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Coakley dismisses Schilling: ‘Another Yankee fan’ — In the intensifying Democratic precriminations game over who to blame if Coakley loses, here's one for the blame Coakley camp: On another talk radio show, “Nightside With Dan Rea,” Coakley jabs Rudy Giuliani as a Yankee fan …

One Internal Poll: Dead Even. The Other Internal Poll: Brown by 11. — By: Jim Geraghty — A weird evening. Within five minutes, two sources call, each one hearing through the grapevine the internals of one of the two major campaigns in Massachusetts.
Riehl World View, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Ruby Slippers, The Nose On Your Face, Gateway Pundit, Sister Toldjah, The Other McCain, Jules Crittenden, The Strata-Sphere, JammieWearingFool, NO QUARTER, No Sheeples Here, YID With LID, Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers, The Natural Truth, Hot Air, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, RedState and Open Left

Not Wicked Awesome — By: Robert Costa — Coakley calls BoSox great Curt Schilling a Yankees fan: — Here's the transcript (via the Brown campaign): … Another Coakley gaffe? Can't say I'm really surprised. Instead of offering further commentary/eye rolls, I'll just leave you with this:
The Natural Truth

Quote For The Day — “I've been called a lot of things...but never, I mean never, could anyone make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn't know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could...” - Curt Schilling, responding to Martha Coakley's latest, awful gaffe.
Dennis the Peasant

I've been called a LOT of things...
National Review Online, National Review, Pundit & Pundette, TigerHawk, Betsy's Page, The Daily Caller and

Senate Can Pass Health With 51 Votes, Van Hollen Says — Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) — Even if Democrats lose the special election to pick a new Massachusetts senator Tuesday, Congress may still pass health-care overhaul through a process called reconciliation, a top House Democrat said.

Bill Buckner Curse Haunts Health Care? — ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: As Democrats rush to get a deal on health care, they are doing so with a an eye on the Massachusetts Senate race. — If Democratic nominee Martha Coakley loses, Democrats in Washington want to be in a position …

Scott Brown is a more liberal Republican than Dede Scozzafava — A special Senate election is being held next Tuesday in Massachusetts to finish Edward Kennedy's term. The candidates are Martha Coakley (D), and State Senator Scott P. Brown (R). — The election is particularly noteworthy for a number of reasons.

In MA-Sen Race That's All About Health Care, Is GOPer Brown …
The Political Carnival

Lawmaker: If GOP wins seat, health care dead
The Democratic Daily, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, National Review, The Caucus and The Hill

Did Firedoglake Take Out Vic Snyder? — Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) announced his retirement today, mixed-but mostly dire-news for Democrats, who were hopeful that he could hold on and defeat his likely, scandal-tainted GOP opponent Tim Griffin. One of the possible reasons for the retirement?
Washington Post, Firedoglake, Power Line, The Agonist, FiveThirtyEight, Washington Wire and Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!

Bush, Clinton join Obama at White House to kick off Haiti relief fund — President Barack Obama joined his two predecessors at the White House on Saturday to kick off a Haiti relief drive. — Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton returned to the White House to join Obama to speak about the …

Video: “Massachusetts Miracle” — Everyone's e-mailing it to me: — See what others have said — Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand.

Ohio Democrat Steve Driehaus Losing To Steve Chabot 39% to 56% — Steve Driehaus (image via aflcio2008 flickr) — FDL/SurveyUSA, 1/12-1/14, 600 likely voters, Margin of Sampling error ± 4.1% … A new SurveyUSA poll sponsored by Firedoglake shows incumbent Democrat Steve Driehaus …

Cadillac Plans — The agreement between the White House, Congressional leaders and labor unions over taxing high-priced health insurance policies is a reasonable solution to an issue that was threatening to derail health care reform. The agreement treats unionized workers far more favorably …

Ex U.N. inspector stung in Web sex case — (CNN) — Pennsylvania authorities say they arrested a former United Nations weapons inspector after he allegedly exchanged sexually explicit online messages with a police officer who was pretending to be a 15-year-old girl.
Crooks and Liars

Funny: Press corps torments Gibbs again with questions about transparency — A palate cleanser courtesy of Media Blog. He's right that they've been over this before and they're right that he hasn't given them a satisfactory explanation. With good reason.

Obama goes after Wall Street over bailout in his weekly address — President Barack Obama vowed to recoup billions of dollars in bailout money paid out to prevent a major crisis among large financial firms in his radio address Saturday, declaring, “We're not going to let Wall Street take the money and run.”

Government allows Haitians in U.S. illegally to stay for 18 months — The Obama administration announced Friday evening that it will allow an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Haitians living in the United States illegally to stay and work in the country for 18 months as part of its response to Tuesday's earthquake.