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Coakley dismisses Schilling: ‘Another Yankee fan’ — In the intensifying Democratic precriminations game over who to blame if Coakley loses, here's one for the blame Coakley camp: On another talk radio show, “Nightside With Dan Rea,” Coakley jabs Rudy Giuliani as a Yankee fan …

Political Memo: Democrats Fret That the Public Is Dissatisfied — BOSTON — There may be no better place to measure the shifting fortunes of President Obama and the Democratic Party than in the race being fought here this weekend for the Senate seat that had been held by Edward M. Kennedy.

Quote For The Day — “I've been called a lot of things...but never, I mean never, could anyone make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn't know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could...” - Curt Schilling, responding to Martha Coakley's latest, awful gaffe.
Dennis the Peasant

MA-Sen: We've Seen This Movie Before — When Mike Stark commented on “the implosion” looming for Democrats as evidenced by the Massachusetts Senate special election next week by suggesting he wouldn't phonebank for Martha Coakley, there were a number of replies taking issue with his assessment …

I've been called a LOT of things... But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn't know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could.... This is great stuff.

One Internal Poll: Dead Even. …
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Dem Mail: Scott Brown Wants Hospitals To Turn Away All Rape Victims — This is absolutely brutal: Massachusetts Dems have dropped a mail piece accusing GOP Senate candidate Scott Brown of wanting hospitals to turn away “all” rape victims. — The mail piece — sent over by the Brown campaign …

Honest Democrat Ed Schultz Says 'I'd Cheat' To Keep Scott Brown From Winning... The Democrat Party should change it's name to ‘Thieves “R” Us’... Via — FreeThinkerNY

Ohio Democrat Steve Driehaus Losing To Steve Chabot 39% to 56% — Steve Driehaus (image via aflcio2008 flickr) — FDL/SurveyUSA, 1/12-1/14, 600 likely voters, Margin of Sampling error ± 4.1% … A new SurveyUSA poll sponsored by Firedoglake shows incumbent Democrat Steve Driehaus …

Campbell Brown Breaks Down Over Death Of Haitian Child — Sadly, this little girl's story is one of tens of thousands in Haiti right now, each one heartbreaking and grossly unfair: … If only more talking heads in this country could move past their own limited binary thought of politics …

Bush, Clinton join Obama at White House to kick off Haiti relief fund — President Barack Obama joined his two predecessors at the White House on Saturday to kick off a Haiti relief drive. — Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton returned to the White House to join Obama to speak about the …

WOW! Purple Shirted SEIU Members Holding Signs at Standout — This picture sums up the Coakley campaign. Keep up the work but I have a feeling we are going to win running away. — Photo Credit: David Toppen's Facebook Page — That is perfect! I love this picture (0.00 / 0)

Video: “Massachusetts Miracle” — Everyone's e-mailing it to me: — See what others have said — Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand.

Hood massacre report gutless and shameful — There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist- terror massacre at Fort Hood (released by the Defense Department yesterday): — * It's not about what happened at Fort Hood. — * It avoids entirely the issue of

Obama goes after Wall Street over bailout in his weekly address — President Barack Obama vowed to recoup billions of dollars in bailout money paid out to prevent a major crisis among large financial firms in his radio address Saturday, declaring, “We're not going to let Wall Street take the money and run.”

Did Firedoglake Take Out Vic Snyder? — Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) announced his retirement today, mixed-but mostly dire-news for Democrats, who were hopeful that he could hold on and defeat his likely, scandal-tainted GOP opponent Tim Griffin. One of the possible reasons for the retirement?
The Impolitic, Washington Post, The Agonist, Firedoglake, Power Line, Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! and Washington Wire