Top Items:

Romney Offends the Pundits — Doesn't he know he's not supposed to debate foreign policy? — Tuesday's assaults on the U.S. Embassies in Benghazi and Cairo have injected foreign policy into the Presidential campaign, but suddenly the parsons of the press corps are offended by the debate.
ABCNEWS, Althouse, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Weekly Standard and Instapundit

The media lash out — The murders of US diplomats in Libya and the attempted storming of the US Embassy in Cairo took place 56 days before the election of America's next president. — Apparently, it is the view of much of the mainstream media and foreign-policy establishment that discussing …
Betsy's Page

Turmoil Spreads to U.S. Embassy in Yemen — SANA, Yemen — Turmoil in the Arab world linked to a contentious video denigrating the Prophet Muhammad spread on Thursday to Yemen, where hundreds of protesters stormed the United States Embassy, two days after assailants killed the American ambassador …
Reuters, Firedoglake, Washington Post, ABCNEWS, First Read, IHT Rendezvous, The Heritage Foundation, Mashable!, Gawker, Newsy, CNN, This Just In, Right Wing News, Scared Monkeys, New York Magazine, Salon, NO QUARTER, The Atlantic Wire, Jammie Wearing Fools, Outside the Beltway and Towleroad News #gay, more at Mediagazer »
Josh Rogin / Foreign Policy:
Inside the public relations disaster at the Cairo embassy — One staffer at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was responsible for the statement and tweets Tuesday that have become grist for the presidential campaign, and that staffer ignored explicit State Department instructions not to issue the statement …
Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, The Maddow Blog, Washington Post, The Spectacle Blog, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway,, GILL REPORT, The Hinterland Gazette, Election 2012, rubber hose, Washington Wire,, Talking Points Memo, The Atlantic Online and New York Magazine

A Challenger's Criticism Is Furiously Returned — WASHINGTON — The deadly attack on an American diplomatic post in Libya propelled foreign policy into the forefront of an otherwise inward-looking presidential campaign on Wednesday and presented an unexpected test not only to the incumbent …
The Atlantic Online, American Prospect, You Feed My Soul …, New York Magazine, Talking Points Memo, Politico, Daily Kos,, IHT Rendezvous, The Maddow Blog, Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, The Caucus, BuzzFeed, ABCNEWS, CNN, Hot Air, and Washington Post, more at Mediagazer »
Gail Collins / New York Times:
Mitt's Major Meltdown — Mitt Romney broke our deal. — Perhaps he didn't know he'd made it, although, really, I thought it was pretty clear. — He could do anything he wanted during this campaign as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to be truly crazy.
Balloon Juice and The Hinterland Gazette

Mitt Romney won't stop attacking — Mitt Romney must have ignored his fortune cookie: “When reaching for shiny object, make sure you are not standing on cliff.” — Recently, the Romney campaign dismissed foreign policy as a “shiny object,” a trifle, a mere bagatelle.
CNN, Reuters, Swampland and Booman Tribune
Associated Press:
FACT CHECK: Romney Misstates Facts On Attacks — WASHINGTON (AP) — The gunfire at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, had barely ceased when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney seriously mischaracterized what had happened in a statement accusing President Barack Obama of …
Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, US Politics, Connecting.the.Dots, Rush Limbaugh and Politico
Philip Klein / Washington Examiner:
How the media turned Obama's foreign policy bungle into a Romney gaffe … We're still learning more details about the events leading up to and surrounding the attacks by Islamic radicals on the U.S. consulate in Libya and embassy in Egypt, but the media has already agreed on one thing: Mitt Romney is the political loser.
Washington Monthly, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Riehl World News and Conservatives4Palin

Protesters storm US Embassy in Yemen — Associated Press/Hussein Tallal - A vehicle burns during clashes outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, early Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012, as part of widespread anger across the Muslim world about a film ridiculing ...more
Taylor Marsh,, Shakesville and Jihad Watch
Washington Examiner:
The second 9/11 illustrates futility of groveling for peace — Forgive President Obama if he seemed a bit shell-shocked during his brief statement Wednesday on the murderous attack against an American consulate in Libya. In June 2009, he had grand plans for harmony between East and West.
Liz Cheney / Wall Street Journal:
Cairo, Benghazi and Obama Foreign Policy
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Sen. Inhofe: Embassy attacks a result of Obama's ‘policy of appeasement’
Sen. Inhofe: Embassy attacks a result of Obama's ‘policy of appeasement’
Jammie Wearing Fools
Erick Erickson / RedState:
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday
GOP 12, Slate, First Read, The American Conservative, The Atlantic Online, Balloon Juice and BREITBART.COM
John Aravosis / US Politics:
Romney gets capital of Libya wrong in press conf criticizing Obama on foreign policy
Romney gets capital of Libya wrong in press conf criticizing Obama on foreign policy
Mediaite, PoliticusUSA, The Political Carnival, DownWithTyranny! and The Stranger …
Yemen protesters storm US embassy - live coverage
Yemen protesters storm US embassy - live coverage
New Yorker, Melanie Phillips, CNN, The PJ Tatler, Balloon Juice and This Just In, more at Mediagazer »
New York Times:
Murder in Benghazi — Libya and its pro-democracy revolution …
Murder in Benghazi — Libya and its pro-democracy revolution …
The Caucus, USA Today and You Feed My Soul …
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Who's to blame for the original Cairo apology?
Who's to blame for the original Cairo apology?
Mediaite, Datechguy's Blog, You Feed My Soul … and Power Line
Walter Russell Mead / Via Meadia:
The Day The Roof Fell In — Sometimes trouble blows up out of a clear blue sky.
The Day The Roof Fell In — Sometimes trouble blows up out of a clear blue sky.
naked capitalism, Power Line, No More Mister Nice Blog and CNSNews

California man confirms role in anti-Islam film — LOS ANGELES (AP) — The search for those behind the provocative, anti-Muslim film implicated in violent protests in Egypt and Libya led Wednesday to a California Coptic Christian convicted of financial crimes who acknowledged his role …

Ambassador Stevens killed at site with no Marines — The consulate where the American ambassador to Libya was killed on Tuesday is an “interim facility” not protected by the contingent of Marines that safeguards embassies, POLITICO has learned. — Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed …
Washington Examiner, CNN, New York Magazine, The Right Scoop, Telegraph, Outside the Beltway, Newsy, Wired, Conservatives4Palin and neo-neocon

Opposing view: Why Sam Bacile deserves arrest
Weasel Zippers, Michael J. Totten's blog and Overlawyered
Adrian Chen / Gawker:
‘It Makes Me Sick’: Actress in Muhammed Movie Says She Was Deceived, Had No Idea It Was About Islam
‘It Makes Me Sick’: Actress in Muhammed Movie Says She Was Deceived, Had No Idea It Was About Islam
BBC, Daily Mail, The Daily Beast, emptywheel, Poynter, Informed Comment, Wall Street Journal, BuzzFeed, The Week, Max Blumenthal, ECHIDNE of the snakes, Guardian, Associated Press, BuzzFeed, Mashable!, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, Reuters,, FP Passport, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hit & Run, New York Times, The latest episodes …, The Atlantic Online, Blazing Cat Fur, The Raw Story and The Agonist, more at Mediagazer »
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection
Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection
Politico, Foreign Policy, American Power and The BRAD BLOG

APNewsBreak: US Sen. Mitch McConnell hires tea party strategist to lead re-election campaign — FRANKFORT, Ky. — Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell reached into the upper echelons of the tea party movement for a campaign manager to head his bid for re-election to a sixth term.
AEIdeas, Politico, Angry Black Lady Chronicles, Dependable Renegade and Hotline On Call

Benjamin Netanyahu vs. Barack Obama — President Barack Obama's national security team had every reason to believe they'd be spared a Bibi eruption before Election Day. — Earlier this year, U.S. and Israeli officials had informally agreed to stop airing their well-documented disagreements …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and National Review

Time's Joe Klein: Netanyahu's Comments On White House Are ‘Outrageous And Disgusting’
Israel Matzav, The Gateway Pundit and CNN
Donald Rumsfeld / The Daily Dolt:
Donald Rumsfeld Asserts Embassy Attacks Due To “Perceived American Weakness”; Simple Google Search Once Again Helpful In Pointing Out Hypocrisy — Yesterday, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tweeted that Mitt Romney was right to say the tragic attacks on U.S. embassies on Tuesday were the result of perceived American weakness:
The Maddow Blog, CANNONFIRE and The Raw Story
Daniel Halper / Weekly Standard:
NYTimes Columnist Sent Article Draft to White House's Valerie Jarrett for Comments Before Publishing — The latest Bob Woodward books reveals that Peter Orszag, at the time a columnist for the New York Times, sent a draft of an article to White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett for review and comments before publishing.
Weasel Zippers

Bob Dylan Strikes Back at Critics — Addresses plagiarism charges for the first time in new Rolling Stone interview — Bob Dylan opens up like never before in the new issue of Rolling Stone, on newsstands Friday, September 14th. In the interview with Mikal Gilmore …
BBC, Booman Tribune, ArtsBeat, Gothamist and WJLA-TV

Obama: Romney shoots first, aims later — (CBS News) In response to Mitt Romney's criticism of the Obama administration for its handling of recent violence in Egypt and Libya, President Obama told CBS News on Wednesday that Romney “seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later.”

‘Saturday Night Live’ Parodies Presidential Campaign — “Saturday Night Live” returns this weekend to assume its prominent place in the late-night satirical commentariat leading up to another presidential election, and Lorne Michaels has been giving a great deal of thought to who will play which politician this season.
Taylor Marsh, Splitsider, Politico, Hotline On Call, blogs, Gawker and Pressing Issues