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EXCLUSIVE (Update): Palin's Tea Party Crib Notes — Closer inspection of a photo of Sarah Palin, during a speech in which she mocked President Obama for his use of a teleprompter, reveals several notes written on her left hand. The words “Energy”, “Tax” and “Lift American Spirits” are clearly visible.
Althouse, Founding Bloggers, Ruby Slippers, National Review, La Figa, Lance Mannion, Washington Wire, The Impolitic, Washington Monthly, New York Magazine, TBogg, Liberal Values, Climate Progress, Mediaite, Taylor Marsh, Towleroad News #gay, The Political Carnival, Mother Jones, The Mudflats, Doug Ross, skippy the bush kangaroo, Sister Toldjah, Gateway Pundit, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs, AMERICAblog News, Raw Story, JammieWearingFool, Left In Alabama, Big Brass Blog, Ben Smith's Blog,, Riehl World View, The Lonely Conservative, Mudville Gazette, and No More Mister Nice Blog

Palin's Cheat-Sheet — I was too busy tapping away at my laptop to notice this little high-school trick. Having mocked president Obama for using a TelePrompter - not long after he made mincemeat of Republicans with no such TelePrompter at their retreat - she had to scribble down her priorities …
Dennis the Peasant, American Power, MyDD, The TrogloPundit, The Greenroom, Outside The Beltway, Althouse, Liberal Values and Jezebel

Palin ‘Would Be Willing’ to Take On Obama in 2012 — Sarah Palin has President Obama in her sights, telling she “would be willing” to challenge him in the 2012 presidential race.

Of Course She's Running For President, Ctd — She now confirms it on Fox, the only channel on which she will now appear. Remember the last campaign? The MSM was shut out as far as humanly possible - and they colluded in the McCain strategy. Some, like the Washington Post's Howie Kurtz …
Prairie Weather

Sarah Palin watch: She looks trim, fit — and brimming with energy and plans
Nashville Scene, Israpundit, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Newsweek Blogs, American Power, Althouse and The Washington Independent

Palin Considering 2012 Run, Defends Limbaugh's Use Of ‘Retard’ On Fox News Sunday

Palin's Ready for ‘Another Revolution’ — By: Robert Costa

SOME PICS FROM SARAH PALIN'S SPEECH. I had some idle time backstage, and my Lumix.
Gateway Pundit

Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand?
Washington Monthly, The Hill, Crooks and Liars, The Confluence, News Hounds and AMERICAblog News

Witness To Middletown Explosion: ‘There Are Bodies Everywhere’ — (RICHARD MESSINA / HARTFORD COURANT / February 7, 2010) — MIDDLETOWN - Witnesses and authorities said as many as 100 people may have been injured and two killed when a massive explosion, which homeowners more than 10 miles away mistook …

Obama invites GOP to health-care summit — President Obama made a dramatic attempt to jump-start the stalled health care debate Sunday, inviting Republicans in Congress to a half-day summit on the subject to be televised live later this month. — The president made the offer in an interview …
CBS News, New York Times, Politics Daily, The Corner on National … and The Political Carnival

W.H. plans televised health meeting — President Barack Obama is planning to host a televised meeting with Republican and Democratic congressional leaders on health care reform. — The Feb. 25 meeting is an attempt to reach across the aisle but not a signal that the president plans to start over …

Bond: White House should apologize for intel leak, not me

SOURCE: The NYT's Big David Paterson Bombshell Will Break Monday, Governor's Resignation To Follow — This past week, a rumor emerged that the New York Times is working on a huge bombshell with plans to “Spitzerize” New York governor David Paterson. — Several media outlets have reported on these rumors.

Judge being gay a nonissue during Prop. 8 trial — The biggest open secret in the landmark trial over same-sex marriage being heard in San Francisco is that the federal judge who will decide the case, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, is himself gay.
The Corner on National …, Joe. My. God., Towleroad News #gay, American Power and AMERICAblog Gay

A Scrubbed Toe in the Race — Between bites of an egg-white garden omelet at a bistro in his Union Square neighborhood, Harold Ford Jr. defended himself on pedicures and flip-flops. — “I either run or try to play basketball every day,” he said. “I have severe athlete's foot — feet.
Nashville Scene, Matthew Yglesias, No More Mister Nice Blog, Ben Smith's Blog, Hotline On Call and Gothamist

Benny Morris talk stirs uproar at Cambridge — University's Israel Society called off talk “for fear of being portrayed as a mouthpiece of Islamophobia.” — Talkbacks (24) — Make JPOST.COM your Home Page — Iranian Threat — Jewish World — Local Israel — Arts & Culture

Too Close to Home — LATE last month, a Web site called the Electronic Intifada reported that Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief of The Times, has a son in the Israeli military. Others, including Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a liberal media watchdog group …

The Great IPCC Meltdown Continues — It's not just the threat of Himalayan glaciers disappearing by 2035. — Now another headline grabbing IPCC scare story is melting away. A report in Sunday's London Times highlights new humiliations for the IPCC. … There is however one teensy-weensy little problem.