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Pelosi Says She'll Get Votes Needed for Health Bill — WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she is confident she will be able to get the votes needed to pass sweeping health care legislation in the House, even if it threatens the political careers of some members of her party.
The Politico

Pelosi: GOP has had its day; confident Dems can pull together on health bill — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday that Republicans have left their mark on the healthcare bill and should accept that the bill will go forward. — “They've had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard …

Pelosi: Lawmakers Should Sacrifice Jobs for Health Care — House Speaker Pelosi says lawmakers aren't in Washington for job security but ‘to do the job for the American people.’

Sunday Snapshot: Get Ready To Reconcile, Baby
Doug Ross

Alexander: Health Care Reform a ‘Political Kamikaze Mission’ for Democrats
The Politico, Don Surber, CNN, Hot Air, The Caucus, The Impolitic, Swampland and Washington Monthly

Menendez predicts Democrats will get votes to pass health bill
Taylor Marsh

POLL: Obama's visit just bounced off Reid — Poll shows senator gained little ground in re-election battle — WASHINGTON — During his whirlwind visit to Las Vegas two weeks ago, President Barack Obama mentioned U.S. Sen. Harry Reid by name four dozen times, gave him a big hug and talked him up as if he was a long-lost brother.
Another Black Conservative, Ruby Slippers, JammieWearingFool, Dennis the Peasant and Weasel Zippers

Financial Reform Endgame — So here's the situation. We've been through the second-worst financial crisis in the history of the world, and we've barely begun to recover: 29 million Americans either can't find jobs or can't find full-time work. Yet all momentum for serious banking reform has been lost.

In Senate, a Renewed Effort to Reach a Consensus on Financial Regulation — WASHINGTON — When Christopher J. Dodd announced in January that he would not seek a sixth term in the Senate, he called reform of financial regulation, along with health care, “the two most important issues of our time …
The Huffington Post

Who's Obsessed and Deranged? — Frank Rich of the New York Times retired as a drama critic in order to take up his new role as the paper's full-time drama queen. As an op-ed columnist for the Times, his assignment, apparently, is to write in such a hysterical fashion that Paul Krugman seems rational by comparison.

Doctors tell Barack Obama to quit smoking — The american president has been trying to kick the habit for sometime, apart from the smoking he is in excellent health — Barack Obama is still struggling to kick smoking, according to his first medical examination since becoming president.

US sets medals record, Canada ties gold record — VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - While the Vancouver Olympics aren't finished, the medal races are - and in spectacular fashion for North Americans. — The United States is guaranteed 37 medals and Canada will finish with at least 13 gold medals.

Glenn Beck's eliminationist attacks on progressives: How long before someone acts on this violent rhetoric? — David Sirota observes in his column this week the really ugly nature of Glenn Beck's express hatred of progressives, embodied in his CPAC speech:
Firedoglake, American Conservative …, The Impolitic, AMERICAblog News and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Berlusconi selects female candidates — Silvio Berlusconi risks renewed criticism when he unveils his candidate selection — Silvio Berlusconi risked renewed criticism of his selection of candidates for election when he unveiled a list that included a Miss Italy contestant …
First Draft

QUOTE OF THE DAY.... ABC's “This Week” held its usual roundtable discussion this morning, with Elizabeth Vargas hosting a panel of Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, George Will, and Paul Krugman. — The last topic of conversation was introduced by Vargas this way: … This led to a surprisingly long chat about Desiree Rogers.

U.S. warns Syria: Stop arming Hezbollah immediately — The U.S. administration has asked Syrian President Bashar Assad to immediately stop transferring arms to Hezbollah. American officials made the request during a meeting Friday with the Syrian ambassador to Washington.