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Election 2010: Massachusetts Special Senate Election — 2010 Massachusetts Senate: Coakley 50%, Brown 41% — State Attorney General Martha Coakley holds a nine-point lead over her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown, in Massachusetts' special U.S. Senate election to fill the seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy.
The Fix, The Daily Dish, Ben Smith's Blog, The Washington Independent, Real Clear Politics, Top of the Ticket, Scorecard's Blog, HillBuzz, neo-neocon, Open Left, AmSpecBlog, Gateway Pundit, FiveThirtyEight, Jumping in Pools, Another Black Conservative, The Corner on National …, Gawker, Wake up America, Commentary, Weekly Standard, The Strata-Sphere, Confederate Yankee,, TPMDC, Moonbattery and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Earthquake Rumblings In MA - Rasmussen Shows Brown Within 9% / Update: Brown within 2% With Definite Voters and Leads By 44% With Independents — Rasmussen is the first major polling organization to poll the Massachusetts Senate special election, and the “pre-released” poll numbers show Martha Coakley …

Reform at Stake in Massachusetts — The new Rasmussen poll has Dem candidate Martha Coakley with a 50% to 41% margin over Republican Scott Brown. Figure in that Massachusetts is a heavily Democratic state and that Rasmussen's polls tend to have a slight GOP lean and you can probably figure she's going to win on January 19th.

MASSACHUSETTS SENATE RACE HEATS UP: Rasmussen Shows Brown Within 9 Percent.

The Tea Party Teens — The United States opens this decade in a sour mood. First, Americans are anxious about the future. Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the country is in decline, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Only 27 percent feel confident …

Tea Party groups plan ‘strike’ — Washington (CNN) - Some Tea Party activists from across the country are planning a ‘national strike’ on January 20, the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama's inauguration. — The idea of holding an economic protest sprung up during the holidays …
The Hill, Politics Daily, TBogg, Wake up America, skippy the bush kangaroo, TPMDC and The Washington Independent

Joan Rivers bumped off flight in Costa Rica when Continental gate agent finds passport suspicious — Above, Rivers celebrates the New Year with family and friends in Costa Rica last week. On her return, though, she had a tough time leaving the country because of her ‘suspicious’ passport.

Steele Doesn't Know If GOP Ready To Lead — RNC chair Michael Steele doesn't think his party can take back the House in '10, and even if they do, he doesn't know if the GOP is ready. — Appearing on Sean Hannity's nationally syndicated show the same day his new book, “Right Now,” …
Washington Monthly, Riehl World View, The Huffington Post, AMERICAblog News, GOP 12, Taegan Goddard's … and Weasel Zippers

What Liberal Revolt? — Claims That Obama's Base Have Turned On Him Are Based On Scant Evidence — Does President Obama have a problem with his political base? That conclusion seems inescapable in recent weeks, as prominent liberal voices have expressed their unhappiness with the president …

Greer quits, Thrasher expected to head GOP — Republican Party of Florida chairman Jim Greer resigned his post Tuesday, effective Feb. 20. He is expected to be replaced by state Sen. John Thrasher of St. Augustine, a former House speaker and formerly a prominent lobbyist.

BRIT HUME SPEAKS, AGAIN.... I didn't intend to return to the subject, but Fox News' Brit Hume spoke to Bill O'Reilly last night about his calls for Tiger Woods to change his religion. At this point, Hume now wants to debate the meaning of the word “proselytize.”
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michael Calderone's Blog, Politics Daily and Media Matters for America

How Visa, Using Card Fees, Dominates a Market — Every day, millions of Americans stand at store checkout counters and make a seemingly random decision: after swiping their debit card, they choose whether to punch in a code, or to sign their name. — It is a pointless distinction to most consumers …
The Baseline Scenario, The Consumerist, Felix Salmon, The Big Picture, Outside The Beltway and naked capitalism

What the Dems know that we don't: Universal Voter Registration — Many are puzzled that Democrats persist in ramming unpopular and destructive legislation down our collective throats while seemingly unconcerned by their plummeting poll numbers. A widespread belief is that the Democrats …

John Fund: Sleath Legislation Coming in January, Universal Voter Legislation
Nice Deb

Time for accountability at the White House — Now it turns out that there was a third uninvited guest at the White House state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, this one a member of the Indian delegation. It was enough of a shock that the would-be stars Tareq and Michaele Salahi had crashed.

Press Pool, C-SPAN Join Criticism of Conference Process on Health-Care — Yesterday, several outlets reported that the Democrats would “almost certainly” forgo the official conference process to get a health-care bill passed, opting instead to negotiate largely behind closed doors.
Political Punch, AmSpecBlog, Hot Air, YID With LID, Gateway Pundit, And So it Goes in Shreveport, The Plum Line and Big Government

Matthews: Politico Serves As The Drudge-Like ‘News Conduit’ For Dick Cheney — Last month, Politico conducted an “interview” with former Vice President Dick Cheney. As ThinkProgress noted at the time, the paper's top reporters — Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen — transcribed Cheney's attacks …

Matthews Bites The Politico That Feeds Him Cheney
The Washington Independent

Glenn Beck on birther issue: 'Dumbest thing I've ever heard' — Claims controversy is political ‘dream come true’ for Obama — On the air today, popular radio host Glenn Beck mocked “birthers” and claimed there is a concerted campaign to get those questioning Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility onto …

Swing states may be on the move — The voter sentiments that put Democrats on top in 2008 could turn against the party in November's midterm. Obama's proposals for healthcare, the economy and immigration could deepen divisions. — Reporting from Searchlight, Nev. …

Democrats Considering Health Care-Immigration Deal To Overcome Key Sticking Point

For Obama, terrorism is a four-letter word: Bush — The attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 was more than just al Qaeda's latest attempt to bring death and destruction to American shores. It was also, in its still-unfolding political aftermath, a head-on collision between …
The Corner on National …, Washington Post, Dr. Sanity, Jihad Watch, PrairiePundit and Hot Air

Personal Bankruptcy Filings Rising Fast — The number of Americans filing for personal bankruptcy rose by nearly a third in 2009, a surge largely driven by foreclosures and job losses. — And more people are filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which liquidates assets to pay off some debts and absolves the filers of others.

11 pp. of House-Senate health differences - Panetta meets CIA fallen at Dover — POTUS, VPOTUS to hold 90-min. Sit Room meeting on air security — Edsall: outside chance GOP takes House — BREAKING - -L.A. Times A1: “Northrop headquarters moving to Washington”: “Northrop Grumman Corp …

Hollywood's Liberal Heartbreak — Home - Cheat sheet - Buzz board - Big Fat Story - Blogs & stories - Videos - Galleries - Crossword — Blogs and Stories — I hope and trust that Robbins has since calmed down. — When it came to politics, Robbins and Sarandon tended to espouse and admonish rather than try to persuade.

CHERRY WILL DROP OUT OF GOV'S RACE — UPDATE: 6 News Capitol Correspondent Tim Skubick reports that Lt. Governor John Cherry, once the presumed front-runner for the Democratic nomination, will drop out of the race for Governor. — Several sources have confirmed the story 6 News first broke Monday night at 11pm.

MI5 told US about Detroit bomber's terror links ‘a year ago’ — Britain told American intelligence agents more than a year ago that the Detroit bomber had links to extremists, according to Downing Street. — The prime minister's spokesman indicated that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was named …
Power Line, The Strata-Sphere, Fausta's Blog, Foreign Policy, Atlas Shrugs, YID With LID and PrairiePundit