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Birther Speaker Takes Heat at Tea Party Convention — NASHVILLE — During WorldNetDaily Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah's Friday night dinner speech, which spent around 10 of its forty minutes on questions about Barack Obama's citizenship, Andrew Brietbart was among the conservatives …
Taylor Marsh, Coop's Corner, Hit & Run, 24Ahead, Little Green Footballs, The Lonely Conservative and

Breitbart, Farah argue Birtherism at Tea Party convention — Dave Weigel has been covering the Tea Party Convention in Nashville for the Washington Independent, and earlier today walked into an unplanned but heated debate between World Net Daily's Joseph Farah and Andrew Breitbart.

Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: “It's Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It's You That Sucks” (Video) — Andrew Breitbart raised the roof at the National Tea Party Convention this morning in Nashville, Tennessee. Speaking to the dozens of reporters assembled in the back of the room, Andrew said this:
Discussion:, Big Government, WBBM-TV, The Lonely Conservative, Associated Press, American Power, Scared Monkeys and

Palin Speaks: “How's that Hopey-Changey Thing Working Out for Ya?” — NASHVILLE — “I'm so proud to be an American! Happy birthday, Ronald Reagan.” — Sarah Palin took the stage of the National Tea Party Convention to a thundering ovation, which she cut down quickly by praising …

Palin Assails Obama at Tea Party Meeting — NASHVILLE - As Sarah Palin left the stage at the inaugural National Tea Party Convention here Saturday night, the crowd erupted into chants of “Run Sarah Run!” — “I think you like her!” said Judson Phillips, the chief organizer of the convention …

Scenes from the Tea Party: A Reporter's Notebook in Nashville — Joseph Farah, editor of the conservative Website WorldNetDaily, opened his speech at the Tea Party convention in Nashville with jokes and questions about President Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship.
Little Green Footballs

Tennessee Tea Party Leaders Attack the Convention, Sort Of — NASHVILLE — At 1 p.m., four representatives of Tennessee Tea Party groups gathered in a ballroom adjacent to the National Tea Party Convention with about 50 reporters and unleashed the criticisms that had dogged the event in the weeks leading up to it.

Convention Is Trying to Harness Tea Party Spirit
The Swamp, The Politico, Big Government, Founding Bloggers, PERRspectives, New York Magazine, The Moderate Voice and Prairie Weather

Palin and McConnell wage proxy battle in Kentucky Republican Senate primary

Snowstorm puts W.H. press corps in danger — Photographers in the White House press corps experienced two dangerous moments on Saturday while covering President Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Committee's Winter Meeting. — Reporters ventured out to cover the speech amid …

Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis. — In trying to explain why our political paralysis seems to have gotten so much worse over the past year, analysts have rounded up a plausible collection of reasons including …

Mitch Landrieu wins New Orleans mayor's race … Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu appears to have routed five major challengers in today's mayoral primary, riding a sense of regret among voters who rejected him four years ago and extraordinary biracial support to claim a rare first-round victory.

The New Math on Campus — CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — ANOTHER ladies' night, not by choice. — After midnight on a rainy night last week in Chapel Hill, N.C., a large group of sorority women at the University of North Carolina squeezed into the corner booth of a gritty basement bar.

RESPONDING TO ‘ANY CONFUSION OUT THERE’.... Well, he certainly sounds serious about getting health care reform done. — Speaking at a winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee, President Obama covered some familiar ground, but tackled health care reform in a rather straightforward way.

Democrats Ask, Can Health Care Bill Be Saved? — WASHINGTON — For a moment, President Obama's pledge to keep fighting for major health care legislation got personal on Thursday night as he told supporters at a fund-raiser about a former campaign worker in St. Louis without health insurance who had died of breast cancer.

One Last Word — If you are one of those people who think this person cannot become president of the United States, think again. — Two lines stood out for me. The first is a sign that she believes and her followers believe that she has a divine destiny. She is Esther, with a touch of martyrdom:

How Can Securitization Lending Be Made Safer ? … In his column today, Floyd Norris asks “Can the world be made safe for the return of securitizations?” — To a degree, that is the wrong question. — While some people have become focused on securitization, what we should really be looking …