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Obama Readies a Fallback Proposal — Scaled-Down Plan Would Expand Insurance to About Half as Many People as Pending Bill Envisions — President Barack Obama will use a bipartisan summit Thursday to push for sweeping health-care legislation, but if that fails to generate enough support …
Power Line, Bloomberg, The Politico, The Huffington Post, The Hill, Los Angeles Times, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Investor's Business Daily, Open Congress, CentristNet, NewTeeVee, The Hill, Riehl World View, The Greenroom, New York Magazine, AmSpecBlog, Commentary, The Caucus, The Moderate Voice, Another Black Conservative, Clusterstock, QandO, Taylor Marsh, Raw Story, DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Foundry, Left Coast Rebel, JustOneMinute and Pundit & Pundette

There's no plan B for health-care reform — The Wall Street Journal has a splashy piece this evening on the White House's plan B for health-care reform: a fallback approach that would cover 15 million people, do less to reform the system and cut costs, and carry a lower price tag. Call it health-care lite.
The Atlantic Business Channel, delawareonline, Boston Herald, Wall Street Journal, The Hill and Commentary

Preparing for Health Debate, and Its TV Audience — WASHINGTON — In convening Thursday's bipartisan health session, President Obama is angling to recreate the kind of spontaneous, unscripted debate that gave him a decided advantage when he took questions on live television at a House Republican retreat in Baltimore last month.

Americans Tilt Against Democrats' Plans if Summit Fails — Most doubt an agreement will result from Thursday's summit — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans are skeptical that lawmakers will agree on a new healthcare bill at Thursday's bipartisan healthcare summit in Washington …
The Moderate Voice, Politics Daily, All Content, Swampland, TPMDC and The Swamp

Will Dr. Obama go for Plan B-1, or Plan B-2? — Dems' post-summit message: POTUS was ‘thoughtful, comprehensive,’ Rs ‘insulted the summit’ — New NYT expose may finish Gov. Paterson — EXCLUSIVE — Speaker Pelosi's prepared remarks for the Blair House summit: “[I]naction and incrementalism are simply unacceptable.

At Health Care Session, Obama Stresses Areas of Agreement — WASHINGTON — President Obama opened his much anticipated health care forum on Thursday by calling on Democrats and Republicans to “focus not just on where we differ but focus on where we agree,” as Republicans called for the president to scrap his bill and start over.

Democrats looking beyond health-care summit to final talks within party — Congressional Democrats are already looking beyond the White House health-care summit, reckoning that Thursday's session will amount to little more than political theater and focusing instead on a final round …
Discussion:, Scared Monkeys, Political Punch, Wall Street Journal, The Hill, NOW! Blog, The Note and New York Times

What to watch for at the summit
CNN, Glenn Thrush's Blog, ABCNEWS, The Fix, Wall Street Journal, Time and Jules Crittenden

Obama may compromise on consumer agency to pass financial regulation
Think Progress, AOL News Collection, The Daily Beast, The Washington Independent and MyDD

A viewer's guide to the health-care summit
PostPartisan, Prairie Weather, The Page, The Atlantic Politics Channel and

Poll: Expectations low on health summit
ABCNEWS, Politics Daily, The Greenroom, Guardian, Washington Post, CentristNet, Marathon Pundit, The Hill, AmSpecBlog, Moonbattery, The Politico and Political Punch

Photo Emerges Of Murderous Killer Whale At Tea Party Rally — Some quick investigate reporting by the folks at Daily Kos and Democratic Underground has unearthed a photo of Tilikum, the killer whale who yesterday killed a trainer at Sea World, at a Tea Party event in Omaha, Nebraska.

Questions of Influence in Abuse Case of Paterson Aide — Last fall, a woman went to court in the Bronx to testify that she had been violently assaulted by a top aide to Gov. David A. Paterson, and to seek a protective order against the man. — In the ensuing months, she returned to court twice …
Discussion:, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, PostPartisan, Clusterstock, SpeakEasy, The Talking Dog, City Room, Ben Smith's Blog, Mediaite, Gothamist, Politics Daily, The Awl, YID With LID, The Daily Politics, TPMMuckraker, Gawker, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, The Page, The Lonely Conservative and Daily Kos

Marco Rubio charged personal bills on GOP card — Senate candidate Marco Rubio said he reimbursed the state GOP for expenses put on an American Express card given to him by his party. — BREINHARD@MIAMIHERALD.COM — U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio charged grocery bills …

Most ‘tea party’ followers are baby boomers reliving the '60s — A poll debunks assumptions about the movement, showing that it's largely middle-class, college-educated, white and male. — Oceans of ink, terabytes of blog space and an eternity of television time have been devoted …

Campaign Goes After Opponents of Gay Marriage — ALBANY — Angered by the defeat last year of a bill that would have allowed same-sex couples to marry, a group of well-financed gay rights advocates has started a political action committee to take aim aggressively at state senators who have opposed same-sex marriage.

Can This Possibly Be True? New Obama Missile Defense Logo Includes A Crescent — The Obama administration's determined effort to reduce America's missile defense capabilities initially seemed to be just standard Leftist fare — of a piece with the Democratic base's visceral hostility …

Did the Congressional Budget Office find that premiums costs will go down? — Lamar Alexander and Barack Obama just had a contentious exchange on this point, so it's worth settling the issue: Yes, the CBO found health-care reform would reduce premiums. The issue gets confused because it also found …
Washington Wire, NOW! Blog, The New Republic, Newsweek Blogs, Guardian, The Plum Line and Swampland

Up to 1,200 needless deaths, patients abused, staff bullied to meet targets... yet a secret inquiry into failing hospital says no one's to blame — Up to 1,200 patients died unnecessarily because of appalling care — Labour's obsession with targets and box ticking blamed for scandal

Olbermann swings back at Mediaite (and Abrams) — Keith Olbermann called Mediaite “gullible” earlier this week for questioning if there's a lack of diversity on MSNBC and calling attention to a critical video from the Dallas Tea Party. And last night the “Countdown” host followed up by awarding …

Obama to deliver health care The Chicago Way — President Barack Obama will star in his very own televised entertainment spectacular on Thursday — let's call it Federal Health Care Kabuki Theater. — The Republicans wanted to dance. Now they'll have to step lightly.
Associated Press, Big Journalism, NO QUARTER, Weasel Zippers, Michelle Malkin and Pundit & Pundette

Brauchli Confirms Print Death of “The Party” by Sally Quinn — After hours of frenzied calling and e-mailing and even a little Facebook messaging, City Desk has finally gotten someone in the know at the Washington Post to comment on the whole Sally Quinn situation. That would be the Executive Editor, Marcus Brauchli.

Banks Bet Greece Defaults on Debt They Helped Hide — Bets by some of the same banks that helped Greece shroud its mounting debts may actually now be pushing the nation closer to the brink of financial ruin. — Echoing the kind of trades that nearly toppled the American International Group …

New Jobless Claims Jumped to 496,000 as Heavy Snow Caused Rise in Layoffs — The number of new claims for unemployment benefits jumped unexpectedly last week as heavy snows caused layoffs to rise.