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Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care — House Speaker Pelosi says lawmakers aren't in Washington for job security but ‘to do the job for the American people.’

‘This Week’ Transcript: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) — Transcript: “This Week” with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and George Will, Sam Donaldson, Paul Krugman and Cokie Roberts. — ABC News/THIS WEEK Elizabeth Vargas Interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday that Republicans have left their mark on the healthcare bill and should accept that the bill will go forward. — “They've had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard …

Alexander: Health Care Reform a ‘Political Kamikaze Mission’ for Democrats — Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander says pushing health care reform through Congress by a simple majority using the reconciliation process would be political suicide for Democrats and vowed to campaign for the repeal the bill if it passes.
The Politico, Hot Air, CNN, The Caucus, Washington Monthly, The Impolitic, The Strata-Sphere and Swampland

The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged — No one knows what history will make of the present — least of all journalists, who can at best write history's sloppy first draft. But if I were to place an incautious bet on which political event will prove the most significant of February 2010 …

Glenn Beck's eliminationist attacks on progressives: How long before someone acts on this violent rhetoric? — David Sirota observes in his column this week the really ugly nature of Glenn Beck's express hatred of progressives, embodied in his CPAC speech:

Kristol: 'I Didn't Watch' The Health Care Summit, But I'll Comment On It As If I Did — On the Fox News Sunday roundtable this morning, the panelists discussed President Obama's health care summit. NPR's Mara Liasson said that while it may have been “political theater,” it was also …

Al Gore would like you to lie back and accept what the government decides is good for you. — The other day I said: … Now, here comes big Al Gore with a huge op-ed in the NYT that begins with a fat juicy piece of evidence that I was right: … He wants the policies that are sold under the name …

Islamic radicals ‘infiltrate’ the Labour Party — A Labour minister says his party has been infiltrated by a fundamentalist Muslim group that wants to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain. — The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes in jihad and sharia law …

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates? — Over the past few weeks, the world has learned quite enough about John Edwards - from the lies he told in trying to cover up an adulterous affair to the compulsive vanity that left some people close to him questioning his judgment and even his grip on reality.

Doctors to Obama: Come back at 50 — President Barack Obama got a physical examination this morning at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. — He arrived there by helicopter at about 6:40 am EST. The physical was performed by Dr. Jeff Kuhlman, a Navy captain and head …

Video of Taliban commander leaves fate unclear — DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — The Pakistani Taliban released a video of their militant chief, Hakimullah Mehsud, but his taped comments fail to prove he survived a U.S. missile strike earlier this year. — U.S. and Pakistani officials …

Quake, tsunamis kill more then 700 in Chile — CONCEPCION, Chile (Reuters) - The death toll from a massive earthquake that struck Chile surged above 700 on Sunday as reports emerged of coastal towns devastated by the tremor and tsunamis that followed. — President Michelle Bachelet …