Top Items:

The Most Dishonest Convention Speech ... Ever? — You're going to read and hear a lot about Paul Ryan's speech on Wednesday night. And I imagine most of it will be about how Ryan's speech played—with the party loyalists in Tampa, with the television viewers across the country …

Paul Ryan's speech in 3 words — Aug. 29, 2012: Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan addresses the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.AP — At least a quarter of Americans still don't know who Paul Ryan is, and only about half who know and have an opinion of him view him favorably.

Paul Ryan's brazen lies — His Republican National Convention speech was stunning for its dishonesty — Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan accepts the nomination as he addresses delegates during the third session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 29, 2012.

Fact-checking the factcheckers on Ryan's speech — Seems like fact checkers need to do some fact checking of their own assumptions. Paul Ryan's speech last night included a reference to a GM plant in Janesville that closed, which Ryan used to criticize Barack Obama for failing to meet his campaign promises.
Washington Post, Wake up America, The Caucus, JustOneMinute, National Review, ABCNEWS, The Right Scoop and Twitchy
Guy Benson /
Obama Camp Melts Down Over Ryan's Speech — The Obama campaign is lashing out at Paul Ryan, claiming that his fantastic convention speech last night was packed with falsehoods and lies. Here's their hysterical response video: — To the surprise of no one, the ad's “rebuttals” are misleading and wrong themselves.
The Hill, Twitchy, Forbes, Ballot Box, Nice Deb, neo-neocon, The Greenroom, The Right Scoop and The Lonely Conservative
Brian Beutler / Talking Points Memo:
Top 5 Fibs In Paul Ryan's Convention Speech — Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan's headlining speech at the GOP convention in Tampa Wednesday night touched on many of the election's defining issues. But it was also filled with prevarications — not just recitations of the conventions …
Slate, National Review, Washington Examiner, The Huffington Post, Politico, The New Republic, The Caucus, The Impolitic, The Atlantic Online, The Daily Beast, Swampland, Daily Kos,*, The Hinterland Gazette, American Prospect, The Raw Story, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Firedoglake, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Suburban Guerrilla and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Washington Post:
Mr. Ryan's misleading speech — “YOU ARE ENTITLED to the clearest possible choice because the time for choosing is drawing near,” vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan told the Republican National Convention in Tampa in his hard-hitting acceptance speech Wednesday night.
Dylan Matthews / Washington Post:
The true, the false, and the misleading: grading Paul Ryan's convention speech. — Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan / Washington Post — It was Paul Ryan's big moment in Tampa tonight, and he sure didn't lack for passion. But do the claims he made hold up? Wonkblog went about sorting the true …
Washington Monthly, The American Conservative, New York Magazine, National Review, Gawker, Mediaite and Election 2012

Paul Ryan Is the Newest New Nixon, a Moocher Belied — SPENCER PLATT/GETTY (RYAN, SCOTT WALKER); MARK WILSON/GETTY (PROTESTOR, RICE); WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY (TELEPROMPTER, SKYBOX) — Clockwise from top left: A protestor held a sheet reading VAGINA — CAN'T SAY IT, DON'T LEGISTLATE …
No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice, Jammie Wearing Fools and Bark Bark Woof Woof
Washington Examiner:
FACT CHECK: Obama promised and failed to keep Janesville GM plant open
FACT CHECK: Obama promised and failed to keep Janesville GM plant open
Talking Points Memo, Weasel Zippers, Washington Free Beacon and Red Alert Politics
James Downie / Washington Post:
Paul Ryan's breathtakingly dishonest speech
Paul Ryan's breathtakingly dishonest speech
Discussion:, The Spectacle Blog, Business Insider, Politico, Brad DeLong and Rumproast
Ed Kilgore / Washington Monthly:
The Two Paul Ryans — To hear the conservative chatter this morning …
The Two Paul Ryans — To hear the conservative chatter this morning …
Hit & Run, National Review and Spectator

Paul Ryan's Large Lies and One Big Truth
American Prospect, The Daily Dish, Talking Points Memo and The Moderate Voice
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Great Moments in CNN Euphemisms
Great Moments in CNN Euphemisms
Mediaite, Guardian, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Gawker and ECHIDNE of the snakes
Andrew Kaczynski / BuzzFeed:
Barack Obama Thrice Mentioned Janesville GM Plant In 2008
Barack Obama Thrice Mentioned Janesville GM Plant In 2008
protein wisdom
Paul Ryan / CNN:
Romney campaign defends Ryan's speech
Shikha Dalmia / Hit & Run:
Ryan's Fact-Challenged Fact Checkers
Ryan's Fact-Challenged Fact Checkers
Wizbang and Red Alert Politics
CNN Fact Check: Did Ryan get Obama's GM speech right?
CNN Fact Check: Did Ryan get Obama's GM speech right?
Associated Press, USA Today, Mediaite, The Raw Story, New Orleans Times-Picayune and The Huffington Post
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
On That Janesville Plant, Ryan's Not Lyin'
On That Janesville Plant, Ryan's Not Lyin'
Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, News Desk,, GayPatriot and Pundit & Pundette
Washington Post:
As Republican convention emphasizes diversity, racial incidents intrude — TAMPA — From the convention stage here, the Republican Party has tried to highlight its diversity, giving prime speaking slots to Latinos and blacks who have emphasized their party's economic appeal to all Americans.
Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather, Politics Beat Blog … and Mother Jones

Major Republican Speakers Avoid Two Words: “Tea Party”
Outside the Beltway, Hot Air and Slate
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Still a toss up in Missouri — PPP's newest poll of the Missouri Senate race finds that Todd Akin is weathering the storm and the contest remains a toss up. Claire McCaskill leads 45-44, just a small change from our poll last week which found Akin ahead by a 44-43 margin.
The Hill, Politico, Hot Air, Washington Wire and Ballot Box
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Aug. 29: So Much Depends Upon Ohio — Polls that are published during the party conventions can be anticlimactic, representing old news since they won't fully reflect the effects of the convention bounce. And none of the surveys that came out on Wednesday were that newsworthy to begin with …
The Agonist, Outside the Beltway and Lawyers, Guns & Money
Rick Hasen / Election Law Blog:
Breaking News: Federal Court Holds Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act [Now Updated with Analysis] — You can read the unanimous 56-page opinion by Judge Tatel at this link. — The court has put in a scheduling order to address at a later date whether section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional.
New York Times, Outside the Beltway, emptywheel and Mother Jones
Pete Yost / Associated Press:
Federal court rejects new Texas voter photo ID law
Federal court rejects new Texas voter photo ID law

Okay, That's the Stupidest Thing I Ever Heard — I like Chuck Todd. He's one of the more knowledgable and sensible people in political journalism. But this has to rank as one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone say. From this morning on Morning Joe, Todd explains that Democrats wish …
Crooks and Liars, Mediaite and The Raw Story

What He Knows Now: Obama on Popularity, Partisanship and Getting Things Done in Washington — White House correspondent Michael Scherer spoke with President Obama aboard Air Force One on Aug. 21 for the new issue of TIME, now available online to subscribers.
Politico, CNN, Hullabaloo, ABCNEWS, The Hill and The PJ Tatler

Close Friend of Romney: Clint Eastwood Is Thursday's ‘Mystery Speaker’ — A close friend of Mitt and Ann Romney confirmed to Whispers Wednesday night that Clint Eastwood is indeed Thursday's mystery speaker at the Republican National Convention. — “It's him,” said Paul Gilbert …
Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Salt Lake Tribune, The Daily Caller, Riehl World News and The PJ Tatler
Alexander Burns / Politico:
Mystery speaker's existence, identity still a mystery
Mystery speaker's existence, identity still a mystery
CNN and Outside the Beltway

Condoleezza Rice Has a Lot of Nerve — The former secretary of state presided over a failure. She has no business lecturing Obama on international politics. — To watch Condoleezza Rice, the face of George W. Bush's foreign policy, stand before a convention of cheering Republicans …
Fox News, AEIdeas, The Atlantic Online and The Daily Beast

Brooklyn primary candidate in N.Y. Assembly race says ‘negrohood’ mailer was just a ‘typo’ — Ben Akselrod calls the error on a flier sent to voters last week ‘inadvertent’ — Ben Akselrod is hoping to unseat Democratic Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz in the Sheepshead Bay district primary race.
Sheepshead Bites, New York Times, The Raw Story, The Hinterland Gazette, theGrio, New York Magazine and Politicker
Charlie Cook /
Tonight May Be More Important Than the Debates — My biggest complaint with many younger political journalists is their lack of appreciation for scale and context. Some seem to think that almost every event is huge and consequential, and will remain so until Election Day.
Boston Globe, Saint Petersblog, Outside the Beltway and The Agonist