Top Items:
Ian Swanson / The Hill:
Pawlenty to take over as Financial Services Roundtable CEO — Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will take over one of K Street's most prestigious jobs as CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable. — The group announced Thursday morning that the former GOP candidate for president …
Politico, Firedoglake, CNN, Washington Wire, GOP 12, Hotline On Call, Booman Tribune, The Impolitic, emptywheel, Business Insider, Washington Post and The Raw Story
Michael D. Shear / The Caucus:
Pawlenty Is Leaving Romney Campaign for Lobbying Post — Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, is resigning as a national co-chairman of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign to take a job in Washington as a top lobbyist for a group representing banks and financial companies.
The Atlantic Online, Cagle Post, The Maddow Blog and Washington Examiner
Dave Clarke / Politico:
Pawlenty to head bank lobbying group
Pawlenty to head bank lobbying group
Firedoglake, AEIdeas and Daily Kos

Source: Slain ambassador Stevens said he was on al Qaeda list — (CNN) — In the months leading up to his death, Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, worried about constant security threats in Benghazi and mentioned that his name was on an al Qaeda hit list, a source familiar with his thinking told CNN.
Fox News, Hit & Run, Taylor Marsh, Guardian, Michelle Malkin, Reuters, Weasel Zippers, Betsy's Page, The Rightnewz, Mediaite, ABA Journal Daily News and Hot Air
John Solomon / WashingtonGuardian:
Ex-Navy Seals weren't part of ambassador's security detail but rose to occasion, officials now confirm
Ex-Navy Seals weren't part of ambassador's security detail but rose to occasion, officials now confirm
Washington Post, CNN, The Daily Beast, National Review, The Gateway Pundit, Belmont Club and BREITBART.COM

Olivier Knox / Yahoo! News:
Libya attack was ‘terrorist’ strike, but not planned, says U.S. official
Libya attack was ‘terrorist’ strike, but not planned, says U.S. official
Firedoglake and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Washington Examiner:
The Obama you don't know — Few if any of his predecessors took the oath of office with higher public hopes for his success than President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009. — Millions of Americans hailed his election as an end to partisanship, a renewal of the spirit of compromise and a reinvigoration …
The Lonely Conservative and National Review
Jeff Dunetz / “The Lid”:
Report Blows HUGE Hole In Obama's Fake Biography — The Washington Examiner has investigated the narrative given to us by Barack Obama and the Democratic party and found it filled with lies. The truth is the president had a privileged up-bringing, went to the best schools throughout his life.
Discussion:, The Other McCain and The Rightnewz

Romney: ‘This is a campaign about the 100 percent’ — Updated at 8:02 a.m. ET: MIAMI — Mitt Romney said his campaign is about “100 percent” of Americans as his campaign continued to work to contain the fallout from controversial comments he made at a private fundraiser in May.
Crooks and Liars, USA Today, NBC Latino, The Reaction and Taylor Marsh

In rest of '98 clip, Obama speaks of ‘competition’ and ‘the marketplace’
Pema Levy / Talking Points Memo:
Obama Praised ‘Competition’ And ‘Innovation’ In 1998 Remarks
Obama Praised ‘Competition’ And ‘Innovation’ In 1998 Remarks
ABCNEWS, Blue Virginia, Media Decoder, Mediaite and Jack & Jill Politics, more at Mediagazer »
Jamelle Bouie / American Prospect:
Voter ID and Voter “Virtue” — If you want a sense of what motivates the politicans and activists who push for voter identification laws, look no further than this quote from Pennsylvania State Representative Darryl Metcalfe: … As always, it's worth noting the extent to which the “47%” …
Talking Points Memo and Washington Monthly

Romney rescue plan: More Mitt — BOSTON - More Mitt. — After taking a beating for comments he privately wishes he never made and from conservative critics he wishes he could muzzle, Mitt Romney and his campaign are settling on a rescue plan to show more of him - in ads, speeches and campaign appearances.
David Corn / Mother Jones:
Romney's Video-Debunking Claim Is...Debunked — This is getting ridiculous. — After Mother Jones posted video of Mitt Romney sharing remarks with millionaire donors that he would never express to voters—noting that nearly half of the American electorate are moochers and that Romney …
Jack Shafer, The Hill, Rumproast, The Daily Beast, Democracy in America, Shakesville, The Huffington Post, The Raw Story and New York Magazine

Republicans at risk of losing the House? — Conditions through August showed a 2% lead on the generic Congressional ballot for Democrats. As of September 20th, in the wake of the Democratic convention, the lead has widened to 4.0 +/- 2.0%. Although it has yet to be appreciated by pundits …
The American Conservative

Rethinking Robert Rubin — Bill Clinton has a favorite Robert Rubin story. It's 1999, and the Cabinet has gathered to discuss the business of the American people. Except no one can focus because the impeachment crisis is raging, and even the most veteran Washington power players are, for lack of a better term, freaking out.
Business Insider, The Future of Capitalism and DealBook

CAPTION THIS: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Wrote Something On Her Hand, Too. What is this, middle school? — UPDATE: Meanwhile, on the just-plain-creepy side: Actress Jessica Alba asks voters to pledge allegiance to Obama. I understand that actors are generally none-too-bright, and none-too-educated, but still. . . .
The Gateway Pundit, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller, Wake up America, Moe Lane and Althouse
Charlie Spiering / Washington Examiner:
Actress Jessica Alba asks voters to pledge allegiance to Obama
Actress Jessica Alba asks voters to pledge allegiance to Obama
The Gateway Pundit, Ed Driscoll, The PJ Tatler, Speak With Authority, Weasel Zippers and Jammie Wearing Fools

Guess who's trashing Obama campaign signs in Austin, Texas? — Texas may be a red state but the capital of Austin is Obama country. It's thus not unusual to see myriad Obama campaign signs in nice neighborhoods — displayed on one manicured front lawn after another.
The Jawa Report and KXAN-TV

O eyes ‘blind sheik’ release — The Obama administration is weighing the release of blind Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman — the spiritual adviser to the 1993 World Trade Center bombers — in a stunning goodwill gesture toward Egypt that has touched off a political firestorm, officials said yesterday.
Michelle Malkin, Washington Times,, The PJ Tatler, Nice Deb, Twitchy, Weasel Zippers, Moe Lane, Mediaite, Althouse and Jammie Wearing Fools

UMass/Herald poll: Scott Brown in slight lead vs. Warren — U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has moved into a narrow lead over rival Elizabeth Warren while his standing among Massachusetts voters has improved despite a year-long Democratic assault, a new UMass Lowell/Boston Herald poll shows.
Politico, Power Line, Weekly Standard, Daily Kos, ABCNEWS, Union-News, Ballot Box, Jammie Wearing Fools and Election 2012
Dave Matthews makes (and talks) history — (CNN) — Dave Matthews supported Barack Obama in the presidential race of 2008, and he's supporting him again in 2012 — but not without reservations. — The multi-platinum Grammy winner laments, “I wish there was a third party, but right now …
Politico, Weasel Zippers and Mediaite
Democratic Enthusiasm Swells in the Swing States, Nationally — Overall, 59% of swing-state voters now highly enthusiastic, up from 46% in June — PRINCETON, NJ — Voters in the 12 states USA Today and Gallup consider the key swing states that could decide the 2012 presidential election …
GOP 12, Washington Monthly, Hot Air,, Right Wing Nut House, Firedoglake, Jammie Wearing Fools and Business Insider
Vincent Miller / America Magazine:
Secret Ryan Transcript: Social Security and Medicare are the Target — This isn't from a secret video, it's from the untranscribed portion of Ryan's 2005 speech at the Atlas Society's “Celebration of Ayn Rand.” It fits well with the Romney video because it makes clear that middle class entitlements …
Washington Monthly, CANNONFIRE, The Mahablog, Daily Kos and Suburban Guerrilla

No One Left to Race Bait — Dave Weigel points out the difference between the covert racism of a young cagey Pat Buchanan in the days of the Southern strategy, and overt racism of the pariah Pat Buchanan banished to Fox News (emphasis added): … Calling the first black president a …
Brad DeLong and Business Insider
Associated Press:
Pakistan: new television ads with US Embassy seal condemn anti-Islam film and feature Obama — ISLAMABAD — Marked by the U.S. Embassy seal, advertisements condemning an anti-Islam video appeared on Pakistani television on Thursday in an apparent attempt to undercut anger against the United States, where the film was produced.
The PJ Tatler, Sister Toldjah and Wake up America

Obama's Lead Looks Stronger in Polls That Include Cellphones — As I observed on Tuesday, and as The New Republic's Nate Cohn also found, Barack Obama seems to have received a much clearer bounce in some types of polls than others. — Although there are exceptions on either side …
Mother Jones, The Fix, Daily Kos and Lawyers, Guns & Money
United States Department of Labor:
The Maddow Blog, Business Insider, Daily Kos and BizzyBlog

SHOCKING AUDIO: Paris Hilton Blasts Gays Who Have Sex With Strangers: ‘Most Of Them Probably Have AIDS’ — Paris Hilton has been caught on tape making homophobic and derogatory statements about gay men who have random sex with strangers even stating “most of them probably have AIDS.”
The Other McCain, UPROXX, ABCNEWS, Back2Stonewall, The Raw Story, Gawker and