Top Items:

Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant — The chief suspect in the case of the failed Times Square car bombing is Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad, who has confessed to the plot. Much of the media has latched onto Shahzad's Muslim faith …

Taliban lackey's twisted mission — It was payback. — The Connecticut man charged yesterday with the botched Times Square car bombing confessed to trying to slaughter innocent people in retaliation for US drone attacks that wiped out the leadership of his beloved Taliban, The Post has learned.
Byron York / Beltway Confidential:
For Justice Department, Times Square case is Christmas Day all over again
For Justice Department, Times Square case is Christmas Day all over again

NY car bomb suspect cooperates, but motive mystery
Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs, Weasel Zippers, Associated Press, Pajamas Media, Staten Island Advance and Michael J. Totten
Amanda Terkel / Think Progress:
JAG Lawyer Lindsey Graham: ‘I Want To Stop Reading These Guys Their Miranda Rights’
JAG Lawyer Lindsey Graham: ‘I Want To Stop Reading These Guys Their Miranda Rights’
Scott Shane / New York Times:
Security Lapses Let Bomb Suspect Board Plane
Security Lapses Let Bomb Suspect Board Plane
Washington Post, Newsweek Blogs, TPMMuckraker, Talking Points Memo, Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers, SWJ Blog, Main Justice, Gateway Pundit, The AfPak Channel, BBC, The Corner on National …, Gothamist, American Power, Los Angeles Times, Taylor Marsh, Jules Crittenden, Telegraph, Prairie Weather, TalkLeft and New York Magazine

Obey won't seek reelection — In a major blow to Democrats, House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey announced that he will not seek reelection, saying he is “ready to turn the page” after a four-decade House career. — The Wisconsin Democrat faces tough poll numbers at home …
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Here's how Joe Lieberman's citizenship-stripping bill would work — By now you've heard that Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) is proposing a new law that could potentially strip Americans of their citizenship if they're involved with foreign terrorist organizations.
Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Hill, Wonkette, The Political Carnival, TalkLeft, Weekly Standard and No More Mister Nice Blog
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Schumer comes out against Lieberman's citizenship-stripping plan — Okay, it turns out that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) is not supporting Connecticut independent Sen. Joe Lieberman's new proposal to strip the citizenship of those who are involved with terror groups.
Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish:
The McCain-Lieberman Madness — This is what now consists of sanity on the right:
The McCain-Lieberman Madness — This is what now consists of sanity on the right:
The Atlantic Online, Gothamist, New York Times, Washington Monthly, and Washington Post
Washington Post Co. to Sell Newsweek — Chairman Donald E. Graham cites multi-year losses. ‘We are exploring all options to fix that problem,’ he said. — Newsweek Web Exclusive — The Washington Post Co. announced today that it has retained Allen & Company to explore the possible sale of NEWSWEEK magazine.
Trey Kerby / Yahoo! Sports:
Suns to wear ‘Los Suns’ uniforms to honor Phoenix's Latino community — In general, people in the sports world keep their political leanings to themselves. Sure, there are a few guys who regularly speak out on political issues, but for the most part that's considered bad business.
Political Punch, Hot Air, Newsweek Blogs,, Gothamist, Obsidian Wings, Michelle Malkin, DaTechguy's Blog, Matthew Yglesias and Shakesville

BP Says One Oil Leak of Three Is Shut Off — BATON ROUGE, La. — For the first time in several days, cleanup crews were able to conduct a controlled burn in two of the most concentrated areas of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as a powerful device designed to capture the leaking oil was on its way to the site.
Heidi Avery / White Blog Feed:
The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill
The Ongoing Administration-Wide Response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill
Political Punch, Washington Post, The Politico, Gawker, Mediaite, New York Times, The Caucus, Federal Eye, Grist and Washington Wire
Robert F. Kennedy Jr / The Huffington Post:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Sex, Lies and Oil Spills
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Sex, Lies and Oil Spills
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Thune: Corker breaks ranks because he ‘understands’ issues — In either a garbled thought or one of the great, classic gaffes, John Thune suggests that his colleague Bob Corker breaks from the party line a lot because he actually thinks about policy: — “I think he's a guy who's willing …

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash — While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they've taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.
Discussion:, NO QUARTER, NewsReal Blog, Swampland, theblogprof, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, The Foundry, Doug Ross, Discovery News, The Daily Caller and New York Magazine
Radley Balko / Hit & Run:
Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family — In February, I wrote the following about a drug raid in Missouri: … Now there's video, which you can watch below. It's horrifying, but I'd urge you to watch it, and to send it to the drug warriors in your life.
The Daily Dish, Obsidian Wings, The Daily Caller, The American Scene, Cato @ Liberty, Balloon Juice, Mother Jones and Poli-Tea
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Reid: GOP is ‘making love to Wall Street’ — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) accused Republicans Wednesday of “making love to Wall Street.” — Reid charged that Republicans are stalling action on a Wall Street reform bill because “they are having difficulty determining how they're …
Silla Brush / The Hill:
Wyden, Grassley want end to secret holds as part of Wall Street reform bill
Wyden, Grassley want end to secret holds as part of Wall Street reform bill
CNN, The Politico, Reuters, The Note, Open Left, Mother Jones, The Hill, TPMDC and Think Progress
Reid Wilson / Hotline On Call:
Dem Turnout Falls Off A Cliff — Turnout among Dem voters dropped precipitously in 3 statewide primaries on Tuesday, giving the party more evidence that their voters lack enthusiasm ahead of midterm elections. — In primaries in NC, IN and OH, Dems turned out at far lower rates than they have in previous comparable elections.
Amy Schatz / Wall Street Journal:
New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet — WASHINGTON—In a move that will stoke a battle over the future of the Internet, the federal government plans to propose regulating broadband lines under decades-old rules designed for traditional phone networks. — The decision, by Federal Communications …

Was It Really a Bubble? — Casey B. Mulligan is an economics professor at the University of Chicago. — Adjusted for inflation, residential property values were still higher at the end of 2009 than 10 years ago. This fact raises the possibility that at least part of the housing boom …
George Stephanopoulos / George's Bottom Line:
Ahmadinejad: Bin Laden Lives in DC — That strange claim was only one of the highlights of my feisty 30 minute talk with the Iranian president Tuesday morning at the Millennium Hotel across from the United Nations. — It didn't take long to get contentious, starting with my first question …
Weasel Zippers, Nice Deb, Mediaite, ABCNEWS,, New York Magazine and Swampland
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Fox refuses climate ad — Fox News last week refused to carry an advertisement from the liberal group VoteVets on the grounds that it was “too confusing,” a spokesman for the group said. — The ad, above, seeks to make the familiar case that climate legislation would have national security benefits …

Greece Is Paralyzed — ATHENS—A nationwide general strike paralyzed Greece on Wednesday as protests against the government's recently announced austerity measures turned violent, with an apparent firebomb attack on a central Athens bank killing three people.
The Atlantic Online, BBC, Clusterstock, Doug Ross, New York Times, Maggie's Farm and New York Magazine