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Napolitano: “The system worked” — DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said that the thwarting of the attempt to blow up the Amsterdam-Detroit flight this week demonstrated that “the system worked.” — Asked by CNN's Candy Crowley on “State of the Union” how that could be possible …

Fire Napolitano — By: Jonah Goldberg — Understandbly, the White House is trying very hard to get out in front of the would-be Christmas bomber story. The head of the Department of Homeland Security isn't helping. I watched her on three shows and each time she was more annoying, maddening and absurd than the pevious appearance.
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Clown alert: Janet Napolitano says the “system worked” — It has been, in the words of Queen Elizabeth II, an “annus horribilis” for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. — Beginning with her embrace of the impotent euphemism “man-caused disasters” to the hit job on conservatives and veterans …
Riehl World View, Political Punch, Scared Monkeys, Gateway Pundit, Doug Ross and Pundit & Pundette

Poll: “The system worked”? Update: Rep. King votes ... no — Let's see how many Hot Air readers agree with this statement by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano this morning. Under tough questioning by CNN's Candy Crowley, Napolitano insisted that the failure of the bomb to explode showed that …

Vacation's Over, Mr. President — UPDATE: — Here is an outstanding piece by a gentleman who was actually on the plane. It's making me think, and re-think. — rosenblith/over-detroit-skies_b_ 404255.html — I will say this: Some of my initial statements …

Flight 253 hero Schuringa to be prosecuted — WASHINGTON, D.C.—The hero of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, lauded by passengers as the man who first reached would-be bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, will be arraigned this week under federal charges, the US Justice Department announced today.

Another Delta Flight Scare in Detroit — Airline says Man was “Verbally Disruptive” During Same Flight Route as Attempted Christmas Day Attack — (CBS/AP) Updated at 2:50 p.m. Eastern. — One day after a Nigerian man was charged with attempting to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight …

Lieberman: Yemen is 'tomorrow's war' if pre-emptive action not taken — Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) Sunday said that Yemen could be the ground of America's next overseas war if Washington does not take preemptive action to root out al-Qaeda interests there.

Latest Airline Incident in Detroit Not a Terror Threat, U.S. official Says
Pajamas Media

Live-blog: Ashura in Iran - December 27, 2009 — This is a live-blog report on clashes occurring in Iran on December 27, during the Shia mourning day of Ashura. As reports come in, they will be placed at the top of this page. To read this in chronological order it must be read from the bottom up.

Shocking Video- Iranian Protesters Save Prisoners from Hanging in Sirjan & Attack Police Truck — Regime Thugs Shoot Down Protesters — Iranian protesters in Sirjan rescued two prisoners being hanged by the brutal regime. They rushed the Iranian officials smashed up their truck and cut the prisoners down.

At Least 4 Dead as Iranians Fight Police in Streets — BEIRUT, Lebanon — Iranian police opened fire on protesters in Tehran on Sunday, killing at least four people, including a nephew of the opposition leader Mir Hussein Moussavi, as vast crowds of demonstrators flooded the streets …

‘Mousavi nephew’ among Iran dead
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Why The President Went Golfing Today — In Fahrenheit 9/11, filmmaker Michael Moore juxtaposes images and words of a terrorist attack in Israel with President Bush's first words about the incident, spoken to a press pool on a golf course, with him leaning casually against a tree.

This Guy's Been on Every Channel, Every Day for a Year. …

News Interrupts Obama's Hawaii Vacation — Posted by Robert Hendin HONOLULU, Hawaii — Today marks day three of Barack Obama's first Hawaiian vacation as President of the United States. He came here last year as president-elect and it's been an Obama family tradition to come here for Christmas …
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Hoekstra doubles down on criticism of Obama on airline attack — Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) said Sunday that it is fair to blame the Obama administration for the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight bound for Detroit on Christmas Day. — Hoekstra, the top Republican …

Ain't Nothin Wrong With Yemen An Invasion Can't Solve, Right? — That vein in your forehead that throbs when someone says something stupid? I formally petition the American Medical Association to rename it the Lieberman: … So unless we make it today's war, it'll be tomorrow's war.

Dems to W.H.: Drop cap-and-trade — Bruised by the health care debate and worried about what 2010 will bring, moderate Senate Democrats are urging the White House to give up now on any effort to pass a cap-and-trade bill next year. — “I am communicating that in every way I know how,” …

Secondhand Hate — Another step downhill for modern liberalism. — “They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama,” Senator Sheldon Whitehouse roared about his Republican opponents in the closing hours of the Senate health care debate on December 20.
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