Top Items:
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Obama's ‘60 Minutes’ wipeout — Once is a bad day, but twice in a row should worry Democrats. President Obama followed his gaffe-ridden Univision interview with an outing on Sunday on “60 Minutes” that is destined to wind up in a series of Mitt Romney ads.
Daniel Halper / Weekly Standard:
CBS Doesn't Air Obama Admitting Mistakes in Campaign Ads — Tonight, CBS aired a 60 Minutes interview with President Obama. But curiously enough, the news magazine show did not air a clip of Obama admitting to interviewer Steve Kroft that some of his campaign ads contain mistakes and that some even “go overboard.”
Politico, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Jammie Wearing Fools, Mediaite and Scared Monkeys

Deadly Attack in Libya Was Major Blow to C.I.A. Efforts — WASHINGTON — The attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans has dealt the Central Intelligence Agency a major setback in its intelligence-gathering efforts at a time of increasing instability in the North African nation.

Elizabeth Warren's law license problem — The debate last Thursday night between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren covered ground mostly known to voters. — But there was one subject most people watching probably did not know about, Elizabeth Warren's private legal representation …
Michael Patrick Leahy / BREITBART.COM:

Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To “F**k Off” And “Have A Good Life” — As the State Department's story about what happened in Benghazi crumbles, Clinton's personal spokesperson, Philippe Reines, loses his temper. “Have a good day. And by good day I mean F**k Off.” — Clinton and Reines in China in 2010.

President Obama pulls ahead of Mitt Romney — President Barack Obama has opened a national lead in a tight race that's been static for much of the year. — A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll of likely voters finds little good news for Mitt Romney but a race that remains competitive.
CNN, First Read, Forbes, AEIdeas, The Moderate Voice, Public Policy Polling,, American Prospect, Da Tech Guy's Blog, Hot Air, Althouse and Tampa Bay Times

GOP analysis: Mitt winning in middle — In early August, with our Republican analysis of the POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll, we wrote “... this election will remain close until the final weeks of the campaign. There will be ups and downs for both campaigns throughout …
Vodkapundit, Washington Examiner and The Lonely Conservative

Analysis: For Romney, some troubling signs among older voters — (Reuters) - Even before his running mate was booed by a lobbying group for older Americans on Friday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was losing support among such voters, whose backing is crucial to his hopes of winning the November 6 election.
Discussion:, Booman Tribune and Outside the Beltway

Ryan: 'We're going to beat him' — By Craig Gilbert of the Journal Sentinel
Talking Points Memo, Politico, New York Times, Washington Post, ABCNEWS, The Hill, Daily Kos, Mediaite and Election 2012
Andrew Dugan / Gallup:
Swing-State Voters Trust Obama More to Address Medicare
Swing-State Voters Trust Obama More to Address Medicare
Talking Points Memo, Politico, Time, The Hill and Balloon Juice

The Statistical State of the Presidential Race — With fewer than 45 days left in the presidential campaign, it's no longer a cliché to say that every week counts. And there are a few polling-related themes we'll be watching especially closely this week.
Discussion:, Taegan Goddard's …, A plain blog about politics, Joe. My. God. and Balloon Juice

President Obama: The Democrats' Ronald Reagan — With his first term behind him, Obama is poised to be as significant a president as Reagan—tackling the deficit, spearheading immigration reform, and jolting the GOP back to sanity. — As the fall has turned crisper, a second term for Barack Obama has gotten likelier.
Amanda Terkel / The Huffington Post:
Mitt Romney, On 60 Minutes, Cites Emergency Room As Health Care Option For Uninsured … REACT: — FOLLOW: — Mitt Romney, Video, Mitt Romney Health Care, Mitt Romney 60 Minutes, Mitt Romney Health Insurance, Mitt Romney Healthcare, Mitt Romney Uninsured, Romney 60 Minutes, Romneycare, Politics News

Romney's Advice To The Uninsured: Go To The ER
Washington Monthly
Rachel Weiner / Election 2012:
Romney: Uninsured have emergency rooms
Romney: Uninsured have emergency rooms
Washington Post and Hullabaloo
Thomas B. Edsall / Campaign Stops:
What's Wrong With Pennsylvania? — On June 30, 2011, an enthusiastic Mitt Romney arrived here in the heart of the Lehigh Valley determined to make Pennsylvania a presidential battleground state. — Standing before the closed Allentown Metal Works, Romney told reporters …
Washington Monthly, Mother Jones and Balloon Juice
John Sides / The Monkey Cage:
Puncturing Myths about the White Working Class
Puncturing Myths about the White Working Class
The Daily Beast, Public Religion Research … and Brad DeLong
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Romney campaign to change message — Mitt Romney's campaign on Monday said it would debut a new “change in message” that looked not just to criticize President Obama's record, but to paint a contrast for voters of the next four years. — “We are talking not only on the president's performance …
The Daily Beast, GOP 12 and Election 2012

Mitt Romney's transition efforts intensifying — Mitt Romney's campaign may be struggling, but his transition operation is moving full steam ahead. — The GOP presidential candidate's Washington team is intensifying its efforts, moving into official office space and holding meetings on Capitol Hill.
Washington Monthly
Mike Allen / Politico:
Sheldon Adelson: Inside the mind of the mega-donor
Sheldon Adelson: Inside the mind of the mega-donor
Washington Wire, Wall Street Journal, The Times of Israel and Election 2012
Paul Ryan: Cayman Islands “The Place You Hide Your Money” — Democrats often hit Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for having an offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands. In 2010, during a speech to the Chamber of Commerce, his running mate Paul Ryan called the Cayman Islands …
Guardian, Taylor Marsh and Daily Kos

Ad Age Picks the Top 10 Female Ad Icons of All Time — From the Morton Salt Umbrella Girl to Progressive's Flo, We Choose the Most Memorable Women of the Last 100 Years … Morton Salt Umbrella Girl — This venerable ad icon was originally an afterthought, one of three substitute ideas …
Shakesville and Althouse
Alexandra Jaffe / Ballot Box:
Tough new ad shows Sen. Brown going on offense in Mass. Senate race — Two new ads out from Sen. Scott Brown's (R-Mass.) campaign illustrate the contrasting two-part strategy the senator is launching as he remains behind in some polls just six weeks out from the election.
Noah Bierman / Boston Globe:
Scott Brown launches ad about Elizabeth Warren's Native American controversy
Scott Brown launches ad about Elizabeth Warren's Native American controversy
Crooks and Liars, Daily Kos, The Daily Caller, WBUR and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Mitt and the threat of abandonment — Romney might face the same indignity — abandonment — as the last Republican to challenge an incumbent, Bob Dole — On Sunday's “Meet the Press,” David Brooks and Joe Scarborough took turns criticizing Mitt Romney's messaging and strategy.
Washington Monthly,, Capital New York, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Politico

Mitt Romney pulls in $6 million at Beverly Hills fundraiser — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney arrives in Los Angeles during what is primarily a fundraising swing through California. (Charles Dharapak / Associated Press / September 22, 2012)
Wonkette, Little Green Footballs, Daily Kos and Taegan Goddard's …

Voting laws may disenfranchise 10 million Hispanic U.S. citizens: study — (Reuters) - New voting laws in 23 of the 50 states could keep more than 10 million Hispanic U.S. citizens from registering and voting, a new study said on Sunday, a number so large it could affect the outcome of the November 6 election.
The Moderate Voice, Addicting Info, The PJ Tatler and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
The Optimism Cure — Mitt Romney is optimistic about optimism. In fact, it's pretty much all he's got. And that fact should make you very pessimistic about his chances of leading an economic recovery. — As many people have noticed, Mr. Romney's five-point “economic plan” is very nearly substance-free.
Washington Monthly, Guardian, Hullabaloo, Daily Kos and Prairie Weather

Romney's Latest Myth: Obama Wants To Force Workers Into Unions! — During a Sunday evening conference call with a group of Iowans, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney warned voters that President Obama wants to force everyone into organized unions.
Firedoglake and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Transcript: Mitt Romney Talks to ABC News About Obama Foreign Policy, Campaign Reset — Image credit: AP Photo/Charles Dharapak — ABC News conducted a short interview with Mitt Romney today in Denver, Colorado. She asked him about his criticism of the President Obama on foreign policy …
ABCNEWS and Election 2012