Politics Daily, Truthdig, Neptunus Lex, Althouse, National Review, Commentary, TalkLeft, The Corner on National …, IntoxiNation and The Page

Palin's Wasilla book signing feels like a homecoming — AT HOME: Only signs seen for conservative causes or Christmas. — — WASILLA — Sarah Palin was treated like a homecoming queen when she brought her national book tour to Wasilla on Tuesday.
TPMMuckraker, Gawker, Truthdig, Think Progress, Personal Democracy Forum blogs and The Immoral Minority

After quiet first months, Franken's sharp tongue emerges in Senate — Al Franken, the Democrat from Minnesota who won election to the Senate after a successful career as a comic and author, has begun to show the sharp-tongued side of his personality by ripping into GOP staffers behind the scenes.

Star Trek and Moral Judgment — Kevin Drum is amused, and rightly so, by this bit from the Corner's Mike Potemra: … Kevin notes it is not every day you get conservatives to admit they oppose (or at least dislike) peace, tolerance, due process and progress.

Report Finds Acorn Broke No Laws — The controversial community organizing group Acorn has not broken any laws in the last five years, according to a Congrssional Research Service report released Tuesday evening. — The report, requested by Representative John Conyers, Democrat of Michigan …

In praise of the Nelson deal — Ben Nelson is getting a lot of blowback for the deal he struck exempting Nebraska from paying for its Medicaid expansion. But though it was his deal, it wasn't his preference. It was Harry Reid's. And Reid made the right decision.

Nelson Insists Carve-Out Isn't 'A Special Deal For Nebraska …

Harry Reid Turns Insurance Into a Public Utility — The health bill creates a massive cash crunch and then bankruptcies for many insurers. — Printer — Friendly — As Harry Reid's 2,000 page health-care bill is being rammed through the Senate, most of the public debate has been focused …
The Health Care Blog, Betsy's Page, JammieWearingFool, Real Clear Politics, National Review and RADAMISTO

Meep Meep — My own view is that 2009 has been an extraordinarily successful year for Obama. Since this is currently a minority view and will prompt a chorus of “In The Tank!”, allow me to explain. — The substantive record is clear enough. Torture is ended, if Gitmo remains enormously difficult …
The New Editor

Schwarzenegger to seek federal help for California budget — Facing another huge deficit, the governor wants $8 billion or threatens massive cuts in social services. He also plans to renew push for offshore oil drilling. — Reporting from Sacramento - Facing a budget deficit of more than $20 billion …
Hot Air, Commentary, The Hill, The Lonely Conservative, QandO, Calitics, JammieWearingFool, Another Black Conservative, L.A. NOW and American Power