Top Items:

Senate passes $15 billion jobs bill on bipartisan vote — The Senate easily passed a $15 billion jobs bill on Wednesday morning amid hope that the measure could provide a blueprint for other items on President Obama's agenda. — The measure passed 70 to 28, with 13 Republicans joining 57 Democrats in support of the package.

Obama's continued audaciousness on health reform could backfire — The White House description of President Obama's health-care proposal as his “opening bid” raises the question: With whom is he bidding? The public dance is with Republicans, but this is hardly serious.
Firedoglake, The Note, The Politico, Newsweek Blogs,, The Hill, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe and Commentary

Obama's health reform gamble raises questions of judgment
The New Republic

Exclusive: W.H. privately plots 2012 campaign run — President Barack Obama's top advisers are quietly laying the groundwork for the 2012 reelection campaign, which is likely to be run out of Chicago and managed by White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina, according to Democrats familiar with the discussions.

Gentle White House Nudges Test the Power of Persuasion — WASHINGTON — Tempers were fraying in the White House Cabinet Room as night turned into morning on Jan. 15. President Obama had been cloistered nearly all day with House and Senate Democrats, playing “marriage counselor,” an aide said …
JustOneMinute, Bloomberg, A plain blog about politics, Jon Taplin's Blog, Commentary, MyDD, Althouse, The Caucus and The Page

My Gift to the Obama Presidency — Though the White House won't want to admit it, Bush lawyers were protecting the executive's power to fight a vigorous war on terror. — Barack Obama may not realize it, but I may have just helped save his presidency. How?

The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Salon — Vanity Fair colleague Michael Wolff, though not a licensed clinician or chiropodist, renders what seems to me an inarguable diagnosis of the current conservative condition, i.e., they've gone loco: — Having whipped themselves into dishrag fatigue …

Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it's divine law that gays be put to death. — Last year, Miss California Carrie Prejean endeared herself to the right wing when she answered a question about same-sex marriage by saying that she believes marriage “should be between a man and a woman.”

Election 2010: Texas Republican Primary for Governor — Texas GOP Primary: Perry 48%, Hutchison 27%, Medina 16% — Just days before Texas Republicans pick their nominee for governor, incumbent Rick Perry has his biggest lead yet. — A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey …

Wall Street shifting political contributions to Republicans — Commercial banks and high-flying investment firms have shifted their political contributions toward Republicans in recent months amid harsh rhetoric from Democrats about fat bank profits, generous bonuses and stingy lending policies on Wall Street.
New York Times, The Washington Independent, The Caucus, Raw Story, The Confluence, Taylor Marsh and Wake up America

OBAMA & DEMS IN ‘05: 51 VOTE ‘NUCLEAR OPTION’ IS ‘ARROGANT’ POWER GRAB AGAINST THE FOUNDERS’ INTENT — Biden: “I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.”
Discussion:, The Foundry, CentristNet, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Hot Air, American Conservative … and Weasel Zippers

Harry Reid Launches New “Vote For Me Or The Wife Gets It” Campaign — Just hours after revealing that unemployed men in Nevada “tend to be abusive” toward their wives and facing the prospect of joblessness himself with an election this fall, Harry Reid has launched a bold new …

Poll: Americans place blame for partisanship — Washington (CNN) — Two-thirds of Americans think that the Republicans in Congress are not doing enough to cooperate with President Obama, according to a new national poll. — But a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey, released Wednesday …

US diplomats add a moat to their expenses at $1bn London embassy — The United States has unveiled plans for its new $1 billion high-security embassy in London — the most expensive it has ever built. — The proposals were met with relief from both the present embassy's Mayfair neighbours …
Hot Air, National Review Online, JONATHAN TURLEY, Moonbattery, Outside The Beltway, Left Coast Rebel and Clusterstock

Top Palin aide resigns — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's senior adviser and spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton has resigned, POLITICO has learned. — Stapleton has been a Palin confidant since December 2006 and one of the governor's most trusted aides since she was vaulted onto …

Senate Proves Hypocrisy Easy. — White House press secretary Robert Gibbs tweets, “Senate proves bipartisanship possible — 70 support tax cuts for businesses who hire the unemployed plus more investment in infrastructure.” Except, just a few days ago, the Senate had to block a Republican filibuster …

Here's Why Government Stimulus Does Not Work — Here's why the government stimulus worked: it kept hundreds of thousands of Americans at work, at least. It added percentage points to GDP. It sent billions of dollars to unemployed and low income Americans to prop up private demand as consumption was ready to fall off a cliff.

Former White House adviser Van Jones lands new D.C. gig at liberal think tank — Van Jones, the environmental justice advocate who relinquished his post as a White House adviser five months ago after coming under fire from conservative activists, is reemerging on the public policy stage to push for green jobs.
Think Progress, Matthew Yglesias, CNN, Jack & Jill Politics, Wonk Room, Get Energy Smart!, EnviroKnow, Dennis the Peasant, Grist and Weasel Zippers

Health Care No Stranger To Reconciliation Process … text sizeAAA — To reconcile or not to reconcile — when it comes to a health overhaul bill, that seems to be the biggest argument of the moment. — At issue is a process called budget reconciliation.
Ezra Klein, The Monkey Cage, Slate, The Politico, Daily Kos, MyDD, AMERICAblog News, Prairie Weather and Swampland

The Quiet Dignity of Rielle Hunter — John Edwards's mistress has been surprisingly silent in public. — A small sampling of some of the things other people have said about Rielle Hunter in the two years since allegations first emerged that she was sleeping with married presidential candidate John Edwards.