Top Items:

Gibbs Responds to Boehner, Cantor — White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs just responded to a letter sent today from House Republican Leader John Boehner and House Republican Whip Eric Cantor regarding the proposed bipartisan health care summit: — The President is adamant that we seize …

Top House Republicans throw cold water on health-care summit — Leading House Republicans raised the prospect Monday night that they might refuse to participate in President Obama's proposed health care summit if the White House chooses not to scrap the existing reform bills and start over.

Boehner, Cantor Question White House on Proposed Health Care Summit — GOP Leaders: “Assuming the President is sincere about moving forward on health care in a bipartisan way, does that mean he will agree to start over so that we can develop a bill that is truly worthy of the support and confidence of the American people?”

Michelle Obama Responds to Palin Pokes — First Lady: 'Change... Certainly Doesn't Happen in a Year' — Michelle Obama defended her husband against some of his most vocal critics, saying President Obama did a “phenomenal” job this year and that change is a long-term process.

On Health Bill, G.O.P.'s Road Is a New Map — WASHINGTON — When Republicans take President Obama up on his invitation to hash out their differences over health care this month, they will carry with them a fairly well-developed set of ideas intended to make health insurance more widely available …

Congressional Democrats point finger of blame at Rahm Emanuel — Democrats in Congress are holding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel accountable for his part in the collapse of healthcare reform. — The emerging consensus among critics in both chambers is that Emanuel's lack …
Firedoglake, AMERICAblog News, Commentary, Pundit & Pundette, The Washington Note and Hullabaloo

WILLING TO TALK — WITH PRECONDITIONS.... When President Obama announced …

Opposing view: ‘We need no lectures’ — Administration disrupts terrorists' plots, takes fight to them abroad. — Politics should never get in the way of national security. But too many in Washington are now misrepresenting the facts to score political points, instead of coming together to keep us safe.
The Hill, Power Line, National Review, Hot Air, Washington Post, The Corner on National …, Gateway Pundit, White Blog Feed, Don Surber, Taylor Marsh, The Strata-Sphere, The Washington Independent, Emptywheel, Brendan Nyhan, TPMMuckraker, The Page, ATTACKERMAN and New York Times

Bush Was Right, Says Obama — 'We're not handling any of these cases any different from the Bush administration.' — This weekend, Americans were treated to something new: Barack Obama defending his war policies by suggesting they merely continue his predecessor's practices.

White House: People who criticize us are helping al Qaeda — In a brief op-ed in USA Today, White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan charges that critics who question the Obama administration's decision to grant Miranda rights to accused Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab are “serv[ing] the goals of al Qaeda.”
Hot Air, Real Clear Politics, New York Post, Sister Toldjah, The Corner on National … and POWIP

‘Miss Me Yet?’ Billboard With Photo Of Bush Is Real; Not An Internet Trick — Internet chatter had led to speculation that it might be an urban myth — nothing more than clever digital trickery spreading via the Web. — But our friend Bob Collins at Minnesota Public Radio assures us he's seen it with his own eyes:

The mystery billboard — It was late at night and I wasn't sure …
Outside The Beltway, NewsReal Blog, RedState, Althouse, Left Coast Rebel and The TrogloPundit

Something Much Darker — Andrew Sullivan has a serious problem. — I. — “Trying to explain the doctrine of the Trinity to readers of The New Republic is not easy.” On June 2, 1944, W.H. Auden penned that sentence in a letter to Ursula Niebuhr. On January 26, 2010 …

Pamela Geller Destroys Ron Reagan Jr. on Joy Behar Show (Video) — The great Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs destroyed Ron Reagan Jr., Joy Behar and her other hateful liberal guest on the Behar Show last night. Geller gave Ron Jr. the spanking he never had, but needed.

Nelson will back GOP filibuster — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) announced Monday evening that he will support a Republican-led filibuster over President Barack Obama's nominee to serve on the National Labor Relations Board. — The move is likely to infuriate labor groups who have fought hard …
CNN, Washington Monthly, Outside The Beltway, MyDD, PoliBlog, The Hill, DISSENTING JUSTICE, RedState, Commentary, Michelle Malkin and

Pa. seat is latest Democratic worry — Rep. John Murtha's (D-Pa.) untimely death Monday makes the political map even more daunting for House Democrats, who will have to defend another highly competitive seat in what is shaping up to be a hostile election year.

Secret contract, lavish spending push Republican Party of Florida to crisis — As a volatile election season gets under way, the Republican Party of Florida is facing its biggest crisis of confidence in decades. — Donors and party activists are livid over newly revealed records …

Republicans — Not Obama — More Often on Wrong Side of Public Opinion — One of the more commonplace assertions among pundits on the center-right — made rather carelessly by Victor Davis Hanson and more thoughtfully by Jay Cost, is that agenda put forward by Obama and the Democrats …

NOAA: Blizzard Rearranges Climate Change Announcement — As D.C. continued to dig out from Snowmageddon and is keeping an eye on another storm system, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was busy making a climate change announcement. — NOAA, part of the Department of Commerce …
theblogprof, Fausta's Blog, Maggie's Farm, The Jawa Report, Don Surber, Betsy's Page, The Lonely Conservative and THE BIG FEED

Skeptics Find Fault With U.N. Climate Panel — Just over two years ago, Rajendra K. Pachauri seemed destined for a scientist's version of sainthood: A vegetarian economist-engineer who leads the United Nations' climate change panel, he accepted the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the panel …

Will You Be E-Mailing This Column? It's Awesome — Sociologists have developed elaborate theories of who spreads gossip and news — who tells whom, who matters most in social networks — but they've had less success measuring what kind of information travels fastest. Do people prefer to spread good news or bad news?

Rep. Cohen: Murtha victim of “malpractice” — I'm a big — and lonely — proponent of the 48-hour rule when it comes to the deaths of politicians. Unless somebody dies under really questionable circumstances, wait a good two, three days before you start factlessly speculating about 1) …

How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt — Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules. At some point the so-called cross currency swaps will mature …

More Posner Plagiarism — Veteran reporter Gerald Posner is a repeat offender. — Last week, a reader tipped me to an instance of potential plagiarism by Gerald Posner in the Daily Beast, for which Posner is chief investigative reporter. After I called the plagiarism to the attention …

Palin Puts Together A ... Campaign? — Sarah Palin is putting together a campaign team, and Washington is taking notice. Mark Leibovich of the New York Times described her bare-bones political operation. Here is what I know: she is not worried about fundraising right now.
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